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Hi xxxxxx,

It’s been a year since the Freedom Convoy descended on Ottawa to protest nearly two years of Covid-19 restrictions.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government refused to meet with Convoy organizers, choosing instead to invoke the federal Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history to forcefully remove them.

Convoy critics say the government had no choice; the atmosphere was ripe for potential violence.

The organizers say otherwise, pointing to the peaceful undertones of the demonstration.

Who’s telling the truth?

This is what The Freedom Occupation seeks to find out.

Distributed by True North, this documentary from Emmanuel Productions seeks to expose the real story behind the Freedom Convoy.

The documentary premieres on Thursday February 16th at 8pm ET / 6pm MT on www.tnc.news!

The premiere will also include a panel discussion with myself, Andrew Lawton and Rupa Subramanya. We hope you can join us as we discuss the making of the documentary, the Convoy and what the future holds for the movement.

We want to ensure as many Canadians as possible see the documentary.

If you’re able, please consider making a donation today to help us market the documentary to Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

Thank you,

Rachel Emmanuel

Alberta Correspondent

Ps. If you haven’t seen the trailer for the documentary yet, check it out here!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 自由车队行动过去一年了,但参加自由车队受到的迫害远未结束:小土豆无视人民疾苦武力镇压加司法迫害在继续进行。卡车司机们仍然需要大家支持: +9

    Hi xxxxxx,

    It’s been a year since the Freedom Convoy descended on Ottawa to protest nearly two years of Covid-19 restrictions.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government refused to meet with Convoy organizers, choosing instead to invoke the federal Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history to forcefully remove them.

    Convoy critics say the government had no choice; the atmosphere was ripe for potential violence.

    The organizers say otherwise, pointing to the peaceful undertones of the demonstration.

    Who’s telling the truth?

    This is what The Freedom Occupation seeks to find out.

    Distributed by True North, this documentary from Emmanuel Productions seeks to expose the real story behind the Freedom Convoy.

    The documentary premieres on Thursday February 16th at 8pm ET / 6pm MT on www.tnc.news!

    The premiere will also include a panel discussion with myself, Andrew Lawton and Rupa Subramanya. We hope you can join us as we discuss the making of the documentary, the Convoy and what the future holds for the movement.

    We want to ensure as many Canadians as possible see the documentary.

    If you’re able, please consider making a donation today to help us market the documentary to Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

    Thank you,

    Rachel Emmanuel

    Alberta Correspondent

    Ps. If you haven’t seen the trailer for the documentary yet, check it out here!

    • 接着捐款,有钱能使鬼推磨 +4
      • 不要嫉妒别人收到捐款。当你为社会公义发声在前冲锋在前的时候你也会得到公众的捐款。 +2
        • 今天刚捐了100给North York医院,感谢他们优良的医疗服务 +2
          • 你既然自己也捐款,前面那句过份的话就不应该说 +2
    • Unite for freedom! 团结起来支持保守党,把土豆赶下台,这是对卡车司机最大的支持! +11
    • 谢谢信息!自由卡车是加拿大人民反暴政的最伟大草根运动,我们永远不会忘记! +6
    • 有多少沉默的大多数反对自由车队行动?如果有为因自由车队行动遭受损失的商家捐款,我一定参加。 +3
      • 哈哈哈,给你个链接你去捐吧,去年给卡车司机捐款的同时,也有人给所谓受影响的渥太华市民捐款,结果“一小撮人”的支持者前后捐了2千万,而你们这些“沉默大多数”只筹集到了两千三,一年过去了,我刚去看了一眼,终于涨到了两千九,不容易,就指望你了。 +5
        Ottawa and its citizens are in turmoil. Contribute here and help Otta… Cael Tompai needs your support for Support people of Ottawa. Trucker convoy go home!
        • 谁捐谁傻,钱是捐给City of ottwa的。
      • 当时的渥太华商家是热情支持卡车司机的。那几天旅馆餐馆咖啡馆生意都好得不得了。是小土豆的"紧急状态法"强行关闭了旅馆餐馆咖啡馆营业 +4
        • 土豆政府后来搞了个赔偿所谓受损的市中心商家的资金,号召商家去领,结果到现在都没几个商家去领的,还剩下不少,因为大家都以去领钱为耻,知道拿这个钱就等于诬陷司机。 +4
        • 最缺德的是,很多卡车司机顶不住警方的压力,要自行撤出渥太华,警方居然收到上方指令设置路障不许卡车离开,静等小土豆启动紧急状态,好把卡车司机围住狠狠地收拾。。FUCK TRUDEAU! 我日小土豆他十八辈子的祖宗! +6
          • 律师和警察都承认当时双方已达成协议,陆续把卡车搬到其他区域,但土豆突然阻止警察跟司机们的进一步合作,声称警察无力解决危机,需要紧急令。其实稍微多读一些正规资料而不是盲信主流媒体的人都知道发生了什么。 +2
    • 保守党应该出头