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Alina Habba promises to appeal E. Jean Carroll verdict ordering Trump to pay $83.3M in damages
BREAKING: Alina Habba speaks out on E. Jean Carroll verdict ordering former President Donald Trump to pay $83.3 M in damages.Watch NEWSMAX, an independent ne...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 性侵犯 +9







    • 她一开始说那事发生在1994年,而且当时穿着某件衣服,并穿着那件衣服拍了杂志封面照;后来人们发现,那件衣服在1994还未上市,于是她改口说可能是1995或1996年,但一直没有说清楚是哪一天。 +8
      • 左派的共同点。 +2
    • Here’s what you need to know about E. Jean Carroll +5

      Most of these information were deemed “inadmissible” by the judge per John LeFevre:

      • She couldn’t recall the date, month, season, or year the incident happened
      • She never told anyone about it, despite being publicly obsessed with her own sexuality
      • The dress she claims to have been wearing didn’t exist at the time
      • Her description of the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman was inaccurate, making her sequence of events impossible
      • Her lawsuit was bankrolled by Jeffrey Epstein pal and Democrat (and Nikki Haley) mega-donor Reid Hoffman
      • Democrats created a law (The Adult Survivors Act in 2022) to enable her lawsuit to proceed
      • Her accusation is the exact plotline of an episode of Law & Order (one of her “favorite shows”)
      • Trump’s Apprentice was also one of her favorite shows
      • She has a history of falsely accusing men of rape, including Les Moonves
      • She told Anderson Cooper, “most people think of rape as being sexy. Think of the fantasies.”
      • She made a career promoting promiscuity, even writing glowingly of sexual assault and naming her cat Vagina
    • 15 Facts About E. Jean Carroll’s Allegations Against Trump the Media Don’t Want You to Know +2
      Serious concerns have fallen under the radar regarding E. Jean Carrol's entire lawsuit against Donald Trump.
      • 判决是陪审团作出的。 为什么陪审团相信原告呢 +1
        • 陪审团来自反川选区。你看现在对付川普的案子基本上都在纽约和DC审理,这两个选区都是反川严重。不过,这个案子是法官判定有罪,陪审团确定金额。 +8
          • 这个案子是法官判定有罪,陪审团确定金额? 真的吗?还要陪审团有屁用?陪审团不就是陪衬吗?奶奶的! +1
            • 是的。而且,法官与那个妇女的律师以前是同一家律师楼的老同事。 +8
              • 陪审团成员的选择要经过控辩双方面试,双方都同意才能进陪审团。而且法官的建议判决建议需要所有陪审团成员一致同意才有效。这次陪审团九个人。显然你认为9个人都是有问题的。 +1
                • 上次大选,纽约州60%投给民主党,DC则90%投给民主党。至于这个案子的细节,听听川普的律师怎么说。 +4
                  Alina Habba promises to appeal E. Jean Carroll verdict ordering Trump to pay $83.3M in damages
                  BREAKING: Alina Habba speaks out on E. Jean Carroll verdict ordering former President Donald Trump to pay $83.3 M in damages.Watch NEWSMAX, an independent ne...
                  • 长的漂亮,说的更漂亮!立马粉她😊 +2
                    • 这就是民主党及背后势力通过打击川普释放的信息:如果你不听我的话,就让你倾家荡产、子女也不能做生意、还要把你关到牢里几百年。如果川普被击倒,川普的今天就是老百姓的明天。 +2
                      • 就是slavery。必须听主子的,不能提问,让你打针就打针,让你交碳税就交碳税,要收走你的孩子就收走,让TA变性你P都不能放。这就是左祸当道的明天 +2
        • 还真幼幼,犯案时老川活动重点区域不是在纽约和DC吗?佛州只是度假区域(回得是楼上) +1
        • 也是我的问题
          • 上面已经回答。这就像足球比赛的黑哨,主裁、副裁、巡边员都是他们的人。 +6
    • 那个女人已经在幻想如何花那笔巨款了,比如带左媒主持人去疯狂购物。但是,这只是做梦罢了。她一分钱都不会拿到。 +3