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请愿议会大幅削减移民数量到我们移民那时候的20万,以解决房屋医疗就业等危机。政府最近只是减少了部分临时居民数量,大家支持大幅度减少移民数量的赶紧去签字吧。请愿有效期为 60 天。


Petition to the House of Commons

Whereas: 然而:

  • Per StatCan, in 2023, Canada had a record 1.2 million newcomers, while only started constructing 240k units. Rent reached a record high, affordability a record low;
    根据 StatCan 的数据,2023 年,加拿大新增人口达到创纪录的 120 万,但仅开始建造 24 万套公寓。租金创历史新高,负担能力创历史新低;

  • IRCC warned, "In Canada, population growth has exceeded the growth in available housing" and “rapid increases put pressure on health care and affordable housing”;
    IRCC 警告称,“在加拿大,人口增长超过了可用住房的增长”,“快速增长给医疗保健和经济适用房带来了压力”;

  • Immigrants are not a homogeneous group. High-skilled immigrants contribute massively, we need them! Low-skilled immigrants compete for entry-level jobs with youths and seniors, limiting their employment;

  • In 2014, then MP Trudeau criticized the temporary foreign worker (TFW) program, “It is bad for our economy in that it depresses wages for all Canadians”. Today, under PM Trudeau, TFWs doubled, the international student program became another source of cheap labour, while wages stagnated and real GDP-per-capita is back to 2011;

  • In March, Canada's unemployment rate jumped to 6.1%. According to National Bank, “It is impossible for the labour market to absorb such a large number of newcomers”;

  • The Liberal government’s “housing accelerator” hopes to complete 750,000 homes in 10-years. Yet, if their immigration policy keeps pace, Canada will add 12 million newcomers in that period. RCMP reports, “Many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live”; and
    自由党政府的“住房加速器”希望在10年内建成75万套住房。然而,如果移民政策跟上步伐,加拿大在此期间将增加 1200 万新移民。皇家骑警报告称,“许多 35 岁以下的加拿大人不太可能买得起住的地方”;和

  • The biggest housing price increases in the G7 and depressed wages have created a crisis in Canada where the quality-of-life has declined year-after-year.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to temporarily limit immigration to 200,000/year to allow housing and job infrastructure to catch up. Keep such measures until housing in the 10 biggest municipalities is affordable.
我们,以下签字人,加拿大公民和居民,呼吁下议院暂时将移民限制在每年 20 万,以便住房和就业基础设施能够跟上。继续采取此类措施,直到十大城市的住房负担得起。

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 请愿议会大幅削减移民数量到我们移民那时候的20万,以解决房屋医疗就业等危机。政府最近只是减少了部分临时居民数量,大家支持大幅度减少移民数量的赶紧去签字吧。请愿有效期为 60 天。 +11

    Petition to the House of Commons

    Whereas: 然而:

    • Per StatCan, in 2023, Canada had a record 1.2 million newcomers, while only started constructing 240k units. Rent reached a record high, affordability a record low;
      根据 StatCan 的数据,2023 年,加拿大新增人口达到创纪录的 120 万,但仅开始建造 24 万套公寓。租金创历史新高,负担能力创历史新低;

    • IRCC warned, "In Canada, population growth has exceeded the growth in available housing" and “rapid increases put pressure on health care and affordable housing”;
      IRCC 警告称,“在加拿大,人口增长超过了可用住房的增长”,“快速增长给医疗保健和经济适用房带来了压力”;

    • Immigrants are not a homogeneous group. High-skilled immigrants contribute massively, we need them! Low-skilled immigrants compete for entry-level jobs with youths and seniors, limiting their employment;

    • In 2014, then MP Trudeau criticized the temporary foreign worker (TFW) program, “It is bad for our economy in that it depresses wages for all Canadians”. Today, under PM Trudeau, TFWs doubled, the international student program became another source of cheap labour, while wages stagnated and real GDP-per-capita is back to 2011;

    • In March, Canada's unemployment rate jumped to 6.1%. According to National Bank, “It is impossible for the labour market to absorb such a large number of newcomers”;

    • The Liberal government’s “housing accelerator” hopes to complete 750,000 homes in 10-years. Yet, if their immigration policy keeps pace, Canada will add 12 million newcomers in that period. RCMP reports, “Many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live”; and
      自由党政府的“住房加速器”希望在10年内建成75万套住房。然而,如果移民政策跟上步伐,加拿大在此期间将增加 1200 万新移民。皇家骑警报告称,“许多 35 岁以下的加拿大人不太可能买得起住的地方”;和

    • The biggest housing price increases in the G7 and depressed wages have created a crisis in Canada where the quality-of-life has declined year-after-year.

    We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to temporarily limit immigration to 200,000/year to allow housing and job infrastructure to catch up. Keep such measures until housing in the 10 biggest municipalities is affordable.
    我们,以下签字人,加拿大公民和居民,呼吁下议院暂时将移民限制在每年 20 万,以便住房和就业基础设施能够跟上。继续采取此类措施,直到十大城市的住房负担得起。

    • 药停不下来,要不大家都玩玩
      • 停不下来大家就"何不食咖喱虾"。
    • 签了,人数好少。这是保守党议员发起的,更有分量。 +1
      • 没仔细看么,刚贴出来。请大家多多share。大家submit以后,别忘了查看邮箱,需要点击链接confirm,才能完成submission。 +1
    • 这种请愿有毛用?民主就只剩网上签名请愿这条路了?政府是自己选的,好歹也等到下次选举呀! 民主的最大优势就是具有自我纠正功能。
      • 有用啊,保守党议员提出的动议。有了动议才能通过。选举还得等到明年。另外疫情前可没现在问题多。现在汽车偷盗几何级别的上涨。 +2
        • 渥太华的一个参议员的车也被偷了 +3
          • 真心希望所有的议员被偷被抢,娃都找不到工作
      • #16303511@0 提早重新选举的动议签字了没有?没有签的,赶紧去签啊。
    • 已签 +6
    • 已签,管不管用再说。希望临时减少移民,先把目前的这些吸收好了,能缓解各种资源不足的问题 +2
    • 千万别签,如果消减到20万新移民时,你的CPP就该同步消减了。 +1
      • 对,会断供的
        • 问了GPT了,在安省,如果最低工资是16.55加元,每周工作40小时,一个月的CPP缴款约为 153.89加元。一年也就1848,这也叫供CPP?牛奶金都不止拿这些吧?我不知道你们楼上这2位是怎么算账的?有脑子么? +5
          • 6岁以下的孩子:每个孩子每年最高可获得 7,437加元(每月约 619.75加元)。
          • 6至17岁的孩子:每个孩子每年最高可获得 6,275加元(每月约 522.92加元)。
          • 好好算算吧,孩子都是资产,未来的韭菜,产生有持续性供款,我们二代有福了
            • 哦哟,拎不清啊。父母低收入,还有钱送孩子去读大学么?有几个底层的家庭可以脱颖而出培养出跨越阶级的下一代。然后没读大学的下一代继续拿低工资继续生娃靠牛奶金来养家,一代接一代。
      • 你以为那些低技术的移民会供多少CPP?没看内容么?要的是高技术高学历的移民,而不是Tim和麦当劳打工的。TIIM里打工的,将来是分分钟把所有社会福利捞干。 +7
    • 当务之急是难民、工签和留学生打工的问题,不是移民。 +1
      • 都得减,房盼盼会不高心。小商户会不高兴。
    • Signed. Thanks for the info! +4
    • 谢谢分享,已经签名。的确加拿大需要的是高素质的移民,不是一般资质的移民或临时居民过来跟本地人抢夺普通工作。
    • 支持。如果不想加拿大变成第三世界的国家,大家都去签吧,有没有用另说,至少你做了点啥。那些担心劳动力啥的太岂人忧天了,二十年前移民数量是多少社会状况比现在好多了。加拿大现在需要的是良性循环,要有时间消化转变移民,而不是让移民来主导转变加拿大。本末不能倒置 +1
    • 希望大家多多转发,注意查收邮件并且确认。