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Do they get in the brain? No one has ever studied it but animal studies using the same chemicals that are in vaccines that we give to children, directly demonstrate that the vaccine ingredients do enter the brain.

There are scientists in Europe who have actually done studies on the aluminium nanoparticle and have shown that it can persist in the brain for years and decades. And so, what we are seeing is a large outbreak of neurodevelopmental disabilities in adults including Alzheimer’s. And one of the main factors that they’re finding in the brains of people without Alzheimer’s is the aluminium nanoparticle that’s directly related to the vaccines that we’re giving.

So, we have never studied whether the aluminium that we’re giving in vaccines gets into the brain and we have never measured whether it stays in the brain and what it does if it does stay in the brain.

But we do know that vaccines are supposed to cause inflammation in the body but we have more than half of our children with chronic inflamed conditions and we have never allowed ourselves to ask the question if the vaccines cause inflammation acutely, do they continue to create inflammation chronically?

We have 1 in 5 with neurodevelopmental disabilities, 1 in 10 with ADD and ADHD, 1 in 35 with autism, 1 in 11 with asthma, and 1 in 20 under the age of 5 with seizures.

Autoimmune disease is exponentially rising and we are finding that the viruses and the bacteria that we are injecting into the body along with the adjuvants, create something called molecular mimicry which means the body sees those viruses, thinking that it’s foreign but finds pieces of those viruses that match pieces of the cell and the immune system doesn’t differentiate between what it’s been told to reject and itself. So, it will turn the immune system on itself leading to an autoimmune condition.

We know this about Hepatitis B, we know it about the Gardasil vaccine and we know it about the flu vaccine, and we continue to say unequivocally that the vaccines have been studied effectively and that they’re safe and that’s just not true.

There have been numerous studies done by people outside the mainstream medical community who have attempted to look at what happens to the nanoparticle when it’s intended into the body. They have found that not only does it penetrate the brain but it persists for years.

There have been studies looking at the brains of people who had autism and those who didn’t and compared the percentage of aluminium and it was exponentially larger in those with autism than those who had no neurodevelopmental disabilities.

Aluminium is not in vaccines in a vacuum … in every vaccine where you see an aluminium nanoparticle, it is accompanied by polysorbate 80 … Polysorbate 80 can pass through the brain when it binds very tightly to aluminium … There is another chemical in the vaccines called 2-phenoxyethanol which disrupts the health of the cell membranes of the body.

We know that aluminium as a nanoparticle can destroy mitochondria and mitochondrial disease is one of the basic pathophysiological findings in people with chronic inflammatory conditions.

We also know that the aluminium nanoparticle can destroy the waste product removers of the cells, called the lysosomes … Therefore, you are increasing the potential for chronic inflammatory conditions.

Polysorbate 80 can go right through the cell membrane. 2-phenoxyethanol can destroy the cell membrane and allow material to go into … areas where it shouldn’t go in.

There is a difference between what you inhale and what you ingest and what you inject. What you inhale and what you ingest has the capacity for the immune system along the airway and the immune system along the 26 feet of intestines in children plus the liver to eliminate that before it gets into the body. But when you deliver it through an injection, 100 per cent of it gets in.

And so, when you hear millions of parents … saying my child was fine and then deteriorated pretty badly, and you have millions of parents hearing from their physician that had nothing to do with the vaccine, but the parent saw it right in front of them, it’s our job to say is there something in the vaccines that actually can penetrate the brain that can disrupt the mitochondria, that can destroy the lysosomes.

We assume that when you inject the vaccine, it’s not going to hurt you. We also assume it will give you immunity. Neither of those is true.

In over 21 years of actually watching the health of vaccinated children in the same community as the health of unvaccinated children, I don’t see nearly as many chronic inflammatory conditions in those who are unvaccinated as I do in those who are vaccinated … Vaccine injury is much more widespread than we are giving it credit for.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Vaccine injury, from all vaccines, is far more widespread than people realise:The kind of aluminium that we put into vaccines is a different kind of aluminium that we see environmentally. [It] is called a nanoparticle … +1
    We assume that when you inject a vaccine, it’s not going to hurt you. We also assume it’s going to give you immunity.  Neither of those is true. Vaccine injury, from all vaccines, is much more…
    • Do they get in the brain? No one has ever studied it but animal studies using the same chemicals that are in vaccines that we give to children, directly demonstrate that the vaccine ingredients do enter the brain. +1

      There are scientists in Europe who have actually done studies on the aluminium nanoparticle and have shown that it can persist in the brain for years and decades. And so, what we are seeing is a large outbreak of neurodevelopmental disabilities in adults including Alzheimer’s. And one of the main factors that they’re finding in the brains of people without Alzheimer’s is the aluminium nanoparticle that’s directly related to the vaccines that we’re giving.

      So, we have never studied whether the aluminium that we’re giving in vaccines gets into the brain and we have never measured whether it stays in the brain and what it does if it does stay in the brain.

      But we do know that vaccines are supposed to cause inflammation in the body but we have more than half of our children with chronic inflamed conditions and we have never allowed ourselves to ask the question if the vaccines cause inflammation acutely, do they continue to create inflammation chronically?

      We have 1 in 5 with neurodevelopmental disabilities, 1 in 10 with ADD and ADHD, 1 in 35 with autism, 1 in 11 with asthma, and 1 in 20 under the age of 5 with seizures.

      Autoimmune disease is exponentially rising and we are finding that the viruses and the bacteria that we are injecting into the body along with the adjuvants, create something called molecular mimicry which means the body sees those viruses, thinking that it’s foreign but finds pieces of those viruses that match pieces of the cell and the immune system doesn’t differentiate between what it’s been told to reject and itself. So, it will turn the immune system on itself leading to an autoimmune condition.

      We know this about Hepatitis B, we know it about the Gardasil vaccine and we know it about the flu vaccine, and we continue to say unequivocally that the vaccines have been studied effectively and that they’re safe and that’s just not true.

      There have been numerous studies done by people outside the mainstream medical community who have attempted to look at what happens to the nanoparticle when it’s intended into the body. They have found that not only does it penetrate the brain but it persists for years.

      There have been studies looking at the brains of people who had autism and those who didn’t and compared the percentage of aluminium and it was exponentially larger in those with autism than those who had no neurodevelopmental disabilities.

      Aluminium is not in vaccines in a vacuum … in every vaccine where you see an aluminium nanoparticle, it is accompanied by polysorbate 80 … Polysorbate 80 can pass through the brain when it binds very tightly to aluminium … There is another chemical in the vaccines called 2-phenoxyethanol which disrupts the health of the cell membranes of the body.

      We know that aluminium as a nanoparticle can destroy mitochondria and mitochondrial disease is one of the basic pathophysiological findings in people with chronic inflammatory conditions.

      We also know that the aluminium nanoparticle can destroy the waste product removers of the cells, called the lysosomes … Therefore, you are increasing the potential for chronic inflammatory conditions.

      Polysorbate 80 can go right through the cell membrane. 2-phenoxyethanol can destroy the cell membrane and allow material to go into … areas where it shouldn’t go in.

      There is a difference between what you inhale and what you ingest and what you inject. What you inhale and what you ingest has the capacity for the immune system along the airway and the immune system along the 26 feet of intestines in children plus the liver to eliminate that before it gets into the body. But when you deliver it through an injection, 100 per cent of it gets in.

      And so, when you hear millions of parents … saying my child was fine and then deteriorated pretty badly, and you have millions of parents hearing from their physician that had nothing to do with the vaccine, but the parent saw it right in front of them, it’s our job to say is there something in the vaccines that actually can penetrate the brain that can disrupt the mitochondria, that can destroy the lysosomes.

      We assume that when you inject the vaccine, it’s not going to hurt you. We also assume it will give you immunity. Neither of those is true.

      In over 21 years of actually watching the health of vaccinated children in the same community as the health of unvaccinated children, I don’t see nearly as many chronic inflammatory conditions in those who are unvaccinated as I do in those who are vaccinated … Vaccine injury is much more widespread than we are giving it credit for.