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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


He chose to stay in Kiev and be a leader to his people until the probable bitter end. He is the kind of person we read about in history books. Some of y'all are critical of his English, the way he is dressed, or some other unimportant fact, but you are ants in comparison to the size of this man. He is doing a phenomenal job as a leader in a time of crisis, and his motivation for doing so is obvious: his love for his people and his country. I don't care that he didn't wear a suit in Congress.


Every nation has the right to determine its own future and Ukraine has won that battle. Russia has lost the battle to capture the respect of every civilized nation in the world. There will be an out flowing of money, expertise, human talent, goodwill and everything else that helps sustain a modern country. Russia will be relegated to a backwater - it had the opportunity to take the high ground but will now be sent to the basement.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 爱同意不同意:World Chaos! I preferred the World Stability and American Prosperity of the previous POTUS! Like him or not, America was much better off! 川普漠视宪法,晚节不保,但是他在白宫那几年的确是天下太平: +2
    Taiwanese officials say that 39 Chinese military aircraft and three vessels traveled close to the island on Thursday morning as tensions escalate between the two countries.
    • 川普是商人, +1
      • 美国的百姓并没有受益。这也就是为什么FoxNews 上的百姓们,说他们是红脖子也好愚民也好,并没有被乌克兰总统的演说打动,唱反调的为多。 +1
        • 美国百姓再糟糕也可以跟着美国薅其他国家百姓的羊毛。 +1
        • 读一下这个评论

          He chose to stay in Kiev and be a leader to his people until the probable bitter end. He is the kind of person we read about in history books. Some of y'all are critical of his English, the way he is dressed, or some other unimportant fact, but you are ants in comparison to the size of this man. He is doing a phenomenal job as a leader in a time of crisis, and his motivation for doing so is obvious: his love for his people and his country. I don't care that he didn't wear a suit in Congress.


          Every nation has the right to determine its own future and Ukraine has won that battle. Russia has lost the battle to capture the respect of every civilized nation in the world. There will be an out flowing of money, expertise, human talent, goodwill and everything else that helps sustain a modern country. Russia will be relegated to a backwater - it had the opportunity to take the high ground but will now be sent to the basement.

    • 爱同意不同意,一个藐视法律、一直撒谎的骗子,再被吹也只是个渣滓 +1
      • 晚节不保的川普, 至少现在看来, 比克林顿,奥巴马和拜登这样的民主党大佬们干净多了。 +6
        • 小柯是正真的美国总统 其他几位差那么一点意思
        • 啥节啊。就是个无耻的骗子,靠网红那套方法混成总统。比最近几届任何总统都肮脏,属于明着往自己兜里捞钱还不上税的那种。偷税漏税加偷机密文件,俄罗斯的爱宠
    • 爱同意不同意:大大漠视宪法,也会晚节不保,但是他在中南海的十年里的确是天下太平。 +2
    • 嗯,还是大选作弊尊重宪法哦 +2