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Self-motivated ,cooperative lady with over 10 years experience at im/export business in Southern China,Hongkong

Hi There , So pleased to know you are hiring some professionals to handle the trading files, Sophia Sun is self-motivated ,cooperative lady with over 10 years experience at im/export business in Sothern China and Hongkong, I feel quite confident to meet your requirements in the position of trading coordinator as well as the documentation division, please feel free to conact me for further information @416-9186698, E-MAIL: marshalkuang@hotmail.com ,
Should be appreciated with your earliest response,.
thanks &Best rgards.

Sophia Sun,

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 职位情报 / 我朋友公司在招人,主要工作是进出口业务,如果您觉得合适,请给我发email。具体见内
    公司在Markham,规模不大。 不过据我所知去年业绩不错。美国欧洲都有业务,老板为人也挺好。
    FULL TIME, 日常对外联系,处理外贸单证,协调客户和货运公司关系,另有部分销售职能。可能需要去美国出差见客户。


    • 谢谢Maple Sea的分享!我已经给您在Rolia上注册的电邮地址发邮件了,清查收,盼复。
      • 谢谢
    • 哇,我的本行啊。这么多年来,头一次符合招工条款所有要求(最后一条除外@@)。请问要不要Part Time啊。
      • :D
        • i just send a email to you, pls kindly check, thanks
          • senT An email,估计这位悬了。
            • you should say senT aN email
    • 谢谢大家的热情,我的油箱差不多要爆掉了。请原谅我不能一一回复,我会把所有的简历转给我的朋友,两周内就会通知安排面试。再次感谢。
      • 我的RESUME 已经发到你的邮箱, 谢谢你
      • 合作可以吗?
        现在本人手中有部分闲散资金,想投资合作国际市场,寻求合作伙伴,有意思着send email to yaoyaowit@hotmail.com

        There is some available fund,hence ,i want to seek some good partners who has had experience and wanna extend his overseas market,please contact me ,yaoyaowit@hotmail.com
    • 再次感谢大家的热情,我刚刚花了点时间整理了一下收到的email,明天还会抽空给各位打电话。如果您还没有发信的话就不用麻烦了,我明天就交“作业”。接下来我朋友会通知具体面试细节。
    • Self-motivated ,cooperative lady with over 10 years experience at im/export business in Southern China,Hongkong
      Hi There , So pleased to know you are hiring some professionals to handle the trading files, Sophia Sun is self-motivated ,cooperative lady with over 10 years experience at im/export business in Sothern China and Hongkong, I feel quite confident to meet your requirements in the position of trading coordinator as well as the documentation division, please feel free to conact me for further information @416-9186698, E-MAIL: marshalkuang@hotmail.com ,
      Should be appreciated with your earliest response,.
      thanks &Best rgards.

      Sophia Sun,
    • 好像我发稿太迟了?!不过条件适合,只好投递了!若有需要再回复吧!jx67@msn.com
    • 你们需要海外兼职贸易人员吗
      我是中国大连一位从事化工和矿产品农产品进出口的女性。 SOHO 国贸易一族。 不知贵司是否从中国进口。 我们是否有合作的可能?


      my mail:brellaliang@hotmail.com
    • Am I too late? If not,
      would you please email me your phone number and the most convenient time to call? Thanks!