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Q: Can you tell me the relationship between retirement age and longevity? A paper said earlier retirement, such as at 49, the death age will be 86, is this true

A:The relationship between retirement age and longevity is complex and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including individual health, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status. While some studies have suggested that earlier retirement may be associated with increased longevity, others have found no significant relationship or even a negative association.

The study you mentioned, which suggests that retiring at age 49 may lead to a death age of 86, is likely based on statistical modeling and may not be applicable to all individuals. It is important to note that retirement age is just one of many factors that can impact lifespan, and individual circumstances can vary widely.

Some studies have suggested that continuing to work past traditional retirement age may have health benefits, such as keeping individuals mentally and physically active. However, other studies have indicated that retirement can also have positive effects on health, such as reducing stress and allowing for more leisure time.

Overall, the relationship between retirement age and longevity is complex and can depend on a variety of factors. It is important for individuals to make retirement decisions based on their own health, financial situation, and personal goals, rather than solely on projected lifespan estimates.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 马上55了,想提前退休,总是忐忑不安,把两孩子供完大学存款也所剩无几,虽说我两口子都有公司Pension,但提前退休就少很多,也有投资房,虽无正现金流但也能套现几十万出来,最后不行就downsize
    • 这还忐忑?我没 Pension, 没投资房都不忐忑 +4
      • 你这是光脚的不怕穿鞋的 +1
    • 不到55,两孩子就大学毕业。人生赢家。 +5
      • 你前租客欠的钱要回来没?现在总得有四万了吧
        • 一分没有要回。租客contempt hearing 又没去。
    • 羡慕 +2
    • 这几天怎么冒出这么多人生赢家。夫妻双方都有pension,退休金丰厚,孩子都工作挣高薪。房子好几套。 +8
      • 一起赢
      • 事实上技术移民夫妻俩都能在有Pension的单位工作三十年的极少见,好多人出国时就30多岁了
        • 这么几天网上就2家了
          • 可能没有Pension 的也不好意思上来问,身边朋友只有在政府部门和医院工作的有Pension , 在企业里的都是RRSP , 退休时能有四五十万就相当不错了
    • 这里怎么总有一天到晚呻吟的呵,为啥?是不是回到没房,没钱,没退休金,每天房东要租金的状况,就不忐忑了,每天跟个上满发条的地鼠满地窜,想着怎么挣钱活下去了 +4
      • 更可能是兴奋到极点的呻吟,小得意而已 +1
    • 确实有显摆的嫌疑,那么早可以退休。我算了一下,要58岁退休pension比较合算。尽量拖得晚,越晚越健康。
      • 也就晚三岁的显摆
        • 太遥远了,上有老下有小,看不到尽头
          • 离58还很遥远?显摆自己年轻啊😄 +1
            • 哎😑还有30年,
              • 年方28
                • 给100亿都不换
      • 看看这篇论文
        • 最好是50岁退出有压力的工作,换成没有压力的体力劳动,上班就能活动筋骨的 +2
        • 不赞同这个论文结果,问了一下智能大师Sage,是这样回答的,我觉得这个回答比较中肯:

          Q: Can you tell me the relationship between retirement age and longevity? A paper said earlier retirement, such as at 49, the death age will be 86, is this true

          A:The relationship between retirement age and longevity is complex and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including individual health, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status. While some studies have suggested that earlier retirement may be associated with increased longevity, others have found no significant relationship or even a negative association.

          The study you mentioned, which suggests that retiring at age 49 may lead to a death age of 86, is likely based on statistical modeling and may not be applicable to all individuals. It is important to note that retirement age is just one of many factors that can impact lifespan, and individual circumstances can vary widely.

          Some studies have suggested that continuing to work past traditional retirement age may have health benefits, such as keeping individuals mentally and physically active. However, other studies have indicated that retirement can also have positive effects on health, such as reducing stress and allowing for more leisure time.

          Overall, the relationship between retirement age and longevity is complex and can depend on a variety of factors. It is important for individuals to make retirement decisions based on their own health, financial situation, and personal goals, rather than solely on projected lifespan estimates.

    • 先一个退 家庭的生活质量即时提高。少点钱是值得的。
    • 您这条件想退就退吧,"退休后才能体验真正的人生" --- 国内退休师姐的感慨。 想想如果还在国内, 这会儿坛子里大部分妥妥进入准退休阶段。 如果不是还得供女儿念大学, 我这会儿一准撂挑子不干了。
    • 有pension 就比绝大多数人强了
    • 供出来还没完,怎么也要每个孩子再给个首付才算完成任务。
      • 我打算把两孩子供完大学,毕业出来一人给个townhouse ,就退休。
        • 羡慕,两个多伦多的Townhouse 就是200万
          • Detached 靠他们以后自己换了
    • 干到70再退休,要不提前退休做木工挣外快。
      在Lee Valley和Homedepot遇到过两个老头,都80多了,还在上班。
    • 这么年轻退休不无聊吗? +1
      • 很多女国移都干不到55, 认识的有被擂了再也找不到工作的, 健康出问题没法工作的,这里父母需要照顾的,跑回国照顾父母的。。就是没见过带孙辈的 ,因为孙辈还没生出来 +1
    • 其实因为工龄短,单位退休金不多,尤其提前退休,即使做到58,两人加起来才4千,刚够基本开销
      • 等到65岁还有OAS和CPP , 每人又多1000
    • 后知后觉跟一个。我以前50就想退休,后来算来算去钱都不够用,需要降低基础生活水平,于是放弃。现在考虑55还是退不了,要60才能退。和国内亲友哭诉,被骂:该!