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Wiki上的数字, 2015年到2019年政府出钱引进的难民增长了6400人不到。





Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 在一个群里,有时聊到社会政治,当有人说在土豆的领导下,加拿大世风日下,和10年前的哈伯时代对比,枪击,入门抢劫,无端袭击社会治安出了很多问题。有个她一直为土豆的强有力辩解的理由是:没有自由党,你们能移民来加拿大吗? +10
    • 加拿大是一个移民国家。每年可以消化的新移民也就20万,现在搞到50W一年,加上经济越来越差,物价上涨很严重,新移民过来只能在困难的生活上撒把盐。这是一个脑残的移民政策。 +10
    • 数据并不支持你的结论
      • 多伦多治安越来越差是事实吧!基本每天枪击,抢车等。我20年前移民到多伦多晚上去上课坐ttc和Sunway,到家都快12点了,还得步行10分钟左右,现在根本不敢那么晚在外面走吧?!当时只是听说Jane and finch比较乱,现在到处都不安全不是吗?! +4
        • 20年前,我半夜2点和女同学在街上闲逛都不害怕。20年前走在街上,老外会微笑着和我打招呼。现在走在街上,谁理谁呀。20年前路边草地上没垃圾,现在路边报纸,矿泉水瓶,咖啡杯,可乐罐,要啥有啥。 +7
        • 我20几年前来加拿大时候,附近的银行被抢两次,一华人在超市被流弹打死,你现在敢不敢和治安实际情况没什么关系,可能是年龄大了更重视安全,实际上加拿大整体的严重罪案比例都在下降
        • 多伦多几乎每年都被评为世界上最适合居住的城市的前几名是事实吧?
        • York Region偷车比五年前多不少,图见内 +2



    • 没有XX党,就没有XX国。。。 +1
    • 当然可以!吸纳移民是加拿大的国策,跟哪个党没关系。作为技术移民,保守党似乎更欢迎我们;但是在自由党政策下,拥有技术和生产力的人群竞争不过政治正确的群体。 +7
      • 保守党停止技术移民,放开投资移民是一大败笔,这些投资移民拿走的福利比最低工资的工人还多 +1
        • 保守党什么时候“停止技术移民”了?造谣不好👎倒是小土豆无休止扩大难民移民,真的是冲淡了技术移民百分比 +6
          • 无休止的扩大难民,有每年的数据分享一下么?
            • Canada Refugee Statistics 1960-2023,哈珀在位时候,难民只多不少,楼上啥也不懂就会胡扯 +1
              Refugees are people who are recognized as refugees under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees or its 1967 Protocol, the 1969 Organization of African Unity Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, people recognized as refugees in accordance with the UNHCR statute, people granted refugee-like humanitarian status, and people provided temporary protection. Asylum seekers--people who have applied for asylum or refugee status and who have not yet received a decision or who are registered as asylum seekers--are excluded. Palestinian refugees are people (and their descendants) whose residence was Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948 and who lost their homes and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict. Country of asylum is the country where an asylum claim was filed and granted.
              • 这数字对么,是所有这些年总数的增长吧? 这些年每年10几万难民?前几年一共也只有30多万移民。一半以上难民?这些事被联合国认定是难民的人数吧?2021年移民有780万???
                International migrant stock is the number of people born in a country other than that in which they live. It also includes refugees. The data used to estimate the international migrant stock at a particular time are obtained mainly from population censuses. The estimates are derived from the data on foreign-born population--people who have residence in one country but were born in another country. When data on the foreign-born population are not available, data on foreign population--that is, people who are citizens of a country other than the country in which they reside--are used as estimates. After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 people living in one of the newly independent countries who were born in another were classified as international migrants. Estimates of migrant stock in the newly independent states from 1990 on are based on the 1989 census of the Soviet Union. For countries with information on the international migrant stock for at least two points in time, interpolation or extrapolation was used to estimate the international migrant stock on July 1 of the reference years. For countries with only one observation, estimates for the reference years were derived using rates of change in the migrant stock in the years preceding or following the single observation available. A model was used to estimate migrants for countries that had no data.
            • 我的天~肉联每次为“引进难民”吵架不都是因为土豆跟头把式提高“人数/年”?原来是鸡同鸭讲了 +1
              • 没有数据,你扯什么淡,脑袋一拍吗?
                • 先喂你一口数据⬇️ +1


                  • 我喂你的数据你消化了没有?我起码还有个来源有详细说明,你连SOURCE都没有,你编的吧?早就看懂你们这号人的技俩
                • Wiki上的数字, 2015年到2019年政府出钱引进的难民增长了6400人不到。
          • 你是真不知道还是假不知道啊,哈珀上台后修改技术移民条件,大陆技术移民基本停了,这肉联上大部分都是哈珀上台前移民的,而投资移民开始放开,别啥也不懂就说人家造谣,而实际上哈珀时期难民一点不少 +1
            • 你这完全是瞎说。harper停掉了投资移民,现在的投资移民都是省的program。中国人来少了是因为国内经济原因,harper并没有改变技术移民的标准 +1
              • 我刚来没多久由于911经济不好的缘故,技术移民的要求变更高,原本可以接受本科甚至某一些专科,最后变成得夫妻2个都是研究生才能申请成功。如果一个本科一个研究生,引文一定要很好。
    • 这个逻辑就是说只要我受益,就不能批评土豆,那如果土豆提拔我当官,我就更要唯命是从了?难道不是应该一码归一码,即便我在某个政策中受益,我也一样有权批评这个政策和其他政策吗?正确的逻辑是我受益并不等于这个政策就是对的,因为任何政策都有受益者。 +6