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乔治亚州立法委员称,举报人排着队出庭作证,指控富尔顿县地方检察官Fani Willis

Whistleblowers allege Fulton County DA Fani Willis misused federal and state funds and plan to testify to Georgia lawmakers, a Republican state senator said.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 乔治亚州地方检察官Fani Willis自己有问题,却胆敢试图把无数次被证明清白的川普关进监狱。现在她自己因腐败而面临调查,也面临弹劾。 +14
    • Georgia Senate approves resolution to establish panel to investigate Fani Willis +5
      The legislation, approved along party lines, will permit a special committee to investigate Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis amid misconduct allegations.
    • EXCLUSIVE: Willis, Wade and others expected to be subpoenaed for hearing on Fulton County DA affair allegations +2
    • 乔治亚州立法委员称,举报人排着队出庭作证,指控富尔顿县地方检察官Fani Willis +4
      Whistleblowers allege Fulton County DA Fani Willis misused federal and state funds and plan to testify to Georgia lawmakers, a Republican state senator said.
      • 这个人新闻上了好几周了,还有她相好的。说起来真要用显微镜放大镜来看人,老川不算糟糕的那一个,当然人无完人嘛。 +1
        • 川普是被无数次掘地三尺的调查证明过清白的。这个女人可能一次调查就完蛋。 +8
          • 希婆,佩婆,奥婆,经得起查吗? +6
            • 所以他们非常害怕川普重回白宫。不止这几个,还有很多其他人。 +7
    • Fani Willis拒接众议院司法委员会通过电子邮件发出的传票,于是美国法警局派人亲自上门把传票送给她 +6
      • 这点不如老川了,老川是传上法庭就去了那样的人不会叛乱不会无缘无故推翻选举结果的。 +3
    • 在今天的听证会上,Fani Willis的情人内森·韦德(Nathan Wade)作证说,他用信用卡支付了度假费用,Fani Willis用现金给他报销了费用。如果Fani Willis被从川普的案子里移除,这个案子很可能在乔治亚州将无人接手。 +2
      • 一看就是合伙的Liars 试图欺骗圆谎: 很少老外可以用cash付所有的expense(特别是trip expense - 都是上千刀), 而且keep那么多的cash和她的身份不符, 除非她是drug dealer! +7
        • 老川也是这么认为的😀 +4
        • 她说是她爸爸叫她要在手边放大量现金的
      • 痛打落水狗。狠狠打。 +3
      • MSNBC admits defeat, says Fani Willis will be disqualified because she allegedly “lied to the court.” +9
        • Good NEWS! +5
    • Tucker Carlson: If goons like Fani Willis and Letitia James can rig a presidential election, then obviously we're done. But what can we do about it? +3
      • 那个男人那么丑,这女人是哪根筋搭错了
    • Nathan Wade visited DA Fani Willis' Georgia neighborhood at least 35 times and stayed overnight BEFORE she hired him as special prosecutor, cellphone data shows +5