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The Globe and Mail
23 January 2024


The federal government was not justified when it invoked the Emergencies Act and issued a public order emergency proclamation in response to convoy protests that gridlocked Ottawa and some border crossings two years ago, the Federal Court ruled Tuesday in a decision that will test Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.

The emergency proclamation “was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” Justice Richard Mosley wrote in his decision.

“The decision to issue the Proclamation was unreasonable and led to infringement of Charter rights not justified under section 1,” the Justice wrote.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association filed an application for a judicial review against the government’s use of the Emergencies Act, as did several other groups and individuals.

“The Federal Court found that the decision to declare the Emergencies Act was ultra vires and unreasonable and that the measures violated the Charter,” the Canadian Civil Liberties Association’s lawyer Ewa Krajewska said in a brief statement on social media.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Tuesday the federal government will appeal the court ruling. She said the government stands by its decision to invoke the Act.

“We do not agree with this decision. And respectfully we will be appealing it,” Ms. Freeland said. “The public safety of Canadians was under threat, our national security, which includes our national economic security was under threat. It was a hard decision to take.”

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was quick to condemn the Prime Minister over the federal court ruling.

“Judge rules Trudeau broke the highest law in the land with the Emergencies Act. He caused the crisis by dividing people. Then he violated Charter rights to illegally suppress citizens,” Mr. Poilievre said on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter.

The Federal Court ruling comes almost exactly a year after the Commissioner of the Emergencies’ Act inquiry found that the government acted appropriately when it invoked the Act. However, at the time Justice Paul Rouleau said the factual basis to support his conclusion was not “overwhelming” and “reasonable and informed people could reach a different conclusion.”

Over all, Justice Rouleau found that there was “credible and compelling information” to support a reasonable belief that the protests posed a threat to the security of Canada. The information available to cabinet when it made the decision to invoke the act included evidence of the presence of ideologically motivated extremists at the protests, threats against public officials and fear of a “lone wolf” attack, he said.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 联邦法院裁定,紧急状态法是不合理的,并且侵犯了宪章权利 +7

    The Globe and Mail
    23 January 2024


    The federal government was not justified when it invoked the Emergencies Act and issued a public order emergency proclamation in response to convoy protests that gridlocked Ottawa and some border crossings two years ago, the Federal Court ruled Tuesday in a decision that will test Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.

    The emergency proclamation “was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” Justice Richard Mosley wrote in his decision.

    “The decision to issue the Proclamation was unreasonable and led to infringement of Charter rights not justified under section 1,” the Justice wrote.

    The Canadian Civil Liberties Association filed an application for a judicial review against the government’s use of the Emergencies Act, as did several other groups and individuals.

    “The Federal Court found that the decision to declare the Emergencies Act was ultra vires and unreasonable and that the measures violated the Charter,” the Canadian Civil Liberties Association’s lawyer Ewa Krajewska said in a brief statement on social media.

    Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Tuesday the federal government will appeal the court ruling. She said the government stands by its decision to invoke the Act.

    “We do not agree with this decision. And respectfully we will be appealing it,” Ms. Freeland said. “The public safety of Canadians was under threat, our national security, which includes our national economic security was under threat. It was a hard decision to take.”

    Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was quick to condemn the Prime Minister over the federal court ruling.

    “Judge rules Trudeau broke the highest law in the land with the Emergencies Act. He caused the crisis by dividing people. Then he violated Charter rights to illegally suppress citizens,” Mr. Poilievre said on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter.

    The Federal Court ruling comes almost exactly a year after the Commissioner of the Emergencies’ Act inquiry found that the government acted appropriately when it invoked the Act. However, at the time Justice Paul Rouleau said the factual basis to support his conclusion was not “overwhelming” and “reasonable and informed people could reach a different conclusion.”

    Over all, Justice Rouleau found that there was “credible and compelling information” to support a reasonable belief that the protests posed a threat to the security of Canada. The information available to cabinet when it made the decision to invoke the act included evidence of the presence of ideologically motivated extremists at the protests, threats against public officials and fear of a “lone wolf” attack, he said.

    • 既然违宪了就应该有所处罚, 否则违宪了都没有任何consequence,要宪法何用? 那宪法还不如厕纸。就算违宪的不坐牢,至少也应该引咎辞职 +14
      • 没错,考验加拿大是不是真正分权制民主国家的时候了。 +8
        • 不用考验。不是。 +6
          • So sad. +3
        • 以前还是, 自从独裁者上台以后就不是了 +3
      • 感觉他今年要滚淡 +4
        • 今年不是大选年呀
          • 土豆的总理大位现在掌握在NDP手里。什么时候NDP要他滚,他必滚无疑。 +3
            • 看来要让那包头的先滚 +4
              • 叫花子头要到2025年才能领到养老金,所以哪怕加拿大人都被智忧党折磨死了,他也不会让智忧党滚蛋。 +2
                • 那就让包头的有命挣,没命🌸 +4
        • 翘首以盼这一天的早日到来🤣 +4
      • 问题在于这次的判决还不是终审判决,谈处罚还为时太早,小土豆政府还要上诉,联邦上诉法庭的判决才是终审判决。
    • 加拿大国会就没有弹劾总理这一事么?
    • 大力捧土豆政府臭脚的肉联人该怎么办呢?捧不捧联邦法院的臭脚呢?还是支持土豆把联邦法院废除? +6
      • 只要杜鲁多还在台上,憋屈的难道不是大骂他的肉脸人吗?
    • 搞来搞去折腾一番最后还是纳税人买单
      • 可打住吧. 就跟rolia上的"公知"一样, 法律人打着法律的旗号扩展自己的权力, 社会成本普通百姓来负, 混这么多年, 简单一句, 都是纳税人买单是远远不够的.
    • 联邦裁定,是否侵犯权利,类似事情,轻的/重的,在相对民主国家天天发生,宪法是否合理执行,争论就是,倒是那些认为宪法不如厕纸,独裁没有民主,或说自己快被折磨死的,给人感觉很不民主,很不尊重宪法,面对水深火热的疫情,居然认为不够紧急。。。 +1
    • 迟到的… +2
    • 正确, 武汉四巨头估计也是在纠结是否违反了中华人民共和国的宪法吧.