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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 我就搞不懂美国人民都脑子短路了吗?叫嚣什么国会山暴乱,然后查个不停还秋后算帐,搞得跟六四似的。可所谓暴乱的背景没人敢提。美国真的病得不轻了。美国病了,谁得到最大的好处? +5
    • 医生? +2
      • 谁是美国的家庭医生?请举手🙋😂
        • 中共 +1
          • 😂
      • 😄
    • 贼把捉贼的人定成暴徒。 +5
      • 是不是贼本来应该好好审审,大家有疑问就该好好辨认一下嘛,可竟然没有衙门敢或者说同意接受案件。美国病得厉害啊。 +1
        • 贼不把捉贼的人搞定,贼就觉得不安全,而且以后也不方便再去偷。 +4
          • 美国人民这么喜欢被贼惦记着吗?
            • 不是美国人民喜欢被贼惦记,是贼喜欢偷
              • 哪有不喜欢偷的贼呀。你不打贼,不就是喜欢被贼惦记着?
                • 贼不想被捉,所以不顾一切地阻止捉贼的领导人上台 +1
                  • 美国人民任重道远啊
    • 左左呗,他们最怕面对事实。 +6
      • 我们大家都是一把年纪的人,难道不知道不敢面对现实只能有更惨烈的发展吗?时候未到而已。对了,左左好像从来没有对华裔好过哦。 +5
        • 左左是这样一个群体,只要被他们找到忽悠点,无论是难民,毒品,同性,LGBTQ,黑命贵,他们都能借此站到道德制高点,从而获取利益。即使最后穿帮了,不过下台几年而已。 +8
          • 那是说左左猛于虎吗😂 +3
            • 哪边过份了都是负作用,现在左左过了太多了。 +1
    • 目的是阻止川普参选。 +4
      • 美国人民还没有愤怒吗?😂
    • 占领国会山显然会成为美国历史上非常重要的一个事件,不能假装没事。 +1
      • 那么背景呢?拜登曲线不重要吗,可以假装没事? +6
        • 我没听说有人禁止研究背景和拜登曲线?
          • 你见过几个研究的?事出反常必有妖。老川当年的所有起诉都不被受理,这本身就是反常。 +7
            • 搜一下【拜登曲线】?
              • 大家不是对不是潴留媒体的报道都认定是阴谋吗?我只敢读潴留呀。疫苗的不同信息还是在揉脸得到的。 +1
                • 哦,那就是你自己的问题了。
                  • 咦,你怎么不找根源就直接谴责了呢?跟这个说国会山的是暴乱却不知背景的一样。 +2
                    • 哦?我可一个字都没谴责啊。
                      • 二师兄真会说话,啧啧啧👍👍👍 +1
    • There are numerous investigations in all battle ground states. And almost all investigations were led by the Republicans. All confirmed Biden's win.

      Biden's victory over Trump in 2020 was not particularly close. He won the Electoral College with 306 votes to Trump's 232, and the popular vote by more than seven million ballots.

      Because the Electoral College ultimately determines the presidency, the race was decided by a few battleground states. Many of those states conducted recounts or thorough reviews of the results, all of which confirmed Biden's victory.

      In Arizona, a six-month review of ballots in the state's largest county, Maricopa, that was commissioned by Republican state legislators not only affirmed Biden's victory but determined that he should have won by 306 more votes than the officially certified statewide margin of 10,457.

      In Georgia, where Trump was recently indicted for his efforts to overturn the 2020 result there, state officials led by both a Republican governor and secretary of state recertified Biden's win after conducting three statewide counts. The final official recount narrowed Biden's victory in the state from just shy of 13,000 votes to just shy of 12,000 votes.

      In Michigan, a committee led by Republican state senators concluded there was no widespread or systematic fraud in the state in 2020 after conducting a monthslong investigation. Michigan, where Biden defeated Trump by almost 155,000 votes, or 2.8 percentage points, was less competitive compared with other battleground states, although the result in Wayne County, home of Detroit, was targeted by Trump and his supporters with unfounded voter fraud claims, as were key urban jurisdictions across the country.

      In Nevada, the then-secretary of state, Republican Barbara Cegavske, and her office reviewed tens of thousands of allegations of possible voter fraud identified by the Nevada Republican Party but found that almost all were based on incomplete information and a lack of understanding of the state's voting and registration procedures.

      For example, Cegavske's investigation found that of 1,506 alleged instances of ballots being cast in the name of deceased individuals, only 10 warranted further investigation by law enforcement. Similarly, 10 out of 1,778 allegations of double-voting called for further investigation. Biden won Nevada by 33,596 votes, or 2.4 percentage points.

      In Pennsylvania, the final certified results had Biden with an 80,555-vote margin over Trump, or 1.2 percentage points. Efforts to overturn Pennsylvania's election failed in state and federal courts, while no prosecutor, judge or election official in Pennsylvania has raised a concern about widespread fraud.

      State Republicans continue to attempt their own review of the 2020 results, but that effort has been tied up in the courts and Democrats have called it a "partisan fishing expedition."

      In Wisconsin, a recount slightly improved Biden's victory over Trump by 87 votes, increasing Biden's statewide lead to 20,682, or 0.6 percentage points. A nonpartisan audit that concluded a year after the election made recommendations on how to improve future elections in Wisconsin but did not uncover evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state, leading the Republican co-chair of the audit committee to declare that "the election was largely safe and secure."

      The state's Assembly speaker, a Republican, ordered a separate review, which a state judge said found "absolutely no evidence of election fraud."

      • 因为不想信,所以不相信。
        • 碰巧那天晚上我关注了开票进程,非常戏剧性。拜登曲线真是前无古人啊,可研究在哪里呢? +6
          • 世界上除了潴留和揉脸,还有其他很多资源。把捂眼的手拿开,勇敢看世界。 +1
            • 来几个有影响的研究拜登曲线的给我们开开眼界呗 +1
              • 搜一下【拜登曲线】? -897102(净坛使者); 09:48
                • 有啥影响了?你不会又说那都是阴谋论吧? +1
      • 这是研究拜登曲线吗?你理解问题的能力有待提高啊。 +4
        • Just google it. Also these investigations were led by the republicans and were pretty comprehensive. If they had found anything suspicious, they would not come to the conclusion that Biden won the election
          • 竟然研究拜登曲线的那么多,最终都说拜登曲线正常?这种前无古人的曲线会是正常的本身不是妖吗? +5
    • 美国和美国人不是神,都有自己的生老病死,当成邻居牛2你就懂了
      • 可美国不是邻居牛二呀,美国是国际警察呀。
    • 每个国家都垮掉了, 谁争到最大的好处?
      • 我先发言,肯定是右右和俄罗斯。不敢说中国,你知道为什么的😂
        • 此三者是现在被媒体舆论抨击的对象,如果受益只能说是物极必反,应该不是各种乱象制造者真正想要的结果。 +1
    • 拜登总统 +1
    • 国会山暴乱确实是川普的错,他确实不能再当总统
      • 请看川普在2021年J6是如何煽动暴乱的 +4


        • 多好的总统啊,虽然他经常得瑟的样子让人恨不得一拳捶过去😂……很多不喜欢他的人估计是不喜欢成功人士的洋洋得意吧 +1
      • 国会山群众集会是因为拜登曲线,拜登当美国总统简直就是美国耻辱的历史。川普的工作职位被偷了。 +2
        • 好吧,你说的都对,地球是平的 +1
          • 为什么刷孩子脾气呢? +1
    • 绝大多数没有短路,但是没有出声的渠道。作为无冕之王的媒体现在全部被劫持了。
      • 要学会返璞归真嘛,没有媒体之前人民是怎么起义的?
    • 民主的可贵之处就在于纠错机制和自我修复,这就是体现出来了。
      • 还在不断地纠错,没完呢