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在美国海军服役21年的老兵和越战老兵揭露:数以百万计的儿童被活活剥皮,被吓死,为的是制造肾上腺素红色素(肾上腺素含量高的受折磨儿童的血液) ; 被用于恶魔般的仪式; 被强奸至死; 在他们活着的时候将他们的血液抽出,并进行实验。完全公布所有情况的话99% 人类神经受不了

https://www.p fcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/64367.html

Children are taken by the MILLIONS to be skinned alive and frightened to death in order to make adrenochrome which is the blood of tortured children with a high content of adrenaline; to be used in vomitus satanic rituals; raped until they’re dead; their blood transfused out of them while they are still alive and experimented on in ways that would send 99% of Humanity into mental Hospitals.

数以百万计的儿童被活活剥皮,被吓死,为的是制造肾上腺素红色素(肾上腺素含量高的受折磨儿童的血液) ; 被用于恶魔般的呕吐仪式; 被强奸至死; 在他们活着的时候将他们的血液输出,并进行实验,将99% 的人类送进精神病院。

Why are the children being Trafficked?


The # 1 most lucrative product on Earth for the deep state demons is adrenochrome — the blood of tortured children. And not just Earth but in the Galaxy as well.


Gene Decode recently reported that Human Beings are Trafficked by Millions per year in the Milky Way.


We are Trafficked for our Divine SOULS, blood, organs, as sex slaves, as food, as subjects for experimentation and all kinds of endless agonies.


But keep in mind, that when this war is finally won, Humanity will have its Sovereignty and Freedom FOREVERMORE. As in — ETERNALLY. As in — #SlavesNoMore.

但请记住,当这场战争最终胜利时,人类将永远拥有主权和自由。就像永远。就像... # 不再是奴隶。

Children are Trafficked by the satanic ‘elite’ as they call themselves but there’s nothing “elite” about them. They’re just your garden variety thugs, monsters, demons, mafia and criminals.


The list of Human Traffickers include the 13 bloodline families, the Vatican, Jesuits, Cardinals, Mother Teresa, various other Religions, Royals, Bidens, Clintons, Bushes, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Intelligence Agencies, MI5, MI6, Mossad, CIA, FBI, MS13, Banks, BlackRock, State Street, Facebook, Twitter, Social Media, Corporations, Schools, Militaries, Governments, Hospitals, Orphanages, Foster Care, etc.


Children are taken by the MILLIONS to be skinned alive and frightened to death in order to make adrenochrome which is the blood of tortured children with a high content of adrenaline; to be used in vomitus satanic rituals; raped until they’re dead; their blood transfused out of them while they are still alive and experimented on in ways that would send 99% of Humanity into mental Hospitals.

数以百万计的儿童被活活剥皮,被吓死,为的是制造肾上腺素红色素(肾上腺素含量高的受折磨儿童的血液) ; 被用于恶魔般的呕吐仪式; 被强奸至死; 在他们活着的时候将他们的血液输出,并进行实验,将99% 的人类送进精神病院。

As well, it was common practice for demons to hunt naked children in the Black Forest on the Rothschild estates, as well as many Royal estates around the globe, chalets, castles, cottages, hunting lodges, palaces, etc. for “sport.”


Those that hunted children included King Charles 3, Dick Cheney and Walter Cronkite. Once the children were “captured” they were eaten alive.

那些猎杀儿童的人包括国王查尔斯三世、迪克 · 切尼和沃尔特 · 克朗凯特。一旦孩子们被“俘虏”,他们就会被活活吃掉。

That is all I’m going to write about the monster’s crimes against children. There are many more.


It must also be said that EVERYTHING the demons have done to children, they have done to animals and worse, because the monsters experiment on BOTH human children and animals.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 在美国海军服役21年的老兵和越战老兵揭露:数以百万计的儿童被活活剥皮,被吓死,为的是制造肾上腺素红色素(肾上腺素含量高的受折磨儿童的血液) ; 被用于恶魔般的仪式; 被强奸至死; 在他们活着的时候将他们的血液抽出,并进行实验。完全公布所有情况的话99% 人类神经受不了 +2

    https://www.p fcchina.org/xinrenyuedu/64367.html

    Children are taken by the MILLIONS to be skinned alive and frightened to death in order to make adrenochrome which is the blood of tortured children with a high content of adrenaline; to be used in vomitus satanic rituals; raped until they’re dead; their blood transfused out of them while they are still alive and experimented on in ways that would send 99% of Humanity into mental Hospitals.

    数以百万计的儿童被活活剥皮,被吓死,为的是制造肾上腺素红色素(肾上腺素含量高的受折磨儿童的血液) ; 被用于恶魔般的呕吐仪式; 被强奸至死; 在他们活着的时候将他们的血液输出,并进行实验,将99% 的人类送进精神病院。

    Why are the children being Trafficked?


    The # 1 most lucrative product on Earth for the deep state demons is adrenochrome — the blood of tortured children. And not just Earth but in the Galaxy as well.


    Gene Decode recently reported that Human Beings are Trafficked by Millions per year in the Milky Way.


    We are Trafficked for our Divine SOULS, blood, organs, as sex slaves, as food, as subjects for experimentation and all kinds of endless agonies.


    But keep in mind, that when this war is finally won, Humanity will have its Sovereignty and Freedom FOREVERMORE. As in — ETERNALLY. As in — #SlavesNoMore.

    但请记住,当这场战争最终胜利时,人类将永远拥有主权和自由。就像永远。就像... # 不再是奴隶。

    Children are Trafficked by the satanic ‘elite’ as they call themselves but there’s nothing “elite” about them. They’re just your garden variety thugs, monsters, demons, mafia and criminals.


    The list of Human Traffickers include the 13 bloodline families, the Vatican, Jesuits, Cardinals, Mother Teresa, various other Religions, Royals, Bidens, Clintons, Bushes, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Intelligence Agencies, MI5, MI6, Mossad, CIA, FBI, MS13, Banks, BlackRock, State Street, Facebook, Twitter, Social Media, Corporations, Schools, Militaries, Governments, Hospitals, Orphanages, Foster Care, etc.


    Children are taken by the MILLIONS to be skinned alive and frightened to death in order to make adrenochrome which is the blood of tortured children with a high content of adrenaline; to be used in vomitus satanic rituals; raped until they’re dead; their blood transfused out of them while they are still alive and experimented on in ways that would send 99% of Humanity into mental Hospitals.

    数以百万计的儿童被活活剥皮,被吓死,为的是制造肾上腺素红色素(肾上腺素含量高的受折磨儿童的血液) ; 被用于恶魔般的呕吐仪式; 被强奸至死; 在他们活着的时候将他们的血液输出,并进行实验,将99% 的人类送进精神病院。

    As well, it was common practice for demons to hunt naked children in the Black Forest on the Rothschild estates, as well as many Royal estates around the globe, chalets, castles, cottages, hunting lodges, palaces, etc. for “sport.”


    Those that hunted children included King Charles 3, Dick Cheney and Walter Cronkite. Once the children were “captured” they were eaten alive.

    那些猎杀儿童的人包括国王查尔斯三世、迪克 · 切尼和沃尔特 · 克朗凯特。一旦孩子们被“俘虏”,他们就会被活活吃掉。

    That is all I’m going to write about the monster’s crimes against children. There are many more.


    It must also be said that EVERYTHING the demons have done to children, they have done to animals and worse, because the monsters experiment on BOTH human children and animals.


    • 你信吗? +3
      • 这些杀儿童的黑魔法正在被逐渐揭露。这个人要去美国参议院作证,证明美国政府和美国军队在这方面的犯罪行为bring to the attention of Congress crimes that are being committed against children and individuals, by the U.S Government and the U.S. Military. +1
    • 以前这个破网站贴东西:床铺任命病逝大法官的分析文章,半个逻辑没有。 +3
    • 呵呵-维基解密都不敢这么写吧,
    • the sickly scent of burning flesh as other dead children and even living, newborn babies are incinerated in the Christian death camp furnaces. 我闻到了肉体燃烧的恶心气味,就像其他死去的孩子,甚至还活着的新生儿,被焚烧在基督教死亡集中营的熔炉里,日夜燃烧 +1

      https://www.p fcchina.org/dajielou/64372.html

          The word is said so easily, so casually, so lifelessly: Genocide. The word means nothing to most people. To the rest, it is little more than the self-serving rhetoric of politicians and popes. But when I hear the word, I hear the tortured screams of little children that never stop, day or night.
          这个词说得那么轻松,那么随意,那么死气沉沉: 种族灭绝。这个词对大多数人来说毫无意义。对其他人来说,这不过是政客和教皇自私自利的花言巧语。但是当我听到这个词的时候,我听到了小孩子的痛苦的尖叫声,无论白天还是黑夜,永远不会停止。
          I see a Vancouver Island Priest electrocuting a five-year-old boy with a cattle prod until he dies, his body tossed onto a pile of other small corpses and then buried in a secret grave barely a mile from where I would work one day.
          I smell the sickly scent of burning flesh as other dead children and even living, newborn babies are incinerated in the Christian death camp furnaces that burn day and night.
          I watch as children are made blind in deadly experiments and others have their teeth yanked out without painkillers by upstanding Canadian doctors.
          I see other children battered and raped and left to starve to death by men and women who sing Christian hymns the next Sunday in church.
          I watch as Harry Wilson shows me the scar on his tongue through which United Church minister John Andrews shoved a needle when a young Harry spoke of the dead girl he found.
          我看着哈里 · 威尔逊给我看他舌头上的伤疤,当一个年轻的哈里谈到他发现的那个死去的女孩时,联合教会的牧师约翰 · 安德鲁斯用针扎了他。
          I witness a lone and stumbling survivor named William Combes, too crushed to speak publicly of his tortures but somehow willing himself to, against every odd, even as the world hates him for it and finally kills him without consequence: just another dead Indian.
          我亲眼目睹了一个孤独而蹒跚的幸存者,名叫威廉 · 库姆斯(William Combes) ,他被压垮了,无法公开谈论自己受到的折磨,但不知何故,他愿意与任何奇怪的人作斗争,尽管全世界都因此憎恨他,最终杀死了他,却没有任何后果: 只是又一个死去的印第安人。
          I hear Jackson Steene describe how his testicles shriveled and died as he was sterilized under an X ray machine at the Anglican hospital in Alert Bay, along with all five of his brothers.
          我听说杰克逊 · 斯蒂恩描述了他的睾丸是如何萎缩死亡的,当时他和他的五个兄弟在阿尔特湾的英国圣公会医院接受了 X 光机的绝育手术。
          I listen as Ricky Lavallee sobs and describes being forced to bury the body of his brother Ernie by the same Catholic Priest who had just flogged him to death.
          我听着里基 · 拉瓦利抽泣着,描述着他被迫埋葬他弟弟厄尼的尸体是被同一个天主教神父所迫,而这个神父刚刚把他鞭打致死。
          I witness the people of my country and its churches commit or excuse or pay for these abominations decade after decade, and still today, without a flicker of conscience or remorse; and then, when they are exposed, they destroy the evidence and the secret graves of their victims while absolving themselves, rewriting and normalizing their wrong, and getting away with their mass murder of over 60,000 children by issuing some pay cheques and a glib apology.
          我亲眼看到,十年来,直到今天,人民和教会仍然毫无良心或悔意地为这些令人憎恶的行为作出承诺、找借口或付出代价; 然后,当他们暴露出来时,他们毁灭证据和受害者的秘密坟墓,同时为自己开脱,改写并使他们的错误正常化,通过发放一些工资支票和一个油嘴滑舌的道歉,使他们大规模杀害6万多名儿童的行为逍遥法外。
          And I wonder how people can do such things so easily and still consider themselves human beings.
          I also remember how some of us fought so long and so hard to confront this murder and coverup until the truth was finally exposed at an enormous cost, including the death of seven of my friends. But then I watch as what we exposed is buried again and a false, sanitized history of the Canadian Holocaust is reissued by the killers and adopted as if none of these atrocities had ever happened.
          我想知道为什么人们能如此轻易地做到这些事情,而且仍然认为自己是人类。 我还记得我们中的一些人为了面对这场谋杀和掩盖真相付出了多么长时间和多么艰苦的努力直到最终真相大白付出了巨大的代价包括我七个朋友的死亡。但接着我看到我们揭露的事情再次被掩埋,杀手们重新发行了一本虚假的、经过净化的加拿大大屠杀历史,并将其采纳,仿佛这些暴行从未发生过一样。
          And finally, I witness the world and everyone I know turn their indifferent backs on this carnage as if it doesn't matter; as if it has nothing to do with the plague that is now sweeping the world and all of them.
          最后,我亲眼目睹了这个世界以及我认识的所有人对这场大屠杀置之不理,好像这一切都无关紧要; 好像这场正在席卷全世界和他们所有人的瘟疫一点关系都没有。
          I know these things so deeply because my own life has been shattered by them. It is not another issue. It is all completely personal to me, for it has been my life for almost thirty years. And still do the spirits of the fallen walk with me and struggle to cry out through my inadequate and solitary voice, knowing that our screams are inaudible to the legions of the walking dead, and that whatever is spoken and attempted now will not stop the abomination from continuing. There now stands only that judgment that is on all of us.
          So, in these last days, remember as an epitaph that whatever justice has come from the seeds we sowed is only because they were watered with our blood and suffering. Perhaps some of you will earn and redeem this sacred inheritance by your own sacrifice: the cost of your departure from this bloody Land of No-One.
          所以,在这最后的日子里,请记住,作为一个墓志铭,无论正义来自我们播下的种子,只是因为他们浇灌了我们的血液和痛苦。也许你们中的一些人会通过你们自己的牺牲来赢得和赎回这份神圣的遗产: 你们离开这片血腥的无人之地的代价。
          Genocide in Canada and Around the Globe:
          加拿大和全球的种族灭绝: Www.murderbydecree.com


      Kevin Annett - A Candid Interview On The Crime of Genocide in Canada
      Kevin Annett - film maker and author of more than ten books - is the Canadian whistle blower who first exposed genocide by Church and State in his country's ...
    • 警告: 珍妮描述了她如何在五岁时被强奸、折磨、被迫观看儿童祭祀,如果没有神的干预,她自己几乎被杀死--这与成千上万的撒旦崇拜者的其他儿童受害者的肮脏经历并不一样。向撒旦致敬的肇事者是有组织的,从美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第

      Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4

      珍妮 · 希尔见证撒旦儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到人类祭祀 http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=f626lsrdwg4: YouTube 视频

      WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."

      警告: 珍妮绘地描述了她如何在五岁时被强奸、折磨、被迫观看儿童祭祀,如果没有神的干预,她自己几乎被杀死--这与成千上万的撒旦崇拜者的其他儿童受害者的肮脏经历并不一样。向撒旦致敬的肇事者是有组织的,从美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童牺牲崇拜,一直到克林顿家族、好莱坞、披萨门和当地的青少年崇拜者。他们由这个管理我们的全球货币体系的同一阴谋集团资助--这个组织正在被激活的全球货币重置和恢复世界的共和国所打倒。难怪特朗普总统说,"这些人是有病的。"