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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 拜登不想退出,还打算9月份与川普再辩论一次。拜登加油,坚持到大选! +8
    • 土豆加油,呃呃呃,坚持到大选! +7
      • Go Trudeau Go! +2
    • Good news! Go Biden Go! +1
      • 老年痴呆症患者一旦犟起来,谁都劝不住😁 +3
    • 拜登会不会活到9月份? +1
    • 民主国家就是这样,规程定好了身体不适也要上台辩论。这要是在独裁国家哪需要这么折腾,拜登这种状态再干十年一点问题没有
    • Let's go Brandon! +3
    • 辩论结束后,拜登太太把颤颤巍巍的拜登领着离开现场。 +2
      • 连和主持人握手都是超慢动作的 +2
        • 下个台阶还要侧过身来 +2
    • 拜登太太在辩论后立挺丈夫:“His strength is unshakeable. His hope is undeterred.” +2

      • Look at Joe on the side, while she was saying that! I can tell his legs were shaking! 🤣🤣 +3