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194 countries are about to sign over their national sovereignty to the W.H.O. on February 27th in a new Pandemic Treaty.This would give the W.H.O. LEGAL AUTHORITY to declare a Pandemic and manage the response of every nation including lock-downs

194 countries are about to sign over their national sovereignty to the W.H.O. on February 27th in a new Pandemic Treaty.This would give the W.H.O. LEGAL AUTHORITY to declare a Pandemic and manage the response of every nation including lock-downs, mandatory vaccinations, 24/7 surveillance of the population, supply chains and much more.This is the greatest threat to humanity right now. It would be the end of the world & freedom as we know it.Please watch this video now & take IMMEDIATE ACTION! Thank you for being part of the INSPIRED Tribe & this family. We love that you are here…See you out there!Blessings,Kristin & Jean 以前看过另一个视频,从法律上讲了即使签了,还是没法生效,所以不用太担心.最终结果就是DEEP STATE自己暴露自己

BREAKING: US To Sign Over Sovereignty To W.H.O.
Read the amended draft for the new Pandemic Treaty👉🏽 https://apps.who.int/gb/wgihr/pdf_files/wgihr2/A_WGIHR2_7-en.pdfPREPARE NOW WITH EMERGENCY FOOD & SAVE...