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据我所知,Jane 的黑人很多。我不是种族歧视,可是如果仔细观察一下多伦多的犯罪纪录,就会发现百分之八十五的案件都与黑人有关,安全起见,还是避开黑人聚居区为好。另外还有一个地方就是Sherbourne,这里有很多的公寓楼,大陆移民也有很多人居住在这里。首先Sherbourne 是多伦多著名的homeless shelter, Sherbourne地铁站附近有很多遗弃的民宅,被警方封死了,原因是有吸毒的人利用这里。如果没有孩子的话,Sherbourne也不是不能居住,可是如果有孩子,还是避开为好,这一带的daycare不是很好,基本上都是黑人和印度,巴基斯坦人的孩子,中国孩子因为英文不行经常受欺负(我的朋友就见过黑孩子欺负中国小孩),老师也不会制止。孩子上一天的daycare, 老师都不会让你洗手,还不如中国的幼儿园。
记得两个月前看过The Toronto Star 上的一篇文章,这附近有一栋楼,十二年内已经发生过8起谋杀案。如果有条件的话,可以到www.thestar.com去看,有专门的CRIME 的栏目,还有对各个区域居住人口学历,犯罪率和破案率的比较。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 一个很紧迫的问题!在多伦多那些地区是黑人区?或那些地区治安不好?有好心人帮忙回答吗?万分感谢。感谢
    • your question sucks! if you love discrimination so much, don't come to Canada, where is a great place for multiculture and diversity. Everybody from every race has the same dignity.
      • your word have reason but if you first get to a place where you never go to , when you got to canada your first time ,
        • if you still say in this way, mayby you have friend in there,they have rented house for you you needn't to worry if it is safe or not i only guess,don;t blame me
          • Many Chinese abroad love race issues, but forget discrimination from people in big cities to smaller cities, and from small cities to countryside in China. Please watch out ur words, otherwise u'll be discriminated by everybody else.
    • 多伦多的黑人区
      据我所知,Jane 的黑人很多。我不是种族歧视,可是如果仔细观察一下多伦多的犯罪纪录,就会发现百分之八十五的案件都与黑人有关,安全起见,还是避开黑人聚居区为好。另外还有一个地方就是Sherbourne,这里有很多的公寓楼,大陆移民也有很多人居住在这里。首先Sherbourne 是多伦多著名的homeless shelter, Sherbourne地铁站附近有很多遗弃的民宅,被警方封死了,原因是有吸毒的人利用这里。如果没有孩子的话,Sherbourne也不是不能居住,可是如果有孩子,还是避开为好,这一带的daycare不是很好,基本上都是黑人和印度,巴基斯坦人的孩子,中国孩子因为英文不行经常受欺负(我的朋友就见过黑孩子欺负中国小孩),老师也不会制止。孩子上一天的daycare, 老师都不会让你洗手,还不如中国的幼儿园。
      记得两个月前看过The Toronto Star 上的一篇文章,这附近有一栋楼,十二年内已经发生过8起谋杀案。如果有条件的话,可以到www.thestar.com去看,有专门的CRIME 的栏目,还有对各个区域居住人口学历,犯罪率和破案率的比较。
      • there are same many indians and sri lankans at sherbourne. in fact, it's gay area since it's so close to Church and Wellesly.
        • 怪不得那一区的公寓那么便宜。几个租房的网站上在DOWNTOWN的最便宜的公寓楼都是那一区的。多谢smilecat
          • every summer there is gay&lesbian's pride parade at this area. and for that whole weekend you can hear they are yelling and screaming. In fact it's holiday for gays and lesbians all over North America.
        • Jane St? 请问Jane & Wilson 附近治安如何?好像黑人确实很多。我正准备在那里租apartment.
    • 我反对在讨论治安问题时加入种族的因素。事实上,主流社会也不敢在这方面公开与种族有关的统计数字。
      Chinese Canadians are very easy to become victims of racial discrimination. We should try to do it well from ourselves.

      If you reveal your tendancy to commit discrimination, you probably will encounter big big trouble. Be careful, my friends.

      Just consider if other people treat Chinese discriminally, what would you feel then?
      • Sailor is right
    • 多伦多的治安情况
      I have a paper of Toronto Star of Oct.7, 2000 handy. On the A30 page there's a Toronto map indicating homicides in the last 10 years.

      From this map, we can find these areas with bad criminal situation:

      1, South of Bloor, North of Queen E., East of Parliament, West of DVP.

      2, Lansdown and King/Queen W.

      3, Jane and Finch.

      4, Albion/Finch and Martin Grove.

      It's important to clarify that even these areas are relatively "bad" area in Toronto, still the situation in these areas are pretty good. For example, I've been living in Albion/Kipling, and I feel Albion/Finch and Martin Grove is really a peace and nice area --every afternoon I went jogging in that area. I even considered buying a house there in the future!