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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 这个老人可不是随便一个老兵/乌克兰还为他出版过邮票/他所在的队伍一直饱受争议却受到加拿大政府的包庇/如今搞得波兰和犹太人都吵着要审判他的战争罪行了 +6


    • National Post: Parliament's Nazi scandal a 'top headline story' for Russian propaganda news...'Not only are they aggressively amplifying the facts, +1
      the unfortunate facts...but now they're even fabricating images to cause further damage to Canada's reputation'
      • 哈哈,谢谢更正,不过这个老兵一直是活跃分子,而且加拿大一直包庇他所在的军队倒是真的,因为他以前很多东西都被挖出来了,而且相关纪念碑这些年来一直遭到犹太/波兰/俄国人的抗议 +2
        • 看看这段,老兄做了段视频专门讲小土豆自由党把老纳粹请进议会作为英雄这件奇葩事。。。;D +2
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          • 读读这个新闻:"Canada’s long history of soft-pedalling the Ukrainian Waffen-SS Galicia Division",加拿大政府为他所在的纳粹部队洗地洗了很多年,终于连自己都相信了,所以就邀请了,结果没想到反响这么大,他们根本不是不知道他的背景,只是以为没人会关注而已 +6
            • 光说有啥用,上街游行呀,举苏联旗 +1
              • 又来对别人指手画脚,我们讨论我们的,你爱干啥干啥去 +5
              • 为啥要游行, 我们只负责👀这他们忙活的没闲心管其他国家 +1
            • 介绍他的时候说:他在二战期间抵抗苏联。哈哈哈,那时抵抗苏联的都是纳粹和纳粹的走狗国哦,可见很清楚他的历史。 +3
              • 所以说,这事就是历史盲小土豆一人拍板,亲自部署亲自指挥,为了装圣母占据道德高地挺乌反俄,扯蛋用力过猛,终于扯裂。。;D +3
                • 当初这伙乌克兰战犯被关在俘虏营里,是一个叫Panchuk的加拿大人大力美化他们,不顾犹太人反对硬是把他们移民了过来 +2
                  • Veteran who helped bring 30,000 Ukrainian refugees to Canada to be honoured in the U.K.犹太人反对?
                    Pandemic delays celebration in stained glass honouring Bohdan Panchuk, but prayers for the 75th anniversary of VE Day and Ukrainian-Canadian soldiers will be livestreamed
                    • 不学无术还这么得意?“This was a decision fiercely opposed by the Canadian Jewish Congress at the time, +2
                      but ultimately ignored on the basis that the division’s soldiers had volunteered “not because of a love of the Germans but because of their hatred for the Russians and the Communist tyranny.” In the early 1980s, the famed Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal would later send a list of 217 names to the Canadian government of former Galicia Division officers who were “not living in Europe.” A subsequent RCMP investigation would find that at least 11 of them had indeed retired and died in Canada.
                      • 这种混账逻辑居然能过关,可见加拿大政客在那时就非常混账了。。。。 +1
                        • 哈哈哈,更精彩的在这里,这是加拿大乌克兰群体写给移民官员的反对信件 +2
                          Not everyone was fooled. Some members of the Canadian-Ukrainian community knew exactly who these “refugees” were and Panchuk’s campaign faced strong opposition from the Association of United Ukrainians in Canada...... “It is clear that Mr. Panchuk and his Association either forgets the facts, that no Canadian could forget or feels that Canadians have already forgotten their sons who have fallen on the battlefields of Europe,” the association wrote to Canadian immigration officials,“Ukrainian Division (Galicia) was part and parcel of the Hitler army. It was against them that our Canadian boys fought on the battlefields of Italy. Many a Canadian son remained over there, shot by the VERY ONES that Mr. Panchuk would wish your Department to bring to Canada.”
                          • Olesya Khromeychuk一本书有记载。不知道这位乌克兰美女对老兵移民这事是否反对,事情闹这么大多少应该出来澄清一下。我们已经看到,俄罗斯借口有人参加过纳粹,就入侵了。
                            My favourite place in the flat where I grew up was on a windowsill. It was also the favourite place of my cat. Together, we made ourselves warm and cosy there and watched the world go by. Our view was slightly restricted by the bars my dad had put on the window (ground floor flats being the primary
                      • 西蒙·维森塔尔似乎没有来过加拿大?你这句话昨天才出现,不好意思我以前没注意到。里面提到的犹太组织已经解散了?请确认消息来源
                        • 人家sent a list,就等于别人亲自来了?消息来源你自己可以查啊,吃饭还需要别人喂? +1
                          • 他的网站上也没有什么2000人名单呀,你是不是张冠李戴了
                            • 又来了,2千纳粹移民就等于2千人都在Simom名单上?事实上Simon提出的纳粹移民数据远高于2000人,他提出的数据是6000人!这是我最后一次喂饭,又没付我学费,以后有偿问答! +1
                  • Panchuk就比智忧党匪首聪明多了,收养那么多纳粹都没事,智忧党给一个纳粹鼓鼓掌就被大家揪住猛打。。。。。 +1
                    • 这家伙当初不顾加拿大的犹太人和乌克兰人的反对,一下子请进来2000个纳粹,才有小土豆今天的闹剧 +1
                      • 太可怕了比万人坑还厉害
                        • 转移话题是个好办法
                          • 就是说你那个2000纳粹说法和万人坑一样夸张荒谬。有这么多我怎么没看见也没听说?你之前有说过吗?
                            • 你没听过的事多着呢/进来的普通纳粹和重要官员是两个数据/西蒙认为前者6千/后者数百/其他人认为至少数千纳粹(除了加拿大国会不承认)/所以2千还是往少处说了/这是我最后一次给你官方数据/以后有偿问答! +1


              • 冰冻三尺非一日之寒,加拿大从当年接受这批移民时就开始洗地,把这批纳粹描述成抗俄斗士,如今终于翻了船,当时纳粹军人基本都跟俄国打过仗,如果以这个为理由可以豁免战争罪行,估计纽伦堡的战犯都可以被豁免了 +2
                • 你以前从来不说,如今突然发作,我只能先审视你
                  • 还是那句话,不学无术还这么得意?这伙移民当初被批准时不但遭到犹太人激烈反对,甚至遭到加拿大乌克兰社区的激烈反对,你也不知道吗? +1
                    • 不好意思,那时候我还小。应该听你讲,真的吗吓人?
                      • 啥都不知道还理直气壮扯这么多,还是你牛!
                        • 看时间线,这只是审核最新消息的标准流程
                          • 自封的肉联审核员?以后有偿问答,我对自己不学习什么都问人的人已经够客气的了。 +1
        • 班傑拉是我們的父親,烏克蘭是我們的母親 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
    • 二战历史上许多乌克兰人站队德国。跟现在想进北约一样。没区别 +1
      • 乌克兰人是因为与老共杀父之仇,站队德国可以理解。那些国父都是在各个山头跳跃争取本民族最大利益. 后代小辈揪住不放,缺乏教养 +1
        • 当时的苏共,非常邪恶,和德国共同入侵波兰。 +1
          • 也可以说是暂时挡住了法西斯的罪恶步伐 +1