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写了个英文贴发到了网上:If this bill-63 passes, I, a Chinese immigrant, would immigrate back to China, because China would be more tolerate of free speech than Canada. Here are a few examples of comparison;

1. China would not jail you for life for what you say on line. Canada would.

2. China always blocks or deletes your posts/accounts first, warn you next, not immediately take you to court/prison. And no cash rewards for someone to report your “crime”. Canada would immediately put you on trail and award the complainant $25000 CAD.

3. China would not jail you for saying something “harmful” to anyone such as man/woman/ LGBT/seniors and etc, as long as it is not “harmful” to the Party. Canada would jail you for saying anything anyone thought was “harmful” to them.

4. China would not punish you if you were not saying anything “harmful”. Chinese are safe if they are just shut up. Canada would if someone thought you might say something “harmful” in future but you haven’t said it. Canadians would not be safe even they were shut up.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / PETITION: Repeal Censorship Laws. Please sign this petition to demand that Justin Trudeau repeal all of his censorship legislation, including his latest "Online Harms Act." +7
    • 说了其他人不爱听的话,可判终身监禁,比中国的法律还狠。智忧党匪首和智忧左左再骂谁极右纳粹种族分子白人至上,会进监狱吗? +17
    • ZT 肉联是不是也受影响?发表恶毒言论的要小心了?ZT:New Liberal 'online harms' bill to make online hate punishable up to life in prison
    • 加拿大高法说过,truth is not the defence,说的是事实也可能是hate crime,这意味着,任何话只要有人不爱听,都可以当仇恨言论,比如“华人炒菜油烟大”。。。 +4
      • 粉红肯定进自由党的集中营。 +4
        • 实话实说 - ZT: 现在极右各种造谣攻击谩骂,无所不用其极。看看这个网站就知道了。 -whynot333(Hello);
          • 智忧不智障的左左都不会发这贴,文字狱威胁的不仅仅是敌人,也是自己 +3
        • 当然了,没有言论自由就是当代文字狱,是对所有人的威胁,包括那些独裁暴政的支持者即左左,任何一句不经意的话,比如“今天天气很好”(为啥?当个小测验),都可能“犯法”。 +7
    • 已经签名了,谢谢分享。 +3
      • 不客气。
    • EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Ezra breaks down Trudeau's new 'Online Harms Bill', future of Rebel News +3
    • 大家都离开祖国太长时间了。加拿大总理为了满足大家回家的需求,在不增加航班的情况下,特意推出了加拿大版的网管法,政府可以随时让各个网站删除与政府不一致的言论,抓住那些发布反政府言论,政策的人,让大家每时每刻都有一种‘回家’的感觉。但有些人竟然不领情 +6
      ,还要签名反对 LOL
      • 都是不知感恩的华人右右,华人左左特享受不在祖国胜似祖国的智忧党温情。。。。。 +7
    • 这事也要骂?“1.针对特定类型的有害内容政府希望针对未经同意共享亲密图像,包括人工智能产生的深度伪造和“使儿童遭受性伤害或使幸存者再次受害”的内容。该法案还将涵盖任何用于在网上欺负儿童或敦促他们自残的事情。 +1



      • 不管人民生命安全不肯打击犯罪的智忧党,会关心儿童的安危?更不用说教唆小孩割鸡鸡当太监,是为娃好还是不好了。 +10
        • 用这些很主观的观点来说一些不存在的事实没有意义,关键要关注法律中的具体条文。加拿大又不是中国,任何事情都是透明的。 +1
          • 都看不出智忧党和纳粹共产党是一丘之貉,还好意思发帖。。。。 +7
            • 必须得是保守党的铁杆粉丝才能在这里发贴吗??就是讨论个政治而已,没有必要像中国一样拼个你死我活的,阶级敌人似的。思想太文革化了,放松点。
    • 看完了Rebel老板的深入解说,说这个法案是文字狱都算涂脂抹粉呢,文字狱好歹有文字作证据(证据对不对不讨论),即发生了“违法”的事情;而智忧党的法案规定,如果有人认为你可能发表“仇恨言论”但还没有发表,都可以先惩罚你,比如禁止出门上网甚至先关你入狱。。。 +8
      • 权力是人类社会维持运作的手段,但当权力作为力量的正当性失去后,往往会蜕变成赤裸裸的暴力。 +4
      • 哪里有还没有发表“仇恨言论”就可以关入狱的法案具体文字,贴出来看看?
    • 写了个英文贴发到了网上:If this bill-63 passes, I, a Chinese immigrant, would immigrate back to China, because China would be more tolerate of free speech than Canada. Here are a few examples of comparison; +6

      1. China would not jail you for life for what you say on line. Canada would.

      2. China always blocks or deletes your posts/accounts first, warn you next, not immediately take you to court/prison. And no cash rewards for someone to report your “crime”. Canada would immediately put you on trail and award the complainant $25000 CAD.

      3. China would not jail you for saying something “harmful” to anyone such as man/woman/ LGBT/seniors and etc, as long as it is not “harmful” to the Party. Canada would jail you for saying anything anyone thought was “harmful” to them.

      4. China would not punish you if you were not saying anything “harmful”. Chinese are safe if they are just shut up. Canada would if someone thought you might say something “harmful” in future but you haven’t said it. Canadians would not be safe even they were shut up.

    • 俗稱「反工賊法案」的C-58今日在下議院二讀全票通過,聯邦保守黨更係首度對法案表示支持。