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夏威夷大火目击者和幸存者称,大火是定向能武器造成Direct energy weapons,换句话说,美国拜登政府无差别屠杀人民,包括其支持者,夏威夷支持民猪党的人居多。真得很难相信,收集点链接。。。


(1) Julie Colquhoun - ️Hawaii ️ Some facts ⬇️ 1. The warning... | Facebook

​​​​​​​Some facts ⬇️
1. The warning sirens never went off
2. The military are turning away people trying to get water, food and gas to them.
3. Jan 2023 a bill was passed that basically is a massive land grab from the people in an emergency. They will own nothing
4. A housing project for this exact area worth 75 million was passed which is a 15 min city vibe.
They literally create the problem to profit from the solution. Get your head out the news and go do some research. I found this out in 5 mins
You’ll own nothing and be happy is their slogan for 2030 .
Wakey wakey
Anyone who listens to or believes anything on the news needs to wobble their head .


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 夏威夷大火目击者和幸存者称,大火是定向能武器造成Direct energy weapons,换句话说,美国拜登政府无差别屠杀人民,包括其支持者,夏威夷支持民猪党的人居多。真得很难相信,收集点链接。。。 +7


    (1) Julie Colquhoun - ️Hawaii ️ Some facts ⬇️ 1. The warning... | Facebook

    ​​​​​​​Some facts ⬇️
    1. The warning sirens never went off
    2. The military are turning away people trying to get water, food and gas to them.
    3. Jan 2023 a bill was passed that basically is a massive land grab from the people in an emergency. They will own nothing
    4. A housing project for this exact area worth 75 million was passed which is a 15 min city vibe.
    They literally create the problem to profit from the solution. Get your head out the news and go do some research. I found this out in 5 mins
    You’ll own nothing and be happy is their slogan for 2030 .
    Wakey wakey
    Anyone who listens to or believes anything on the news needs to wobble their head .

    • 我看版主几点上班。 +5
      • 听起来你不相信,这就进一步增加了可信度。。。。。 +3
        • 谢抬举。 +1
    • 败灯就是三体人的傀儡。 +1
    • 杀人动机是什么?
      • 彰显制度优势😄
        • 为新闻联播提供素材,体现社会主义优越性 +2
          • 👍
      • 听说那里的土地都是土著拥有,政府花了很多精力没人愿意卖,这次烧完,政府马上提出低息贷款而且还有很多买家突然出现了,要买灾民的地。 +5
        • 拜登能从里边拿多少钱?
          • 0。不过据说也许他儿子能拿几个米? +1
        • 犹太人有句名言,当街上尸横遍野时,就是买房产的好时机。 +2
        • 听起来像是房地产商干的。如果真是这样,美国的房地产商可比加拿大安省的坏多了。 +1
        • 你讲的话在英语里要用将来时。因为现在还没有烧完,政府要能提供贷款得等美国实现社会主义。估计你这辈子看不到了。
          • The President’s action makes Federal funding available to affected individuals in Maui County.

            Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster。
            • Are you sure you understand this paragraph?
              • Low cost loan,not sure what your understanding is.
                • 不是给买地的贷款
                  • 当然不是给买地的啊,是给当地居民,这样居民就欠国家钱了呀。本来是自己own的。
                    • 哦,国家故意把老百姓房子烧了,让他们贷款,欠国家的。你多大了?当年的中国少年报也不敢这么写
                      • 呵呵,好好说话不行吗?非要用这样贬低别人的方式显示自己”聪明”吗?这个事情这么蹊跷,你都没有一点点怀疑,那也是够像带红领巾的时候一样的相信共产主义。
                        • 怀疑也得有个度吧,一两个人有阴谋有可能,从联邦到州县连消防队都合起伙来烧老百姓的房子? +1
                          • 呵呵,刚刚疫情过去,这么大的阴谋都实现了,这个小镇太没啥影响了。
                • to affected individuals in Maui County. 是给灾民,让他们尽快恢复生活。而不是给别人让他们从灾民手里买他们的土地。
                  • ”政府要能提供贷款得等美国实现社会主义”这可是你说的啊。买地的怎么会用国家的贷款?买地可能是国家背后的集团,谁知道呢,所以当地居民在号召曝光这些买地的人和经纪。
                    • 你连救助和商业贷款都分不清,还谈什么。
    • 夏威夷海边小镇被森林大火烧了,听起来怎么也不合理,太奇怪了,被水淹了还可能性大点。 +4
    • 也是网上说的: 所有的豪宅都没事,包括比尔该死的。 大火发生时,所有的领导包括消防队领导都不在。 民众自发的救灾被拒绝,有人送一大卡车食品,政府说你没有厨房证,不让捐,宁愿灾民挨饿。 +4
      • 对,关键是他的车没有上高速公路的许可证。 +1
      • 网上有视频,就隔了一条街,豪宅都完好,居民区和商业区基本全军覆没了,烧的真够彻底。 +3
        • 高科技强拆 +3
      • 政府说红十字会之类有资质的才能救援,那以后看到有人遭难,就袖手旁观吧,不许骂人家见死不救哦。 +1