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Trudeau Liberal ambassador to China, John McCallum openly inviting 'foreign interference' from China... told China “anything that is more negative against Canada will help the Conservatives, (who) are much less friendly to China than the Liberals.”


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 自由党对中国好?特鲁多强硬放话:加拿大与中国没有和解空间 +3
    • Trudeau Liberal ambassador to China, John McCallum openly inviting 'foreign interference' from China... told China “anything that is more negative against Canada will help the Conservatives, (who) are much less friendly to China than the Liberals.” +3
      • 麦老头倒是一心为中加关系好,可惜被土豆政府踢出局了。中加关系转向恶劣,始于逮捕孟晚舟。 +2
        • No, he was simply asking China to help the Liberals during the election, that's all! And BTW, he is a mouthpiece of Justin Trudeau, so all he did was to follow the orders from his boss. +2
        • 政治不正确,说话又让人抓小辫子。可惜 +1
          • 他说驳回美国对孟晚舟的引渡,本来是为中加关系好,想不到会被宴会上的华人女记者录下来。然后他要求不要发表,那女记者把这段也曝出来。而事后华为居然邀请女记者去总部参观,女记者没去,把邀请的事也贴出来,又搏一波流量。
            • 做政客得练就八面玲珑、眼观六路、耳听八方金刚不坏之身。🤣开个玩笑。真心觉得做政客不易。做小老百姓可以骂骂政府,无伤大雅。哈哈。
    • 和中国和解或合作在Rolia都是通共。same for 拜登。🤣
      • 中加曾经的友谊消失怠尽。 +1
        • 哎!凉凉十里何时还会春盛? +1
      • 没人care 通共不通共,大家care的是尊重普世价值,遵守国际规则。自杀式开倒车的疯子谁不躲? +3
        • 啥是普世价值?自由、民主、平等、法治 等等??
          • 这一套过时了,现在民主国家在大力推行新价值观:堵嘴、吸毒、割鸡鸡、零元购、爱打疫苗、乱进厕所、不吃肉…..。 +3
            • LOL
    • 中国的政策还能长点,达到10年就不错了。民主国家的政策是4年一换,空间也是
      • 是呀。Leader 们都去参加G20了
    • 民调落后了,就把中国话题提一提 +1