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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

I totally agree with what he said, right now AI are smarter than 95% of human on earth, and it is still developing, the future for human is very dark.

I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!
I asked an advanced AI system about the end times according to the Bible, and what it revealed left me absolutely stunned!Let's connect on Instagram: @nickva...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技自然 / I totally agree with what he said, right now AI are smarter than 95% of human on earth, and it is still developing, the future for human is very dark. +1
    I Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Me Stunned!
    I asked an advanced AI system about the end times according to the Bible, and what it revealed left me absolutely stunned!Let's connect on Instagram: @nickva...
    • 他是个AI专家吗?
    • I didn’t listen but I am sure AI will not replace human judgment, especially in social science. I test AI with the extreme questions and the answer didn’t satisfy me! You can play with AI for entertainment but not for your daily life.
      • 无知,傲慢与偏见!
    • 反正让很多人失业是肯定的。小土豆还洪水招人,就为了多人住俩房子
    • 都听听吧,真的很有深度。。。他已经一个月没有更新了,很让人担心
    • 别担心,大家还可以HAPPY几年。
      • 不知道担心什么?新技术每天都有,老人每天退休,新人不断加入职场,资本市场就是这样运作的,新陈代谢是永恒主题。中国除外。
        • 还记得基因编辑胚胎么,中国这方面肯定是人有多大胆,地有多大产,现在还没有看到中国有明显落后的趋势,至少论文数量和ENGINEER数量,和美国齐头并进。
    • 没有看视频,不认为完全对。因为一般人认知的 smart 是基于对现存的一些所谓的 “先进知识” 的掌握而言,而大众从遗传,生活,实践中得到的大量的思维智慧及经验积累是千变万化的枝节细微, 不好一概而论。
      • 老松,问题不是AI多聪明,而是这个世界上的蠢货和懒蛋太多,颇有当年“人傻,钱多,速来”的感觉。 +1
        • 你你也是蠢货?你也是懒蛋? AI聪明在哪里? 我没有看出AI聪明在哪里,也就是从这里抄一段,从那里抄一段,拼凑而成,没有任何新意。
          • 东抄一段西抄一段,那是几年前的事儿了。我一直好奇,如果把ETHIC FILTER移除了的GPT啥样子,估计可能把OPEN AI的董事们给吓着了。现在的生成式AI加上类似DEEPMIND的推理,有可能搞出个FREAKENSTEIN出来。
            • 就是!
    • 6个多月前的视频,他当时还是太“乐观”了。