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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 租客租了几年的房子,对房子破坏非常大,最近又发现了霉菌,而且状况很糟糕。他们过了非常久都没有跟我们讲,甚至刷漆去掩盖。我想发通知告诉他们现在房子不适合居住了,我需要除霉菌让他们搬走,请问可行吗?如果可以应该用那个form?
    • 最好找个专业人士咨询一下,不要随便盲目行动,小心租客反咬一口,说你把有霉菌的房子租给他,害得他生病,还趁机不付房租还不搬家。 +3
    • 😂你瞎折腾啥呀 租客比你脑子好使 霉菌可以是个事 也可以不是个事 就看你敢不敢赶人走 既然租金交着 不欠你的 你就别搞事 否则 吃亏上当的铁定是你 +1
      话说回来 多好的租客啊 居然没房东会搞事 很多房东求都求不来
      • 房东賊着呢 +4
        • 😂嘿嘿 出来混总是要还的 租车行出租汽车有出事故的风险 出租房屋哪里没有不毁房的可能🤔 +2
      • 会不会最后因为霉菌要求房东赔偿?
        • 有可能
        • 法庭很有可能要求房东去霉翻新以后再原租价搬进去。
          • 其实这个我没问题的,我是想把房子好好修一下。
            • 那发什么通知呀。一边装修一边也可以居住的。先装修楼下,租客搬basement居住,然后搬上去,你继续装修basement。霉菌最多的地方一般是在厕所。一栋房子有一间厕所就足够熬过装修了。实在不行,租一个活动厕所给他们用用也不是没办法。
    • N5: Reason 2: The tenant, the tenant’s guest or another occupant of the rental unit wilfully or negligently damaged the rental unit or the residential complex. 链接在你的另一帖里发过了。
      • 我也不知道应该再哪里回复大家表示感谢。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛就在这里回吧。水边也对LIFFY表示感谢。我找了几天终于找到市府的规定了,确定他们就是违反的市府的BYLAW,也就是N3里的reason3. 我在这里贴一下,希望能帮到有需要的人。
        629-25. Occupancy standards.
        A. A room designed and intended for use as a non-habitable area shall not be used as a
        habitable area.
        629-31 August 15, 2022
        B. No basement or cellar space shall be used as a dwelling unit or as a habitable room unless
        this use is otherwise permitted by law and complies with the other occupancy provisions in
        this chapter.
        C. The maximum number of persons living in a habitable room shall not exceed one person
        for each nine square metres of habitable room floor area.
        D. For the purposes of this section, the minimum height of a habitable room shall be 1.95
        metres over at least 1/2 the floor area, and, for the purposes of Subsections E and F, any
        floor area under a ceiling that is less than 1.4 metres in height shall not be counted in
        computing the required minimum floor area of a room used for sleeping.
        E. The minimum floor area of a room used by only one person for sleeping shall be six square
        metres with the room having a minimum dimension on one side of two metres.
        F. The minimum floor area of a room used by two or more persons for sleeping shall be four
        square metres for each person so using the room.

        § 629-6. Occupant's duties.
        Every person who occupies property shall:
        A. Maintain the property in a clean and sanitary condition;
        B. Maintain all plumbing, cooking, refrigerating appliances and fixtures, and all storage
        facilities and other equipment in or on the property in a clean and sanitary condition;
        C. Maintain all sanitary facilities and every fixture in a sanitary facility in a clean and sanitary
        condition; [Amended 2009-05-27 by By-law No. 570-20099
        D. Keep all exits from the property clear and unobstructed;
        E. Co-operate with the landlord in complying with the requirements of this chapter;
        F. Limit the number of occupants to the maximum number permitted by this chapter; and
        G. Take immediate action to eliminate any unsafe condition

        (1) A room in a building or a dwelling unit other than a habitable room, and includes:
        3 Editor's Note: This by-law came into force July 27, 2009.
        629-6 August 15, 2022
        (a) A bathroom, toilet room, laundry, pantry, lobby, corridor, stairway, closet or
        boiler room.
        (b) Any part of a room having a clear ceiling height of less than 1.4 metres.
        (2) Other service and maintenance space of a dwelling for public use or access to and
        vertical travel between storeys

        HABITABLE ROOM - A room in a dwelling designed, lawfully used or capable of being
        lawfully used for living, sleeping, cooking or eating purposes.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 不好意思全是错别字,大家将就看啊。。

          政府对一定面积可以居住多少人是有规定的,这里最重要的是HABITABLE ROOM的定义,很多的区域是不算在HATITABLE ROOM 内的。不是房子的面积600尺就可以住六个人的。
          • 你想多了,政府的规定多着呢。上了法庭就是偏租客。
            • 她们明显的违法了,我总要做些什么。最坏的结果就是她接着住,但是LTB也应该让她整改的。 +1

              • 不要去LTB,你冒充邻居去city投诉,说她们非法分租,有安全隐患,让city去管。她们都不知道是你投诉的。
                • 我其实也不想去,但是要发个form吓吓他。他住着便宜房子,如果真被赶走也是得不偿失的,投鼠忌器也会收敛些的。
                • 馊主意。city会找房主不会找租客的。
    • 只要房客不走根本赶不走, +1

