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如果自己准备文件:护照,学历证明,专业证书(如果有),对方提供的offer letter, job description, 对方公司财务状况(从他们公司网页打印出来),祝好运。

  • You are a citizen of Canada or Mexico;
  • Your profession qualifies under the regulations;
  • The position in the United States requires a NAFTA professional;
  • You have a prearranged full-time or part-time job with a U.S. employer (but not self-employment - see documentation required below); and
  • You have the qualifications to practice in the profession in question.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国工签 / 本人护士

    本人registered nurse,美国医院F在圣诞节前我让签了福利,工资涨幅等合同,只差TN offer letter去海关申请SSN了,这个工作算是拿稳了吧?因为还有一家医院M在等我答复;F是大医院,是我的第一选择;

    我家在卡村,拿到TN offer letter后,预约去卡村机场custom and protection office申请TN Visa既可,对不对?第一次办,谢答复;

    • ... +1

      签了福利,工资涨幅等合同 -- Offer letter 双方签了吗?

      只差TN offer letter -- TN offer letter 和 offer letter 是两回事吧?

      去海关申请SSN了 -- 海关 == Customs, 不管 SSN。只有 Social Security Administration (SSA) 管 SSN。

      这个工作算是拿稳了吧?如果 Offer letter 或者 Employment agreement 没签,不算。

      • TN offer letter 和 offer letter 基本是一回事,抬头不一样而已,一般都是雇主的签证专家或者律师会帮准备。BTW,老板我记得你先生是不是有条船,我们成立了一个美东船长群,他有兴趣可以加。其他美东沿海的船长也可以联系我加
        • His is 26’ proline, outboard, center console, singular Yamaha F350 though.
          • 好船,跟我的帆船一样长,比我的海船大:))
            • 每次我看到路上 coast guard 的船都是不停流口水。尤其是那些一排 4 个大 engine 的。
        • 谢答复;我目前住加西,马上搬去美东,您记错人了;
    • 如果对方公司雇佣律师准备TN文件,比较省心。

      如果自己准备文件:护照,学历证明,专业证书(如果有),对方提供的offer letter, job description, 对方公司财务状况(从他们公司网页打印出来),祝好运。

      • You are a citizen of Canada or Mexico;
      • Your profession qualifies under the regulations;
      • The position in the United States requires a NAFTA professional;
      • You have a prearranged full-time or part-time job with a U.S. employer (but not self-employment - see documentation required below); and
      • You have the qualifications to practice in the profession in question.
      • 与我联系的HR lady在dec 25 to Jan 3度假去了,但希望我1/22开始上班;
        • 除了这周,还有两周,比较紧,也只能先住旅馆了,把relocation fee 要足了。
    • 不用担心,基本没有问题,注册护士到处都紧缺,一定能行
      • 谢谢,让我安心了一些;
    • 我最心仪的Florida hospital今天打电话说在准备TN letter了,就是说这个工作是拿稳了的;另一家医院M昨天也打电话来催我办TN visa, 总之美国找工作容易很多,让我受宠若倞;目前的问题是该如何拒M家?我不想得罪她,人家很看得起我;谢建议;
      • business is business nothing personal. 反正也是山高水远,永不相见了。
      • easy, your husband also got a job at FL, hence, have to consider keeping the family together first. +2
      • 谈不上得罪不得罪,就说接受其它offer,并一感谢他们的认可和兴趣。 +4

        I sincerely appreciate the job offer extended by your company and the interest you have shown in my candidacy. It has been a difficult decision. I have received another job offer that better aligns with both my career goals and financial objectives, and I have chosen to accept that opportunity. I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity and understanding. I have great respect for your company and wish you continued success.

        Thank you again for the offer. Best regards,

        • can't express enough of my appreciation;
          • No problem
          • 美国文化都是直来直去,这就是最好的appreciation。说假话是根本没有appreciation。
    • 打算把儿子留给老公和奶奶了? +3
      • 你是知情者?