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News Release December 16, 2020 Today, Toronto City Council approved an implementation plan to introduce a new tax on vacant Toronto homes starting in 2022. A vacant home tax aims to increase the housing supply by encouraging homeowners to sell or rent their unoccupied home – and, if they choose to continue to keep the […]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 政府在鼓励小房东出租空房,有的人却在臆想政府要消灭小房东。 +5
    News Release December 16, 2020 Today, Toronto City Council approved an implementation plan to introduce a new tax on vacant Toronto homes starting in 2022. A vacant home tax aims to increase the housing supply by encouraging homeowners to sell or rent their unoccupied home – and, if they choose to continue to keep the […]
    • 明明是惩罚不出租空房,哪有鼓励 +9
      • A vacant home tax aims to increase the housing supply by encouraging homeowners to sell or rent their unoccupied home
        • 如果出租政府倒贴你才叫鼓励好么 +6
          • 那政府倒贴你买房吗?
    • 最近在发出租广告,不到一周已经收到60-70人的询问,其中近40人要来看房,市场一房难求,有些人属于坐井观天 +1
      • 说不定是被房东evict的人很多 +5
        • 你觉得可能吗?加拿大没那么容易
    • 老套路,挑动群众斗群众,真正鼓励建房的政策一条没有 +2