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"Why do a considerable number of individuals born in China (whether in the PRC or ROC) hold negative sentiments towards their own country, expressing disdain for its rise, and wishing for its failure, a return to poverty, and even starvation, rather than its success?"

"Why do a significant number of individuals, born either in the PRC or ROC, hold strong negative feelings towards their own country? They not only harbor a deep aversion to China's rise but also express a preference for witnessing its failure, a regression into poverty and famine, rather than its success."


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Why there are so many losers who were born in China (Either PRC or ROC) hate China and are disgusted by China's rise and would rather see China fail, return to poverty and starvation than see it succeed? +15
    • 总有人见不得别人好的 +14
      • China作为民族概念是全球华裔的根,会有人恨吗?我看到的是海外华裔恨中国政府的很多,这不能算hate China 吧?海外伊朗裔也基本没有伊粉。恨祖国政府的独裁专制不奇怪。美国也有很多恨美政府的,这不能算hate America +7
    • 其实出生在中国的人,反对中国的非常少。他们到底在反对什么,稍微想想就知道了。我不主张给不同想法的人扣帽子,他们不见得混的差,只是观点不同。 +2
    • 见不到亲戚盆友过得比自己好,穷的时候,香港台湾人可热情了 +6
      • 😂foodbank老白志愿者 看到你贼热情的 老客户嘛 +1
        • 难道你骂人诅咒我就真的去foodbank?有空还是赶紧找个管工师傅园你的梦想吧,到处都缺你这样的小工,免得扣扣嗖嗖一辆破车要开50万公路,不懂的还以为是在非洲开三轮的
          • 那你赢麻了,你没车也没工,只有FOODBANK可以去,😄
            • 别贫了,赶紧开你50万公路的破车去通水沟,记得把30年前买的衣服穿上,回来写个长篇大作分享下如何一件衣服穿30年,没准有混了个精华贴可以骄傲好几天
              • 😂那我可以做你爹了 因为你爹就是这么教育你的 勤俭节约
      • 在穷人面前有人上人的感觉; +1
    • 看这英语句子,怎么如此费劲儿? +4
      • 我觉得谷歌翻译挺牛的,翻出来的中文反而没语法错误 LOL “为什么有那么多出生在中国的失败者(无论是中华人民共和国还是中华民国)憎恨中国,厌恶中国的崛起,宁愿看到中国失败,回到贫困和饥饿,也不愿意看到它成功” +1
      • 你英语太差。
        • 你再看看句子的主谓宾,从句连接,我的神啊! +1

          "Why do a considerable number of individuals born in China (whether in the PRC or ROC) hold negative sentiments towards their own country, expressing disdain for its rise, and wishing for its failure, a return to poverty, and even starvation, rather than its success?"

          "Why do a significant number of individuals, born either in the PRC or ROC, hold strong negative feelings towards their own country? They not only harbor a deep aversion to China's rise but also express a preference for witnessing its failure, a regression into poverty and famine, rather than its success."

    • why China 招人恨?why Russia 招人恨? +2
      • 西方洗脑的结果,也就在西方招人恨 +3
        • 在非洲也是。
    • 罗刹海市说得好,这世界常颠倒,彼此钻裤裆怨骚鸟,莫如抽出头来吸口新鲜空气,随他称我颠倒不颠倒,各顾各的日子,自己认为自己rise 就好 +1
    • 嫩几岁了,成熟点 +2
      • 看他错误百出的英文就知道 +6
        • 看的出,憋了一早上的英文,昨晚估计还熬了个通宵 +3
      • 初级小粉红的入门表现。 +6
        • 中南海外十八环的哈