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看清楚这个inquiry 不是关于residential school 的, 是关于原住民妇女的:Trudeau reiterated this week that he accepts the conclusion of the 2019 inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women that “what happened amounts to genocide.

The missing and murdered women’s inquiry concluded in its 1,200-page report that Canada deliberately and systematically violated racial, gender, human and Indigenous rights. 这个是另一个加拿大怎么加害原住民妇女的。更加说明了对原住民的种族灭绝的事实,residential school 只是一小部分。各种手段加在一起,原住民人口巨减。链接:

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 纽约邮报报道,在媒体宣称加拿大寄宿学校下面发现大规模孩子的坟墓的两年后,现在发现学校下面没有人类的遗体。这不是第一次左派通过谎言来制造仇恨和动乱,也绝不会是最后一次。 +7
    After 2021 claims of mass graves of indigenous children at residential schools across Canada, leading to widespread protests, excavations have turned up no human remains.
    • 这两年引起轩然大波的Kamloops学校其实一直广受原住民家长欢迎/肉联上的杠精还说家长刚开始上当了后来就不肯去所以强制/问题是这个学校1890年就开办了/到了20年代还有waitlist/后来扩招才满足了家长要求(资料见内) +7

      During the 1920s, the demand for places in some residential schools continued to exceed the supply. In 1925, for example, Father James McGuire wrote of parents “clamouring” for their children’s admission to the Kamloops Indian Residential School.(资料见LAC School Files Series at https://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.item/?op=img&app=microform&id=c-8770-00615)

      以下是Father James McGuire 要求扩招的信件:

      Letter from Father James McGuire requesting the Department of Indian Affairs to authorize an increase in enrolment because of the number of parents wanting to have their children admitted to the Kamloops Indian Residential School.

    • 寄宿学校普遍存在严重虐待包括性虐待所以并不是只有原住民遭受虐待/查尔斯王子也不能幸免/这是一系列贵族寄宿学校的虐待丑闻/而且这些贵族学校的学费还超贵(资料见内) +4

      1.Shocking scale of sexual abuse at UK boarding schools revealed by ITV documentary


      2.Denied The Chance To Love: Examples Of Abuse In British Boarding Schools


      3.Britain's Elite Boarding Schools Are Facing an Explosion of Abuse Allegations


      4.Sexual abuse in boarding schools – change is urgently needed


      5.Abuse in Britain's boarding schools: why I decided to confront my demons

      For generations of boys, sexual abuse was part of the everyday cruelty of boarding school.


      6. NEIL MACKAY'S BIG READ: Boarding school survivors reveal their horrific stories of childhood abuse in 'MeToo' moment

      Former pupils at elite private schools are stepping forward in what they describe as their ‘MeToo’ moment and revealing the brutality they suffered as child boarders. They want a complete overhaul of the boarding school system so what happened to them never happens again. Neil Mackay and Kathinka Mumme report


      7. Boarding schools an 'ideal environment for grooming', report finds

      The inquiry examined residential specialist music schools and residential special schools, where children were found to be at greater risk of sexual abuse.


      8. The painful truth behind British boarding schools

      There was a continuous history of sexual abuse from primary school to middle school and up.”


      9. 名媛希尔顿在美国贵族寄宿学校(AnchorProvo Canyon School)遭受殴打虐待和性侵

      Paris Hilton Claims She Was Sexually Abused at Utah Boarding School


      10. 查尔斯王子在寄宿学校遭受各种欺凌和虐待

      Rape, child abuse and Prince Charles’s former school


      The Lonely Heir: Inside the Isolating Boarding School Days of Prince Charles

      Growing up, Prince Charles struggled to please his parents and to fill a role that was against his nature. In an adaptation from her new book, Sally Bedell Smith chronicles the brutal bullying the heir endured at school, and the unlikely place in which he found solace.


      Cruel bullies ‘pulled’ King Charles’ ears in school, classmate reveals


      • 你说的这些白人贵族寄宿学校旁边有多少学童遗骸?他们上学被禁说禁用其族裔语言吗?禁止其信仰自己的宗教吗?或者死后通知父母去收尸吗?
        • 原住民没有自己的宗教吧。
          • 羽蛇神
            • 要有书面的教义才算宗教。
              • 这怕就是当年征服者的想法 My God is better than your God.
              • 这就是类似“我有枪,你没有,你只有木棒,所以你该死?”
          • Different Indigenous nations have their own religious institutions and sacred practices. Many Plains Indigenous peoples participate in the Sun Dance, while Coast Salish peoples typically engage in sacred winter ceremonies.
            • 那只是石器时代的迷信,不算宗教。
              • My God is better than your God.“我有枪,你没有,你只有木棒,所以你该死”?
              • 是不是有个概念叫原始宗教?这是他们的信仰系统。
              • 哈哈哈,这就叫强盗逻辑
        • 原住民的语言也很简单,表达能力很弱。大部分事物无法表达。
          • 一个人无论什么族裔,童年的心理创伤大多数都能影响其一生!换位想一下:如果从小就被放在与父母家庭几乎断绝关系的环境严苛里,被强制隔离割裂与原生家庭关系,长大后正常的多还是少?那些贵族寄宿学校的学童是这种待遇吗?
        • 有一些逻辑方面的副词在原住民语言环境中不存在。比如,“永远”这个词。也许在石器时代,没有机会涉及到这方面的表达。
    • 我的天!到底有没有尸体埋在下面?钱也赔了,联邦还特意建立九月三十号来纪念。全世界都知道。是个骗局? +7
      • 是骗局。不值得大惊小怪。又不是第一次。 +4
    • 又有人开始扯贵族学校家长至少有知情权/然而英国曾把约15万底层白人孩子强制送到加拿大等国做童工/很多父母和孩子都被蒙在鼓里/孩子们饱受虐待/加拿大拒绝道歉理由居然是在加拿大没人关心这些白人孩子所以不用道歉了哈哈 +2

      According to the British House of Commons Child Migrant's Trust Report, "it is estimated that some 150,000 children were dispatched over a period of 350 years—the earliest recorded child migrants left Britain for the Virginia Colony in 1618, and the process did not finally end until the late 1960s." It was widely believed by contemporaries that all of these children were orphans, but it is now known that most had living parents, some of whom had no idea of the fate of their children after they were left in care homes, and some led to believe that their children had been adopted somewhere in Britain.

      Child emigration was largely suspended for economic reasons during the Great Depression of the 1930s, but was not completely terminated until the 1970s.

      As they were compulsorily shipped out of Britain, many of the children were deceived into believing their parents were dead, and that a more abundant life awaited them. Some were exploited as cheap agricultural labour, or denied proper shelter and education.

      Later research, beginning in the 1980s, exposed abuse and hardships of the relocated children. Australia apologised in 2009 for its involvement in the scheme. In February 2010 UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown made a formal apology to the families of children who suffered. Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney stated in 2009 that Canada would not apologise to child migrants, preferring to "recognize that sad period" in other ways.

      Jason Kenney, said in 2009 that there was no need for the Canadian Crown-in-Council or -in-Parliament to apologise:

      “The issue has not been on the radar screen here, unlike Australia, where there's been a long-standing interest. The reality is that, here in Canada, we are taking measures to recognise that sad period, but there is, I think, limited public interest in official government apologies for everything that's ever been unfortunate or [a] tragic event in our history.”

      • 那不该是英国人道歉吗?
        • 英国早就道歉了还赔钱了(可怜15万孩子一共才赔了6M英镑),澳大利亚也道歉了,而接受孩子最多的加拿大却拒绝道歉 +1

          British Prime Minister Gordon Brown read, on 23 February 2010, an apology for the "shameful" child resettlement programme. He announced a £6 million fund designed to compensate the families affected by the "misguided" programme.

          • Why should Canada apologize for a British policy? On the other hand, residential school was funded by the Canadian government.
            • 你的意思是非洲黑人大批捕捉自己人,然后卖给白人当奴隶,所以白人不该道歉,应该非洲黑人道歉? +1
              • 等等 谁组织了把非洲人送到美洲的?当时是谁有这个能力把人不远万里送到另一个洲的?非洲人抓非洲人 很可能的。谁在出钱?谁在指使他们?当时的非洲人都不一定知道有美洲吧?
                • 所以抓人的无罪,运送的有罪?而且不卖的话,也是被杀了祭祀用。卖给别人,别人难道不需要组织起来运送吗?难道放回去给黑人做祭祀用?学点历史吧,我只能这样劝你。
                  • 何止是运送?
                    • 哈哈哈,所以被砍头是更好的命运?从英国接受了穷孩子做童工剥削的加拿大不该道歉,从非洲领袖那里接收了本来会被祭祀的黑人做奴隶却该道歉,你可以继续杠,但读者都是有脑子的。
                      • 这个贩奴肯定不是非黑及白的事情。白人买奴固然没让奴隶当活祭,但给钱成了产业无疑助长抓人为奴的行为。
                        • 这个本来就是买卖双方的责任,但非洲黑人为此道歉了吗?别人买卖异族也就算了毕竟非我族类,把自己本种族杀了卖了算是什么?不该罪加一等?欧洲废奴时,非洲领袖还很生气说影响他们收入呢。
                          • 绝对应该。我从来不认为任何事情可以简单以好坏区分。凡简单粗暴的一定是左左洗脑。只是想指出贩奴上没有好鸟。
                • 加拿大没指使英国政府把英国儿童送过来吧?
                  • 哈哈,又是白人的错?当初欧洲人开始废奴拒绝奴隶贸易,非洲黑人领袖可是很恼火的,因为他们靠这个赚钱呢,读读奴隶贸易的一手资料吧,当然你可以继续杠,杠精的特点就是不可说服嘛
    • 令人震惊!到底是真的假的?
    • 你说是左派的谎言,但是是Harper 政府首先就寄宿学校对原住民道歉的,所以按你的说法,是保守党先制造仇恨和动乱的。
      • 谎言指的是说学校杀人埋地里。 +2
        • 从没有人说是杀人埋地里,连原住民都没这么说。事实是很多原住民小孩从未能回家,不知去了哪里。而现在发现很多原住民小孩遗骸,不知道是怎么死的,也不知道是谁。
          • 没见过这么洗的!那当时报道出来,整个社会震惊愤怒是为了啥? +2
      • 哈珀在NDP领袖林顿多年游说下道歉(received private counsel from Layton on the matter of Indian residential schools.Before delivering the apology, Harper thanked Layton)。而且道歉是对的,因为确实有孩子遭到虐待,但哈珀从未说过这是种族灭绝 +3
        • Harper was the PM. Layton was not.
          • 他做的是对的啊,如果没有林顿劝告,他道歉也是好事,但他从未说过这是种族灭绝,这是土豆宣布的 +3
            • Trudeau的道歉也没说过,他不可能这么说,这么说加拿大政府都不合法。事实是不管左右的加拿大政府,对原住民的道歉都是很敷衍的,还想把责任往教会身上推。原住民一直让Trudeau公布加拿大政府的关于residential school的全部记录,他就是不肯,还跟他们说都公布了。 +1
              • 原来不是土豆承认genocide的啊,可惜他资助的那些主流媒体纷纷报道“Trudeau's acknowledgment of Indigenous genocide could have legal impacts”,他也不辟谣真的很不好 +3
                • 这是Trudeau的apology ,全文并没有提到genocide。至于媒体怎么理解,他也没法管。而且很多团体和学术界都将residential school 定义为genocide, 我也是这么认为的。。我认为只有先承认,才可能有和解。要不然,事实具在却拼命否认,只能更加深仇恨。
                  • "Justin Trudeau’s acceptance of an inquiry’s finding that Canada committed genocide against Indigenous people",你认为他这不算承认genocide,佩服你的理解力! +3
                    • 看清楚这个inquiry 不是关于residential school 的, 是关于原住民妇女的:Trudeau reiterated this week that he accepts the conclusion of the 2019 inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women that “what happened amounts to genocide.
                      The missing and murdered women’s inquiry concluded in its 1,200-page report that Canada deliberately and systematically violated racial, gender, human and Indigenous rights. 这个是另一个加拿大怎么加害原住民妇女的。更加说明了对原住民的种族灭绝的事实,residential school 只是一小部分。各种手段加在一起,原住民人口巨减。链接:
                      • 哈哈哈,你这是越描越黑,土豆承认加拿大政府在原住民问题上构成种族灭绝,你还要很体贴地替他细分一下。 +3
                        • 你自己错了还不承认。
                          要不就是英文有问题,要不就是断章取义。residential school是加拿大政府的事,Trudeau 从没用过genocide,至于这个inquiry 中的原住民妇女,你自己去读一下报告是怎么回事。而且一直讨论的就是residential school,你还混淆概念。你拼命否认原住民种族灭绝的事实是为了什么呢?
                          • 杠精本色啊,所以你认为土豆不承认寄宿学校构成Genocide这一点没错吧,可惜他们居然傻乎乎赔了那么多个亿。另外被杀失踪女性可没赔钱啊,genocide都不赔钱太不像话了,我in-law母亲就是被杀女性名单上第一位,不像你除了读报告就没别的渠道理解问题 +3
                            • 这是你这么为寄宿学校辩护,这么恨Trudeau和自由党的原因么?赔的钱没赔到你?那我可以理解,我也对你in-law 母亲的遭遇非常sorry。
                              • 你动辄使用仇恨这种词,拿纳粹语言到处盖帽子,这一次又被我抓住了吧,你说别人“恨”土豆不需要证据?你除了仇恨还剩下什么?我对in-law的理解你都要干涉,别人的一举一动只要不符合你的看法就是“仇恨‘,这么纳粹还真少见。 +2