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WOW - While shaking on the witness stand, Michael Cohen admitted that he himself orchestrated hush money payments to Stormy Daniels WITHOUT Donald Trump’s consent or permission.

Using the secret back door messaging app Signal, Cohen and Daniel’s lawyers attempted to EXTORT President Trump for $100k without him even knowing.

The only crime Trump ever committed was putting the American people FIRST.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 最新进展!川普总统私人律师在法庭上承认,他和那个卖淫女策划了川普总统付钱闭嘴的阴谋,目的是钱。 +5

    WOW - While shaking on the witness stand, Michael Cohen admitted that he himself orchestrated hush money payments to Stormy Daniels WITHOUT Donald Trump’s consent or permission.

    Using the secret back door messaging app Signal, Cohen and Daniel’s lawyers attempted to EXTORT President Trump for $100k without him even knowing.

    The only crime Trump ever committed was putting the American people FIRST.


    • 莫名其妙的私人律师 +2
    • “美媒称:想当选除非雷击2次,结果雷击川普大厦3次”,看样子苍天有眼。 +3
      • 那是2020年的事吧?苍天挡不住作弊的民主党。 +2
    • 特朗普智商太高,中了黄脚鸡,随着智慧的增长,支付了掩嘴费,顺利解决了问题。这其实是幼幼解决问题的一般套路。 +1
    • 川普承认这位是他的"私人律师"?
      • 当然。 +1
    • 从没听说过法院需要天天去的。北美审理小案件都是至少几个月,到几年。到川普这需要天天去。法官可真是有时间陪着玩。 +3
      • 川普只有一个,法官至少几千个吧
        • 一个法官审理的案件不会交给别人的,这就是为什么排期长。你以为是流水线工厂谁都可上去做。