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As a Canadian tax filer, do charitable donations reduce your taxable income? Get the facts on charitable tax credits in this guide.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 我们的好总统:paid very little federal income tax in 2017 – just $750 – and nothing in 2020. +3
    • Does the report mention that President Trump donated all his salary every year? +7
      • Of course. “The JCT report also raises questions about the accuracy of some huge charitable deductions Trump claimed on several of Trump’s tax returns. “ +1
        • What questions? Are they challenging the performance of IRS? Why not use the word donation? +1

          Conclusion: fake news
          • Donation is not a word used on the forms +1
            • I know Canadian tax forms DO use the word donation. How different USA can be? 🤔 +3
          • Here you go.

            There are lots of questions about Trump’s charitable giving—and many other deductions and declarations on his returns. Trump claimed millions of dollars in deductions for charitable giving—contributions that seem to have included both regular donations and deductions for conservation easements related to property he owned in New York state (that is, promises to not develop the land and preserve it as open space). In the report, the committee cited numerous aspects of Trump’s tax returns that should have been audited and repeatedly referred to his charitable donations and the lack of “substantiation” for them. The committee had a similar concern for other key portions of the returns involving deductions and the declaration of expenses: “There was little or no indication in the audit files that many of the numbers on the returns were flagged by the IRS for substantiation even when no supporting documents were provided for the return.” Or, put another way, the IRS simply took Trump’s word for it on most of the numbers he provided them.

      • 法庭挑战国家制定的税法,最后打脸的是民主党 +1
      • Trump did not donate his salary every year. He lied to you and unfortunately you believed in his words.

        "The returns also address one of the mysteries about Trump's last year in office: whether he gave away his presidential salary for all four years as he’d pledged to do. For 2020 at least, the answer appears to be no."


    • 没有老家交的税多
      • 有钱人都这样,川普全家亲盆好友打高尔夫都算进商业成本,中产才是真正被宰羔羊,资本主义社会的癌症 +2
        • 有钱人做得这么狠,还想去当总统的,没几个。串儿扑是不仅捞钱,还不要脸 +1
          • 直接说china virus的,也是没几个。
    • CNN 就是fake news的三个代表,trump当总统时$1年薪,按规定总统资产应该转给其他人。不过这些对我们都不重要,好的policy最重要,不比满嘴仁义道德的那位行尸走肉强,见个女人和女孩摸闻不停,儿子黄赌毒女人一个不少,给他爹捞多少钱 +22
      • 一元年薪,和捐献工资,不可能同时成立,除非捐献工资是指这一块钱工资。 +1
        • 捐献了工资后,只拿1元年薪,这还假装不理解? +6
          • 那他的工资还是总统的工资啊,只不过捐出去了而已。你要是把这月工资花光了,可以说自己这月零工资吗? +1
            • 你把你的月工资都捐献了,而不是花完了,相信绝大多数人都可以认同你这个月拿了零工资。如果你一定要把捐献等同于花钱,那么你提供下其它能抵收入税的花费方式。 +7
        • 在加拿大,就算吧工资全捐了也只能拿回最高33%的稅,工资高的还是要自掏腰包上税,而如果只拿一块钱,名义上把工资都捐了则不用交税,所以拿高工资捐钱,和拿低工资名义上捐钱是不一样的,我猜这是川普选择后者的原因。
          • I feel it doesn't work the way as you said. +1
            • please enlighten me.
              • Charity donation reduces the amount of taxable income. +2
                • it doesn’t reduce your income directly like expenses, however it allows you to earn tax credit +1
                  • 赞专业……这是常识吧?
                    • 我也刚刚发现如果老川真的只拿一元工资他可以省很多税并且赚个好名声😅
                      • Why no other politicians do so? +3
                        • 别的没那么无耻 +1
                        • 老川比较缺钱?
                          • OMG. Do some maths please. +2
            • This
              As a Canadian tax filer, do charitable donations reduce your taxable income? Get the facts on charitable tax credits in this guide.
              • Thanks for the clarification!🙏
                • 你被他误导了还谢他?他贴的是加拿大的,美国不一样的,捐款直接减收入的。 +2
            • 报过美国税的人都知道,捐款是直接从收入里减去的,跟加拿大不一样。 +4
    • IRS找他麻烦了吗?违反税务法了吗? +5
      • 希望他的前总统身份,不能让他躲过法律的制裁
    • 这帖子标题,也跟fake news差不多。 +13
      • 应该是前好总统 +2
    • 他就是个骗子。骗政府骗老百姓 +1
      • 骗不骗跟你也没有关系,美国人决定 +7
        • 这个逻辑下来,我骂不骂他骗子,和你也没关系。当然美国人已经把他赶下台了 +3
          • 你不是美国人,当然跟你没关系 +5
            • 我骂不骂他,当然和你没关系