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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 彩虹桥美国那边有爆炸,关闭。还有人说Niagara那边所有的边境桥都关闭了。 +1
    • 不像事故像人为,桥没事,炸了那个小房子 +1
      • 目击证人 +2
        Witness describes explosion at the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Falls
        Mike Guenther from Ontario was walking with his wife near the Rainbow Bridge when he says they saw a car driving at a high rate of speed before crashing.
        • 看来美国那边要驾车向加拿大方向恐怖袭击, 时速太快了? 提前💥?
          • 智忧党在学校猛推割鸡鸡,木木娃危在旦夕,令美国木木义愤填膺。。。。
            • 你可真能替木木鸣不平,他们是不是就指望着你有一天能当上加拿大总理,把加拿大变成穆斯林国家,为他们做主啊?你不是最喜欢跟着他们屁股后头游行吗?
              • 你太智忧,不能理解,我也说过,在多次循循善诱失败后,对你不再循循善诱了。。。。 +3
          • CNN说是从加拿大向美国方向开 +1
            • was going towards Canada +1
              Witness describes Niagara Falls explosion at the Rainbow Bridge
              Witness describes Niagara Falls explosion at the Rainbow Bridge: Mike Guenther from Ontario was walking with his wife near the Rainbow Bridge in Niagara Fall...
              • The incident occurred shortly before noon when a car coming from the Canadian side of the border on the bridge connecting Canada to New York State went through the initial checkpoint passports and licenses are examined +3
                • Check out Google Street View - this interview is at the corner of 2nd St and Niagara Street in Niagara Falls, +2
                  NY, and the witness is describing the car was speeding down Niagara St westbound. Seems like it was in the US speeding towards Canada, not the other way around like all the other news media reports are saying.
        • Tesla or Toyota?
          • 自杀袭击无疑,关闭美加边境桥,搞不好是从加拿大这边跑过去的
            • 从美国来的
              • the Buffalo office of the FBI said it is “investigating a vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge.” The incident happened as the vehicle, traveling from Canada into the United States
                • CBC:The Canadian government is "highly confident" the car originated in the United States, they said.
                  Two people are dead following an explosion on the American side of the Rainbow Bridge that has shut border crossings between Ontario and New York, two Canadian government sources confirmed to CBC News. New York's governor says there's "no sign of terrorist activity."
        • 目击证人不靠谱啊,他说是从美国往加拿大开,CNN说是从加拿大往美国开,有一个肯定是错的
          • CNN不可靠。 +1
            • FBI说的。the Buffalo office of the FBI said it is “investigating a vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge.” The incident happened as the vehicle, traveling from Canada into the United States
              • 我相信那个目击证人的,不相信主流媒体的。警察已经取得了目击证人的证言,并留下了电话。 +1
                • Me2 +1
                • 似乎是从美国向加拿大,目击证人应该是美国人,他的度量单位是 mile 和 ft。 +1
                  • 你的观察很细腻,Miles vs. Km. +1
                  • 边境地区的人很多跟着美国用单位,连报天气都喜欢用华氏
                    • 了解了。谢谢。
                      • 美加官方已经确定是从美国 往加拿大方向。见CBC,CBS新闻
    • 如此视死如归,木木也。 +2
    • 美国要过感恩节了,按那个老头的说法,是硬冲过去。一般都是美国那边警察往这边追,这次反过来了,不过没有加拿大警察追。
    • 没炸弹,没爆炸,跟加拿大没关系。美国大街上的车祸摔进了边检亭。
      • 在边境车速不会快,啥车祸把两名乘客都撞死了,这概率应该很低
        • 时速超过100mile。死者之一是纽约居民。事故 现场视频 +1
          New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said "there is no sign of terrorist involvement" at this time, after two people died in the vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing near Niagara Falls.
          • 我猜想,两口子在车里吵架,不分胜负,开车的辩论不过坐车的,一下子急眼了。 +1
            • 😀
        • 据说是撞到了花坛围栏,飞起来好高,目击者说还以为是飞机