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左左咬左左,又一个-- I am not an anti-Semite’: Pro-Palestine artists cancelled across Europe

A Bangladeshi photojournalist, Palestinian filmmaker, and US author say cultural spaces are at risk of repression.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 一个月前的多少年,被Cancelled都是右右,现在轮到左左了😄 Cancelled or sacked over support for Palestine +2
    Hundreds of people have found themselves sacked for speaking out against Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.
    • 艾未未就发了一个哈哈贴,还赶紧删了,仍然被心细的哈犹左左发现了😄😄 +1
      • Ai Weiwei's London exhibition called off over Israel social media post
        The Chinese artist says his new London exhibition was "effectively cancelled due to my tweet".
        • 哈犹左左表示支持言论自由,堵了哈哈左左的嘴,哈哈左左很委屈,说没了言论自由,呵呵呵。堵右右嘴时,他们可都齐声叫好的哦。 +2
        • 就是一男几女光腚图的那位?
          • 是他,学白左以丑为美
      • 被你们洗脑洗成浆糊了,左左哈优,右右哈木,对吗?
        • 左左两种,哈犹和哈哈(哈木)。右右有哈犹不哈犹的,没有哈哈的,也没有哈木的。 +2
          • 这岂不是部分只哈犹的左左和右右是一样的太监
            • 太监都是爱割鸡鸡的左左,右右不管哈谁都不割鸡鸡 +4
          • 你这个幼幼刚跪舔完木木,蒙着面带着口罩跟着人家屁股后面游行,为木木游行首领感到万分委屈,又转脸跑这里来骂人家?
            • 你太智忧,没能力辨别好坏就成了德忧,哈哈。 -itwriting(halfpercent); +3
              • 你智商超高,道德标兵,所以整天蒙面见不得人。
      • 艾未未哈哈吗,表示怀疑;但是他相信西方有言论自由是肯定的
    • 支持一定会把自己的头砍掉的恐怖组织,这得有多脑残? +7
      • 不脑残不当左左 +2
      • 水落石出?加中關係危機的兩名關鍵人物 邁克爾指他被康明凱利用來收集情報,幼幼们能谈点感想不?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加中關係危機的兩名關鍵人物康明凱與邁克爾斯帕弗,又有新進展。邁克爾指他被康明凱利用來收集情報,正尋求同渥太華達成數百萬元的和解。《環球郵報》引述消息人士報道,邁克爾斯帕弗聲稱他被中國關押近三年,是因爲無意中將有關北韓的情報提供給加拿大和盟國間諜機構。邁克爾稱這一詭計是同被關押的康明凱實施,稱正是康明凱的情報工作導致兩人被中國當局監禁。邁克爾是爲數不多可以同北韓領袖金正恩見面的西方人士。代表邁克爾的律師說邁克爾同康明凱分享信息,這些信息後來在康明凱擔任本國外交官期間,在邁克爾不知情的情況下被傳遞給聯邦政府及五眼聯盟情報部門。有消息人士告訴《環球郵報》,康明凱被視爲情報人員,曾在本國駐北京大使館的全球安全報告項目(GSRP)擔任外交官,后來休假,又在駐香港的國際危機組織工作。消息人士稱,康明凱不是加拿大安全情報局僱員,但該間諜機構認為他在中國收集的消息很有價值。邁克爾的律師現正與政府尋求和解,威脅要起訴政府和康明凱。不過外交部和康明凱都否認從事間諜活動。事件源自2018年12月,加拿大根據美國引渡令拘留華爲首席財務官孟晚舟後,中國以間諜罪拘捕邁克爾和康明凱。聯邦政府否認兩人參與間諜活動,批評中國為報復任意拘押兩人。在孟晚舟獲釋後,康明凱邁克爾亦在2021年9月獲釋返回本國。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 看来外国间谍都在中国共产党监控之下,也可能间谍的情报都是故意喂的
    • 老左左咬小左左,黑黑――George Washington University suspends Students for Justice in Palestine group +2
      School made global headlines when student group, whose umbrella organization praised Oct. 7 Hamas massacres, projected messages including 'Glory To Our Martyrs' on campus
    • 左左咬左左,又一个--Toronto police charge woman who allegedly vandalized Forest Hill Starbucks with pro-Palestinian messages +2
      Toronto police have charged a 25-year-old woman who allegedly vandalized a Starbucks in Forest Hill with pro-Palestinian messages.
    • 左左咬左左,又一个--Harvard journal accused of censoring article blaming Israel for Gaza genocide +2
      Harvard Law Review declined an essay by Palestinian doctoral candidate Rabea Eghbariah after it had been initially approved
    • 左左咬左左,又一个😄😄,奥斯卡女主也被咬-- Melissa Barrera, Susan Sarandon dropped by Hollywood firms after Gaza comments +2
      In response to their pro-Palestine remarks, Scream star Barrera is out of the franchise, while Oscar winner Sarandon’s talent agency is no longer representing her.
    • 最近右右们很开心,到处是左左咬左左,左左咬木木,木木咬左左的新闻😄 +2
      • 只能说你的生活太可悲了,哈哈。 +3
    • 我发现你特别爱用连词 木木 左左 幼幼 鸡鸡 黑黑 哈哈。cute
      • 👍
    • 左左咬左左,又一个-- FA council member resigns after ‘Hitler proud of Netanyahu’ post +1
      Wasim Haq has resigned as a member of the Football Association council after saying ‘Adolf Hitler would be proud of Benjamin Netanyahu’
    • 左左咬左左,又一个-- I am not an anti-Semite’: Pro-Palestine artists cancelled across Europe +1
      A Bangladeshi photojournalist, Palestinian filmmaker, and US author say cultural spaces are at risk of repression.
    • 木木很团结,木木咬木木比较稀缺――Internet calls out Gigi for 'caving into Israeli pressure' +1
      Citing Ahmad Manasra, Gigi had called out Israel for taking children as 'prisoners of war'. She later apologized and called it the 'wrong example'.
    • 左左咬左左,又一个-- Palestine advocates decry MSNBC’s cancellation of Mehdi Hasan news show
      Channel president says change aims to put network in ‘better position’ for the 2024 US elections, The Hill reports.