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这是属于一种 "屁股决定脑袋" & 还是一种 "只管自己不顾他人的自私自利"… 🤔

At least 100 people gathered outside the Kensington Market supervised consumption site in a rally to keep it open in the face of new provincial rules that would shut at least a dozen such sites down across Ontario.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这是属于一种 "屁股决定脑袋" & 还是一种 "只管自己不顾他人的自私自利"… 🤔 +1
    At least 100 people gathered outside the Kensington Market supervised consumption site in a rally to keep it open in the face of new provincial rules that would shut at least a dozen such sites down across Ontario.
    • 我今天听到这条新闻的时候,联想了一下:如果老李吃龙虾上瘾了,一顿不吃就发疯,或者严重一些,老张嫖娼上瘾了,一天不嫖就犯病,政府该不该管,该不该提供场所、物资和人? +1
      • 唉🙄好好一个国家給弄成了劣币驱逐良币的样子 😣老李们明白会演戏很重要🤫人生如戏过滴如何全靠演技😅 +2
      • 这个还真有。英国政府就有满足老张要求的政策。 +2