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Change in the principal applicant

A change in principal applicant for a family class sponsorship can only occur in a sponsorship application for a parent or grandparent and their dependent spouse or common law partner. If the principal applicant passes away during processing of the application, an officer is authorized to process the surviving spouse or partner as the principal applicant. To qualify, that person must be a family class member in their own right, i.e. also be the sponsor’s parent or grandparent.

When the surviving spouse or partner is a step-parent or step-grandparent of the sponsor, a processing office may examine the circumstances to determine if granting an exemption from membership in the family class is justified on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

If there is a change in the principal applicant, CPC-M contacts the sponsor to request an updated IMM 1344 (PDF, 589 KB) and IMM 0008 (PDF, 553 KB). No additional fees are required. With the submission of the new application for permanent residence, the lock-in date for determining eligibility of any dependent children remains the date on which IRCC received the original complete sponsorship application package.

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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 请教万能的Rolia,担保父母移民,签证拿到后,登陆前主申请人不幸过世,副申请该怎么办? +2
    • 如果主申请人不登陆则副申请人不能登陆,必须联系移民局尽快更换副申请人签证。 +2
    • 担保父母没有主副吧?也可能是记不清了。anyway, 2012年的经验,情形稍有不同。记得当时把死亡证明发给大使馆,通知他们一方去世了,另一方很快拿到移民纸,顺利登陆。 +2
      • 当然有主副申请啦。绝大部分家长都是一起登陆的。 +5
    • 以几年前给我父母移民的时候在这坛子里阅读到的,我的理解是需要重新申请。一开始就应该以比较年轻身体更加健康的父母中的一位作为主申请人提交申请。 +3

      Change in the principal applicant

      A change in principal applicant for a family class sponsorship can only occur in a sponsorship application for a parent or grandparent and their dependent spouse or common law partner. If the principal applicant passes away during processing of the application, an officer is authorized to process the surviving spouse or partner as the principal applicant. To qualify, that person must be a family class member in their own right, i.e. also be the sponsor’s parent or grandparent.

      When the surviving spouse or partner is a step-parent or step-grandparent of the sponsor, a processing office may examine the circumstances to determine if granting an exemption from membership in the family class is justified on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

      If there is a change in the principal applicant, CPC-M contacts the sponsor to request an updated IMM 1344 (PDF, 589 KB) and IMM 0008 (PDF, 553 KB). No additional fees are required. With the submission of the new application for permanent residence, the lock-in date for determining eligibility of any dependent children remains the date on which IRCC received the original complete sponsorship application package.

      • 我们也是这样想的,但是天有不测风云,新冠防不胜防啊。
        • 难道你父亲是最近新冠的原因突然死亡的?当初应该早日登陆。去多找找你们的MP吧。别怕麻烦,烦到他不行你再放弃。 +1
        • 有签证是不是可以拿着公证过的主申请人的死亡证明先入境,同时再等换名字的手续?你得问问移民律师,估计他们知道的多一些。。 +1
          • 问了几个移民律师,居然说不知道这种情况怎么处理 +2
    • 谢谢大家, +3
      • 主申请在得到签证以后,登陆以前去世并不是新冠以后才有的。我10多年前在这里组织大家并收集信息的时候就有看到过好几例。有人在申请过程中父母一方就病危或者已经知道时日不多的,他们赶紧通知了移民局去suspend,时间是被推后了很久,但是最后换成功了。 +1
        • 是的,已经联系MP了,他们在帮忙问。谢谢提醒! +1
    • 给大家更新一下,移民局通知让重新递交0008E申请表和1344担保表,递交后第二天就直接跳过担保资格进入申请人审核阶段了。也就是原来副申请人换为主申请人重新开了一个case。 +1
      • 这样解决的不错,恭喜!
      • 恭喜!
      • 谢谢!