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加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的前牧师凯文 · 安内特多年来一直在揭露教会和国家犯下的骇人听闻的重复罪行。他采访了一位非常勇敢的荷兰心理学家托斯,当时她讲述了自己童年时代在邪恶仪式和“精英”人类狩猎聚会上的经历,这些聚会包括欧洲皇室成员、教会成员等。

https://www.p fcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/64201.html


Because some of the most horrific and challenging truths will involve Human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse at the hands of the cult that has been running the world, we will continue to share important testimony because much of it may need to be told multiple times before the average person can accept it.


It is only natural to reject what is so foreign and repulsive to us that we don’t want it to be true. While it is true that these acts are not something Humans would do—what the masses don’t understand is that it isn’t the average Human doing it, and it’s a long, long story.


2023年3月12日你的周日文摘: 这一危险时刻的交战规则|星际飞船地球

The former Reverend Kevin Annett of British Columbia, Canada has been exposing the appalling and repeated Crimes of Church and State for many years. He interviewed a very brave Dutch psychologist named Toos when she stated her childhood experiences at satanic rituals and “elite” Human hunting parties involving European royals, members of the church, etc.

加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的前牧师凯文 · 安内特多年来一直在揭露教会和国家犯下的骇人听闻的重复罪行。他采访了一位非常勇敢的荷兰心理学家托斯,当时她讲述了自己童年时代在邪恶仪式和“精英”人类狩猎聚会上的经历,这些聚会包括欧洲皇室成员、教会成员等。

Her testimony is difficult to hear and difficult to believe for the Human psyche, but we are assured it is true as others have also come forward with the same or very similar stories which represents the reality of the lifestyle and proclivities of the monsters who have controlled us for a very long time. It is time to expose it, stop it, and deliver appropriate justice. 1 hr. 27 min.


full testimony here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQofKwEEdSw

视频注释: 警告非常恶心狗屎完整的证词在这里 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqofkweedsw
