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今天新闻里讲的,这个女人为募捐骑自行车,因故大家在路边,一个VAN减速让路,却被另一个无照超速人撞了她(还撞死一个), TD为什么把第三方加了VAN的司机,如果我们遇到会怎样应付?(A van passed by and slowed down to give the cyclists room. 错了?)

Security National is fighting Townley's claim. In 2022, the company filed what's called a third-party claim — adding the two people in the van and Pancreatic Cancer Canada as defendants. The civil claim accused the charity of "failing to adequately protect event participants" by ensuring the route was safe.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 今天新闻里讲的,这个女人为募捐骑自行车,因故大家在路边,一个VAN减速让路,却被另一个无照超速人撞了她(还撞死一个), TD为什么把第三方加了VAN的司机,如果我们遇到会怎样应付?(A van passed by and slowed down to give the cyclists room. 错了?) +1
    Security National is fighting Townley's claim. In 2022, the company filed what's called a third-party claim — adding the two people in the van and Pancreatic Cancer Canada as defendants. The civil claim accused the charity of "failing to adequately protect event participants" by ensuring the route was safe.
    • 可见,知法懂法和随机应变多么重要 +2
    • 这个的关键是撞人那家伙没有保险,TD当然要找别的保险公司一起赔了。我是非常害怕的当碰到自行车在路上时,也不敢开快,慢吞吞的跟在自行车后面也是不对的。 +1
      • 打双闪,很多人不懂遇到堵车或者前方有情况必须减速慢行要打双闪提示后车 +3
    • 没看出任何问题 第三方确实有责任 比如骑行组织方有确保安全的责任 这也是骑行组织都要买保险的原因 +1
      • 楼主的意思为什么要adding the two people in the van
        • 保险公司嘛 主要业务之一就是拖时间 +1
        • 嗯嗯,这个van如果不避让,估计那个车就不会测超,酿成大祸。这锅背的冤哈。 +1
      • 不是说保险各找各妈吗?哦我们安省这样,她们不一样可能
        • 肇事司机没保险
    • 我粗读了一遍!还是我们安省的保险法符合人性。这个时候真管用,就是常被烂用。 +1