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为啥不看官网信息呢?Change in the principal applicant A change in principal applicant for a family class sponsorship can only occur in a sponsorship application for a parent or grandparent and their dependent spouse or common law partner. If the principal applicant passes away during processing of the application, an officer is authorized to process the surviving spouse or partner as the principal applicant. To qualify, that person must be a family class member in their own right, i.e. also be the sponsor’s parent or grandparent.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 已经获得父母团聚移民加拿大的邀请:由于父亲病重,如果只让母亲一个人来,需要怎么处理呢?
    • 你妈能让你老爸孤独病重? +4
    • 只申请母亲一人,父亲不申请。但应该是体检时都需要体检,如果其中一人体检不过关另一人也会受影响。
    • 谁是主申请人? 如果是你妈妈而且签证即将过期, 可以让你妈妈短登后回去, 否则就在国内安心照顾病人吧。
    • 看国内家庭条件如何了,如何还可以 就老实在国内养老,出国遭罪还惹儿媳女婿烦,反倒折了自己的寿 +1
    • 如果你父亲是主申请人,记得主申请人必须一起登陆。这种情况最好问问移民局吧,不要听网友一面之词。
    • 最稳妥的办法,双亲短登,以后的事以后再说
    • 对不起,我没有说明白:是这次抽签刚刚被抽中了,如果母亲作为主申请人,父亲不申请了,该怎么办?需要如何解释和办些什么证明吗?
      • 你问来问去,都是浪费时间,老人不走就不能换,很简单的道理 +2
        为啥不看官网信息呢?Change in the principal applicant A change in principal applicant for a family class sponsorship can only occur in a sponsorship application for a parent or grandparent and their dependent spouse or common law partner. If the principal applicant passes away during processing of the application, an officer is authorized to process the surviving spouse or partner as the principal applicant. To qualify, that person must be a family class member in their own right, i.e. also be the sponsor’s parent or grandparent.
      • 2个人必须一起申请,一起体检,主申请可以一个人登陆,不然容易被拒签。不过,你可以想办法申请pending拖延时间。
      • 我就奇怪了,大家怎么都不看标题的?楼主说的明明白白"获得邀请了”,还没开始申请,并不是团聚移民已经准签了。
        • 邀请信收到就是说,可以正式申请移民了。
          • 是啊,是可以申请了,还远没有到上面大家讨论的短登哪之类的。
    • 看父母年龄吧,超过 80 建议不要动了,费神,费力,弄不好折寿 +2
    • 把你母亲作为主申请人申请,先把资料递交上去再说。在批准之前申请pending,告知你父亲病重,可能拖延不了很久了,然后等父亲去世以后,再让你母亲一个人过来。如果父亲长期卧床就不太好办了。具体请查nn年前父母申请的讨论。

      可以在google中search,输入关键字。例如:pending 父母移民 site:rolia.net 或者父母移民 一方病重 site:rolia.net


      • 谢谢你给的建议
    • 如果你国内还有兄弟姐妹可以照顾父母,