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As progress on some measures in the Liberal-NDP confidence-and-supply agreement continue to play out publicly, the two parties have quietly been in talks to table electoral reform legislation before the next federal vote.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 自由党和NDP策划改革选举法 +2
    As progress on some measures in the Liberal-NDP confidence-and-supply agreement continue to play out publicly, the two parties have quietly been in talks to table electoral reform legislation before the next federal vote.
    • 看着自己的民调落后,就琢磨着作弊了。 +13
    • 干脆,智忧党和叫花子党民主投票,宣布保守党是极右纳粹不许参加选举,永葆智忧江山不变色。 +7
      • 这样太明显了。他们要又做婊子、又立牌坊。 +6
        • 民主投票为非作歹,不是第一次了。以前Trudeau 啥违法乱纪的事,保守党说要查,智忧党和叫花子党民主投票否决。最近一起保守党要RCMP头为另外一个丑闻作证,智忧党和叫花子党又民主投票否决。 +8
    • 胆子大啊!居然抄美国的作业! +3