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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 能够流利朗读这篇文章的同学请举手。 +3

    Long long ago, there lived in Hangzhou a girl called Aqiao. When Aqiao was nine years old, her mother died. Her father remarried and the stepmother was cruel to Aqiao and her brother.

    One winter morning,  the stepmother told Aqiao to go out and cut some grass for the sheep. The poor girl,  with a basket on her back, searched all day from the riverside to the foot of the mountain. But where could she find any green grass in winter? She was tired, cold and hungry, but she was afraid to go home and face her stepmother.

    As she walked along, she noticed an old pine tree ahead at the entrance to a valley. Aqiao pushed the branches aside. She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides. She bent down immediately to cut the grass. She went on cutting and cutting until she came to the end of the brook. She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face. Suddenly she saw a lady all in white standing in front of her. The lady was smiling.

    "Little girl, how nice to see you! Won't you come and stay with us for a while?"

    Aqiao looked around. To her surprise, she found herself in a different world. There were rows of white houses with trees in front of them. The leaves on the trees were green and large. And there were many other ladies in white, who  were singing and picking the leaves from the trees.

    Aqiao liked what she saw and decided to stay.

    After that she worked together with the ladies in white. They picked leaves from the trees, and fed them to some little white worms. Slowly, the little worms would grow up and spit out silk to form cocoons. The lady in white told Aqiao how to reel the shining silk from these cocoons and how to dye the silk different colors.

    Time passed quickly and three months went by before Aqiao knew it.

    One day, Aqiao thought of her brother:"Why not ask my brother to come here too?"

    Early next morning, without telling the lady in white, she hurried back home. When left, Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her. As she walked, she dropped the seeds along the road so that she would know the way back.

    When Aqiao reached home, she found that her father had grown old and her brother had become a young man. The cruel stepmother had died.

    It had been fifteen years since she left!

    "Aqiao! Why didn't you come home all these years? Where have you been?"

    Aqiao told her father all that had happened. Her father thought that she must have met a fairy.

    The next day Aqiao decided to go back to the valley with her brother. But when she opened the door, she found things had changed. The road was lined with mulberry trees. All the seeds she had dropped had grown into trees. She walked along the trail of mulberry trees until she came to the valley. The old pine tree still stood there like an umbrella covering the entrance, but she could no longer find a way to get into the valley. So all she could do was to go back home.

    It was said that that was how the Chinese first raised silkworms. The lady in white whom Aqiao met in the valley was Lady Silkworm, the fairy in charge of the harvesting of silk.

    • 有什么trick?😉
      • 似乎是课文?
        • 中学课文
    • 👍👍👍✌️回到家我读一段
    • 太长啦
    • 11,老大要出合集了?
      • Your mulberry question reminded me this.
    • 先来一段小学英语~大家鼓掌献哈达🙏 +7

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      • 读的不错哦,有点播音员的样子 +1
        • 啊,那得再加三拼饭啦😄
      • Wow! So good! +1
        • 哪里哪里,先抛块砖🙏
      • 哎哟不错。 +1
        • 高小咧?😄
      • 哎呦为什么听不了呀, error +2
      • 鼓掌,读得很好。 +1
      • 鼓掌,,,听不了,error。 +1
      • 👍👍👍师爷威武 +1
      • 没有咖喱味,不来劲 +1
      • 字正腔圆,情绪还有起伏。说的比唱的还好听! +2
      • 👍👍👍 师爷的声音有种灵动的俏皮味。。。谢谢 +1
      • 乡音浑厚,婀娜多姿,完胜! +1
      • 听不到?😒 +2
      • 难怪叫师爷。
        • 为啥不给当英语课代表?你说
          • 那你把你的ID从"绍兴师爷"改成"英语课代表". Approved.
      • 不像大陆来的啊,真不容易英文发音这么好! +1
      • 👍👍国人里少有的纯正英文,跟幸福哥有得一拼 +1
    • 举手 +2
    • 😂加班回家 乱读一通😂 +11

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      • 👍上译厂的。宝玉哥以前配音的帖子呢 +1
        • 斯音不多
        • 多谢🙏师爷🤪 +1
      • 这沧桑,烟酒过度的感觉🤭。hin不错 +1
        • 😅多谢多谢,年纪大了
      • 👍👍👍没想到长发哥语音这么深沉有味。。。谢谢 +1
        • 我小时候喜欢大喊大叫,声带损伤导致得低沉
      • 美国南方奴隶主的音色
        • 😓
      • 正宗。既没有某些中国人说英文的刻意拿腔拿调,又没有连辅音都读出来的“专业英文” +1
        • 😂大怪路子 社会大学洋泾浜万金油专业
      • 好听!👏 +1
        • 多谢 🤝
      • Nice! +1
        • 🤝🤝🤝
      • 哟吼,声音很有磁性么。英文发音挺正的。也说几句上海话给我听听,以证实你是真的上海人。能说浦东话最好。
        • 😂不信拉倒 我贴的册那你又不是没听过
          • 我要的是你自己说的,至少100个字以上的。如果有,给个链接我听听。贴个别人说的视频,谁不会?
            • 😂那个就是我自己都 天哪 你不会觉得我的配音秀都是转发的吧?😂
              • 要了半天也没给个链接,给呀。我听听。
                • 师爷转发文章里,你听听,然后告诉我,哪个不是我,
                  • 再说一遍?这人是你?小心我抽你。我三天两头看他的微信视频。
                    • 晕倒,朋友,配音啊,他是原创,我按他的模板自己念一遍,小学时候老师没有叫你起立背唐诗,你读了床头明月光就成李白了?你唱一首周杰伦的歌就成周董了》?我输给你啊
                      • 😄翠西已晕😄
                        • 😄翠西是个好同志😄
                          • 2个声音完全不一样的,不是同一个人。你这个骗子。大家听听,比较一下视频的声音,和他读英文的声音。我到底说错没有。
                            • 帮帮忙,啥叫配音,你觉得上译厂配音演员平时说话像佐罗》?😄没这点本事 我也不要混了
                              • 现在就录制一段新mp3的放上来。直接读这个贴内容就可以。用上海话读。能读标准,我就信了你说的。
                                • 😂 笑死😆我了 录音时还在笑 你不喜欢低沉的是吧?👌轻佻版来了 +2

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                        • 你傻呀,给他骗进。你自己听听,#15390855@0 一个声音低沉嘶哑,一个音调高不少。你这师爷白当了。
        • 浦东话?还是普通话?😄
          • 会点浦东话的才是真正上海人。他不会讲的,估计一点听不懂。
            • 张江话?要么,金桥话?
      • 阿巧快跑 大灰狼来啦😄
        • 带颜色的大灰狼来啦,😄
      • 真棒,不像外国人。 +1
      • 声音有磁性,语音语调有模有样,发音算不错了,不过发音off的地方还是挺多,不过整体其他优势把这个掩盖得不明显 +1
        • 😂我就一雷波 小学肄业 担待一下嘛 毕竟我学雷锋把名额让给了同学做总书记
      • 幸福哥唱歌应该也很有味道,试一下 +1
    • 听听老阿姨睡前给你讲故事的声音吧 +13

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      • 这必须是英文专业的。
      • “后来呢?”
      • 可以去当专业配音了。牛!声音听着好舒服
      • 👍👍👍揉脸真是藏龙卧虎,这声音爱了。。。谢谢
      • 波澜不惊
      • 卧虎藏龙。肉脸网友太厉害了
      • 好听!👏
      • 😂👍👍👍
        • 统一回复楼上的热血群众,这是AI合成声音。我是来捣乱的
          • 我听出来了,没有任何翻页摩擦得声音😄,倒车请注意,倒车请注意 +1
            • 你读的有喘气声,她的一点没有。
              • 😂她是神人AI
      • sigh, AI这段,无论语气还是音质,很贴切,适合儿童故事。好奇如果是其他类别,它是否会用不同调性。如果是,那真是太可怕了。
        • 一个AI技术杀死了配音行业的例子
      • 可以给动画片配音了
      • 一个比一个厉害
      • 这个好
    • 厉害厉害!卧虎藏龙之地。 +1
    • 敬待老大发布福音真言,龙,龙,尔狗
    • 高中课文么
    • 太长了 +1



      • 可以再按一次录音键吗?😂 +1
      • 雅罗总严厉命令阿巧,“再去拔一次草~~” +1
    • 试读一小段 +2

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      • 👍👍我好像认识你的声音呀😄
        • 🤫
      • 这个女声我也好喜欢,发音很标准!清澈的嗓音,灵气十足!👍
    • 仔细听了师爷,长发哥,还有匿名女声,确实出彩👍 声线语气各有特色,很赞。我也上传一份来陪衬一下。 +4

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      • 哇!这个好强!发音好正,嗓音也好磁性!👍👍👍
        • 同意
      • 这个最全👍我们听到一个坚强的姑娘阿巧👍
    • 向各位学习,跟风读一下来挑战自己 +3

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      • 老虎哥的也👍
      • 比印度口音都厉害了,赞
    • 我试读一小段

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      • 赞一个英文版的鞠萍姐姐👍😂
      • The way you say aqiao is so cute
    • 我怎么记得long long ago, there lived a king, he loved horses