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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

TAMARA LICH的新书还有捐款网页,大家可以伸出援手让她可以发声。

My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / TAMARA LICH的新书还有捐款网页,大家可以伸出援手让她可以发声。 +8
    My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy
    • 这个网站竟然打不开?这个女的原来是印第安人。她后来被放出来了吗?她确实不错,特别是被抓的时候非常感人,RCMP抓她的警察虽然是工作,不知有没有一直堵得慌。 +7
      • TAMARA发到我EMAIL 信箱里的,她被关了48天,链接因该没问题。 +4

        More than a year ago you donated to a fundraiser I launched for the thousands of Canadian truckers and countless others who peacefully protested against the harsh pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
        Well, I'm writing today because I have an update that I think you may like.

        I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get in touch. Since you made your donation to the Freedom Convoy, I was arrested, charged, and had bail conditions imposed on me that prevented me from speaking out.

        You see, instead of meeting with the truckers, Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, putting Canada under a kind of martial law. Riot police on horseback patrolled Parliament Hill. And I was arrested and sent to jail for my role in the peaceful protest.

        I spent 48 days in a cell at the hands of a vengeful and partisan prosecutor, who just happens to be a major donor to Trudeau’s Liberals.

        And while I was in jail, and later when I was silenced by my bail conditions, Trudeau and the mainstream media smeared me. They even called me and the peaceful truckers “terrorists”.

        But now it’s my turn to talk. I’m breaking my silence — to tell you the other side of the story.

        • 亚马逊一片好评,很感动! +4
        • 真好玩,我的手机一直上不了那个网站
    • 出来组个党,和自由党真枪真刀的干,这个自由还是有的。
      • 你们疯了吗? 这种连基本教育都没有完成的人,就因为反对你们的政敌,就成一个战线的盟友了? 太毛泽东了吧? +3
        • 不许影射国家领导人,老农,您老是自由党员么?随便问一下,不方便不用回答。 +1
          • 不是!自由党太中性!老农民的思想极左,行为极右
            • 以前在饭店偶尔看见自由党党员们聚餐,都是些富有的老白男。唉,现在大麻党也没有了,没啥值得加入的政党。如果退休后,实在无聊,打算自己组个党玩玩儿。
              • 看美女党?
                • 干脆就叫“美女党”吧,自认为是美女的都可以加入,年龄不限。
    • 连1000个200块的支持者都凑不够。嘿嘿
      • 能骗一点算一点
        • 自由民主社会就是这样,你干你的,我干我的。只有碰到钱,才能考验人们真正的想法。我前天见了一个最聪明的要钱的流浪汉。他让一只漂亮的猫睡在他身上。也怪那只猫跟狗一样乖
    • 当然,一定会伸出援手的!如果她参选,一定会投她的票! +4
    • 哗众取宠。这里都是嘴炮的多,去年闹事的时候有多少人去现场的,有多少人捐款的?😄真要闹革命的话,应该散尽家财吧😄
      • 听说过助纣为虐必被虐吗? +6
        • 他们这样的胸襟,绝对想不到我们会在最后关头跑去渥太华支援。不过就算告诉他们这一点,他们也会另找借口嘲笑,就像嘲笑Tamara这样的勇士,还自以为得意,鲁迅所谓的人血馒头,至今还有人吃的很香。 +5