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Ontario.ca上的安省 building code 应该是最新的,规定没变,至于建商怎么申请“otherwise permitted”是另一回事,house没有理由不遵守吧 Window Areas

(1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3) or otherwise permitted, every room used for sleeping in any building, and every principal room such as living room, dining room or combination of them in dwelling units shall be provided with windows having areas conforming to Part 9, except that Article does not apply.

(2) Long-term care homes shall have,

(a) in an activity room, a sitting room or a lounge, one or more windows with a total unobstructed glass area, exclusive of skylights, of not less than 10% of the area of the room, and

(b) in a residents’ sleeping room, one or more windows that,

(i) have a total unobstructed glass area, exclusive of skylights, of not less than 10% of the area of the room,

(ii) open to the outdoors and have a total unobstructed glass area, exclusive of skylights, of not less than 5% of the area of the room, and

(iii) are installed with the bottom edge of the glass of every window not more than 660 mm above the floor.

(3) Play activity rooms in a child care facility and work areas in live/work units shall have one or more windows that conform to Clause (2)(a).


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 请教个问题,地下室做两个卧室一个厅,厅里有个逃生窗,卧室里的窗也必须是逃生窗吗?
    • 没窗你可以定义那一间为 den,出租或卖房不可称那间 bedroom。
      • 没窗算den那是老黄历了,很多新公寓卧室没窗。 +1
        • 好像是没窗有closet 也算是bedroom 吧
        • Ontario.ca上的安省 building code 应该是最新的,规定没变,至于建商怎么申请“otherwise permitted”是另一回事,house没有理由不遵守吧

 Window Areas

          (1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3) or otherwise permitted, every room used for sleeping in any building, and every principal room such as living room, dining room or combination of them in dwelling units shall be provided with windows having areas conforming to Part 9, except that Article does not apply.

          (2) Long-term care homes shall have,

          (a) in an activity room, a sitting room or a lounge, one or more windows with a total unobstructed glass area, exclusive of skylights, of not less than 10% of the area of the room, and

          (b) in a residents’ sleeping room, one or more windows that,

          (i) have a total unobstructed glass area, exclusive of skylights, of not less than 10% of the area of the room,

          (ii) open to the outdoors and have a total unobstructed glass area, exclusive of skylights, of not less than 5% of the area of the room, and

          (iii) are installed with the bottom edge of the glass of every window not more than 660 mm above the floor.

          (3) Play activity rooms in a child care facility and work areas in live/work units shall have one or more windows that conform to Clause (2)(a).

        • 公寓是商住楼,防火规范跟独立屋完全两回事
      • 有窗,但窗尺寸小,不是逃生窗 +1
        • egress Window 一个就可以 +1

 Egress Windows or Doors for Bedrooms

          (1) Except where a door on the same floor level as the bedroom provides direct access to the exterior, every floor level containing a bedroom in a suite shall be provided with at least one outside window that,

          (a) is openable from the inside without the use of tools,

          (b) provides an individual, unobstructed open portion having a minimum area of 0.35 m² with no dimension less than 380 mm, and

          (c) maintains the required opening described in Clause (b) without the need for additional support.

          (2) Except for basement areas, the window required in Sentence (1) shall have a maximum sill height of 1 000 mm above the floor.

          (3) When sliding windows are used, the minimum dimension described in Sentence (1) shall apply to the openable portion of the window.

          (4) Where the sleeping area within a live/work unit is on a mezzanine with no obstructions more than 1 070 mm above the floor, the window required in Sentence (1) may be provided on the main level of the live/work unit provided the mezzanine is not more than 25% of the area of the live/work unit or 20 m2, whichever is less, and an unobstructed direct path of travel is provided from the mezzanine to this window.

          (5) Where a window required in Sentence (1) opens into a window well, a clearance of not less than 550 mm shall be provided in front of the window.

          (6) Where the sash of a window referred to in Sentence (5) swings towards the window well, the operation of the sash shall not reduce the clearance in a manner that would restrict escape in an emergency.

          (7) Where a protective enclosure is installed over the window well referred to in Sentence (5), such enclosure shall be openable from the inside without the use of keys, tools or special knowledge of the opening mechanism.

    • 没问题的,逃生通道一个就行。
      • 谢谢回复
        • 我记得几年前消防大叔说要是basement分门出入就不需要逃生窗了。
    • 逃生窗一个就行了,但是卧室需要有窗户,有规定窗户面积不能小于房间面积的百分比的
      • 我记得现在不用了,还是仔细查查吧。glazing area门也算吧。
        • second unit的要求从来没有变过,你自己看看吧:Bedrooms 2.5% of the floor area
          Read our guide to help homeowners plan and build a second unit within their house.
          • 你说的对,但是这个窗的定义没有说要通往外面,又说门上的玻璃部分也算,这我就有点搞不清了。
            • 开到室外的门才算的。反正图纸city会审查的
      • 逃生窗有尺寸要求吗?记得地库的窗户不能大,邻居盖房时整大了点就被勒令改小
        • 当然有啦,尺寸、高度、以及理fence距离都有规定
          • 那么小的地库窗能当逃生窗用?胖点的都挤不出去
            • building code规定的逃生窗尺寸其实挺大的,出去没问题
        • 建房是考虑环保,窗户总面积不能超过总墙面多少百分比。领居选择减小地下室窗户,当时地下室没装,没按bedroom来处理
    • 谷歌一下basement egress window。住人的房间一定要装,为己为人。
      • 没这要求,也没有必要。你解释一下卧室为什么要装逃生窗? 三楼卧室的窗户也不能逃生,为什么地下室的卧室需要逃生?法律只是规定,一个单元至少两出口,对于地下室,一个是入口,另一个就是逃生窗. 不必每个卧室装一个,毫无意义,你这相当于要求三楼卧室每个窗户,装个梯子 +1
        • 你NB, 等你地下室住人的时候我就举报你, 让政府教育教育你. +2
          • 我的一个出租房地下室是新的legal basement,没有要求卧室有逃生窗。你去告,只会自讨没趣 +1
            • 有申请permit就行
            • 很多其他城市,这个要求是必须的了。如果你说的没有逃生窗的地下室卧室,如果卧室门口着火了,出不去,住里面的可以怎么办? +2
              • 那主层卧室门口着火怎么办?要求每个卧室窗户装个梯子?condo的卧室呢?
                • 地下室跟地上能一样吗? +3
            • 谢谢, 这次你杠赢了, 给你一朵小红花 :)
      • 只要符合city的要求就行。google很多时候不准确。 +1
      • Google啥时候成了标准答案了。标准答案是:OBC + city zoning requriment
        • 没有人觉得谷歌成标准答案。只是提建议查一下egress window。我自己也是近俩年听说,并安装了一个。个人觉得非常有必要,这样可以保证在极端的情况下,睡地下室的租客的人身安全。EGRESS 窗,可以往屋里开,节省了窗外的开放空间,设计更合理。个人感觉有必要,所以就建议了 +1
          • 人家问的是地下室permit的最低条件,你回答这样住的比较爽,那答案就没底了
            • 就是分享一下不同的想法,不要思考得过渡深刻。怕承担责任的,如我,既然做,肯定希望做到位。想省钱的,可以不做。多了解一些也没有坏处吧
    • 一般卧室里需要有一个逃生窗。有不少租客来问我这个问题的:有没有足够大的窗在起火的时候逃生。就算符合city的规范,有permit,但是也会少了一群比较懂比较计较的租客。毕竟小命要紧。 +1
      • 这句话信息量不小。
        • 你是数字哥么?改名了? +1
          • 我啥时候在括号里写(数字哥)啦?
            • 搞个数字,谁会记得住?相近的数字名字可以起一万个。现在点击网名已经不能用了,你还故意刁难我们这些穷ID. 搞清楚了,原来是你那大妈来了,你不得不隐身了。
      • 没有窗的basement房间信号也会差很多,手机收不到信号也很麻烦。
      • 加拿大法律没有要求每个卧室都有逃生窗。美国法律有。好像是。
        • 不同的城市要求不一样。滑铁卢要求地下室房间要有逃生窗
          • 拿出来看看?Ontario Building Code规定地下室必须有两个出口。如果只有一个门的话则在公共区域需要一个逃生窗,但是没有每个卧室都逃生的要求。当然自己愿意装的话多多益善。
    • 我们这边有分门,也要一个逃生窗。
      • 坐标哪里?