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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

The same kind of thing happened to me last Saturday.

A white guy drove an old car hit my rear bumper when he tried to go to the left lane. There was a just small scratch on the rear bumper of my car. Then, we wrote down each other's insurance, driver's licence, etc. After half hour, the guy called me and told me that if I can do him a fovour not going to the insurance. I said that is ok for me and I would like to have some body shop evaluate the cost. He agreed.

Then, I went to a body shop on Tuesday and got a quote of $257. I called the guy that night and told him the quote and he said he would like to see the quote from the body shop. Then, I met him this morning, showed him the quote and he payed me $260. That's it. I think it is quite easy and fair.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 撞车了.
    今天大概是来多伦多后最热的一天.下午我开车遇到红灯,老老实实停在那里等. 忽然感到车被顶了一下.虽然力量不大.我通过后视镜一看,一个很老的白男人坐在一辆很老旧的林肯车里,那车大概没有空调,前后的窗子都放下来了. 我等了几秒钟,发现这位没下来看看的意思.就只好拉了手刹下来看.原来他车的前车牌和我的后BUMPER顶在一起了.我让他下来看,他死活不肯. 因为我也不知道碰得怎样,就只好把车向前挪了挪,再下来看. 只有一条浅浅的竖印在BUMPER上.再看那老白男人,大概让他下来看,我非要过去扶他才行的样子. 那车又没空调,他大概已经热晕了. 就这样,我把车开回家了.
    大伙帮我出出主意把. 现在LG还生气呢.
    • why did you let him leave as if nothing happened? His insurance company is liable to cover all your expense at body shop.
    • 我也遇到了类似的情况,不过比你的case严重。
      我当时昏了头(吓的),只拿了肇事者的名字和保险号,竟然没记住她的车牌号和电话号码 :(,现在正在和保险公司交涉。这里修车很贵的,动则上千啊。以后一定学会遇事不乱。万幸LG大人大量,没有半句怨言,并一再嘱咐以后开车要当心 ^_^ 。
    • 要对方的架照抄下姓名住址问电话号码记车牌和车型事件发生时间地点当时天气情况及交通情况,同时要找到至少2个目击证人,记下姓名地址电话。如果肇事方不配合达成和解的话只能叫警察了。
      • 小事故还用叫警察和留目击证人吗?
        • 双方合作,小事故就是小事故;不合作,所有事故都是大事故。
          • 对,一般估计损失在700元一下可以双方协商解决,但700以上或双方无法达成一直意见的话就要叫警察了。
            • 如果没有达成一致是谁的责任,小事故($200-300)是否需保留现场并留目击证人并叫警察呢?
              • 谁的责任取决于谁的证据充足与否。不一定留目击证人,一般只要姓名电话号就行。如果叫警察后没有证据和证词警察会相信谁?
        • 想起了去年目击的一起类似事故
          其实跟本算不上事故。那天天气晴朗,下午6时左右在Finch Ave E, Westbound(50metre from Yonge St.), 右数第二条行车道上大家都在等红灯,所有车都停着,我前面的一辆白色4门轿车的女司机不知在低头看什么,她没注意到她的车在慢慢向前滑行,结果撞到了前面的一辆4门轿车上,被撞车辆的驾驶员和一乘客都是亚洲人面孔,两人立刻下车查看,撞人的女性也下车,但还没等受害人开口,女的就先发制人,硬说是前面的车往后倒撞上了她的车,要索赔!靠,我当时听着都想笑,我想给受害者做目击证人,但那两个显然没有经验,只是和女的激烈争辩起来,根本就没有想到通过正规的程序来解决。后来在后面车的喇叭声中我也没帮上忙,唉!
          • 加拿大人善良?nice?嘿嘿,全要看有没有侵害它自己的利益。如果有,看看人家脑筋多快,经验多丰富!我虽然不会昧着良心说话,可遇上这说不清道不明的事咋办呢?x86还是应该帮他们一把的。
            • 是呀是呀,现在一想还总是自责,就想我自己干了一件坏事似的。当时我也不够沉稳,后面车一按喇叭我就跑了
          • 怎么才算通过正常的手续?如果没有目击证人,好象没有办法说得清楚啊
            • 那就要看谁的供词更有说服力以及现场勘察情况了吧。具体我也不清楚,等下次撞了有经验了再告诉你。
              • 千万别,我收回前面的话.你的名字很难念,学化学的?
    • 算了吧.
    • I rented a almost brand-new car and was hit exactly as your case.
      I asked that guy follow me to go back to AVIS. AVIS said this is a very grace and minus mark on bumper. Just ignore it. Do not worry if your paint is not scratched.
    • 小事一桩。这种事我遇到好几次了,我撞别人,别人撞我,没什么大不了的。BUMPER 的作用就是应付这种碰撞的。有个老头倒车撞到我的前轮侧面,在外壳的弹性限度以内,没什么。
      • 我也见过这种顶撞,双方下来看看,没什么大事就走路。不过这事不同的是,白大爷在一位女士面前居然岿然不动?怎么也说不过去。想着想着就到那两个字上了。一定要斗争!否则越来越被歧视!
      • 我以前也有过几次,一同志撞到我车后面的bumper上,撞的非常轻而且我的车也是挺旧的,再加上那哥们儿也挺不好意思的,我就没下车,他打了个手势说对不起,我说没关系。
    • The same kind of thing happened to me last Saturday.
      A white guy drove an old car hit my rear bumper when he tried to go to the left lane. There was a just small scratch on the rear bumper of my car. Then, we wrote down each other's insurance, driver's licence, etc. After half hour, the guy called me and told me that if I can do him a fovour not going to the insurance. I said that is ok for me and I would like to have some body shop evaluate the cost. He agreed.

      Then, I went to a body shop on Tuesday and got a quote of $257. I called the guy that night and told him the quote and he said he would like to see the quote from the body shop. Then, I met him this morning, showed him the quote and he payed me $260. That's it. I think it is quite easy and fair.
      • 不错。不过,你这是有损伤的,如果车身无变形,无划漆,也没什么好修的。
        • Actually, there is a little scratch, but almst cannot be seen except you look carefully. I am still considering whether I wanna repair it.
          • My first accident is same as yours. A lady hit me behind and left a tiny scratch and I think it costs nothing. But the bodyshop will charge me $300 for reparing.
            I called the lady and she agreed to pay me. I got the money. But before I went to repair my car, another car hit me again. So I had my car repaired finally.
            • 好主意呀! 下次我就开辆破车, 专门上街找人撞我!
              • wish you good luck.
    • 补充一点: 如果Bumper发生变形, 在正规修理厂修理是很贵的。 如果使用原厂配件,大概得毛2,000才下得来。千万记住。
      • 也要看其它的情况如车架有无变形等.只一个bumper cover没多少钱吧.
    • 我也撞过别人的BUMPER,一全新的ACURA,吓死我了,幸好下来一看那人的BUMBPER一点痕迹都没有,不过他抄了我的LICENSE & INSURANCE号码。至今无事