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some tips

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't live in that area, but if I were you, I would do these:

1. Go to the day care centers more than one time, for example, you go there in the morning, then, about 4-5 hours later, you go there again. Try to find out if the teachers are all full-time teachers. And if you can, go there around the nap time ( you may not go into the room) to see if the teachers are patient with the kids who couldn't sleep at that time.

2. Go there when it's time for parents to pick up their kids. Try to talk to those parents. The basic idea is to find out what the parents say about the center, and if you feel comfortable to let your child to stay with their kids.

3. Look around the place, I mean the room for the age group of your child, they should have some information posted on the wall such as weekly meal plan, weekly learning plan etc. I don't think a day care center which has these things must be a good one, but at least they are trying to show people they want to be a good one. Try to read those plans to see if you like them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 你给孩子选对了托儿所吗? -- 谈谈我的教训
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛也许大家都知道多伦多找托儿所难. 没想到我就得到一个教训.

    我们住在DOWNTOWN, 当时也打了一些电话问附近的托儿所, 结果只有两家有空位. 我们就选了离家更近, 每月又便宜近两百的那家(我们没有拿到subsidy), 是办在一家小学里, 我们问过邻居, 说是还可以, 加上看周围环境还算可以, 设施也可以, 就进去了.

    刚开始感觉还可以, 越到后来, 越感觉有问题.

    首先是我发现那里的老师耐心不够. 有的老师对待孩子的态度, 与其说是象老师, 更不如说是象老板. 后来问了才知道, 一些老师是做PART-TIME的, 这边下了班, 还要去别处上班, 因而他们在这里上班的时候就想越省力越好, 巴不得孩子事事都听他们的而好省心.

    到这个月, 我实在不想再送下去了, 就告诉他们我们送到这个月底打止. 结果, 过不了两天, 我女儿的挂衣柜位(cupboard)就被换到了门口最差的位置. 我问他们为什么, 他们这个人说是孩子中有两人是兄弟俩, 想把他们的衣位换到一起. 那个人说是因为来了新的孩子, 所以把我女儿的位置让给了新来的同学. 我对他们说, 你们这么做有没有考虑孩子怎么想, 为什么不先告诉她, 问问她之后再这么做, 他们说这个对孩子来说应该不成问题. 还说事后问过孩子, 孩子也同意了. 我拒理力争, 最后他们才答应把孩子的衣位还回到离原来位置很近的地方.

    通过这件事, 更使我认识到, 一个想怎么做就怎么做, 不考虑孩子内心感受, 只知道迫使他们接受一些安排的地方, 是不适合孩子的身心发展的需要的.

    从我的教训, 我得出这样的感受. 选托儿所, 第一要考虑的不是远近和价格如何, 而是老师的素质问题. 不可道听途说, 一定要自己亲自去和那些老师谈谈, 感受一下他们的处世态度如何. 第二要考虑的是环境问题. 我指的是你的孩子将会有一些什么样的同学, 而这一点就决定了老师对待孩子的普遍态度. 这之后再考虑设施, 远近, 价格这些. 也许便宜并非好事, 如果老师都找有第二份工作, 你说他们会对这份工作尽全心吗?


    附注: 我说的这家托儿所叫"OGDEN DAY CARE CENTER", 目前月托儿费是$616/$644(31天的月份), 只收两岁半以上的孩子. DOWNTOWN的托儿所一般在$800以上, 贵的超过一千.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Thank you for sharing. I need to follow up and check how well is my child's day care centre.
    • The staff in my son's daycare center are very cold and not very care to children. It just likes an institute, it's merely business. I just wonder whether there is any good daycare in Toronto.
      • 找托儿所有关信息
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛如果觉得孩子的托儿所不满意, 作为父母, 谁愿意继续花钱让孩子受罪呢? 因为只有我们, 在孩子未成年之前, 一直都是他们最可靠的保护者.

        多伦多糟就糟在没有一个对DAY CARE CENTER的监督和评估系统. 所以在找托儿所时大家只好自己多费力. 我在网上搜寻了一下, 发现在市政厅的网站和市教育局的网站上能找到一些信息.

        在这里你可以找到公立, 私立(家庭)的托儿所的地址, 电话, 接受年龄及是否有空位等情况: http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/children/childcare.htm

        在教育局的网站, 你可以查找一些小学里开设的DAY CARE CENTER: http://www.tdsb.on.ca/stucom/childcare/finder.asp

        市教育局有一套对小学3-6年级的评估系统, 叫EQAO, 你要是查到那个学校不怎么样, 估计那里面的DAY CARE也强不到哪去: http://www.tdsb.on.ca/acadacc/EQAO/TDSB_Results.htm

        另外, 教会教育局系统也有DAY CARE CENTER, 每一个所列托儿所的链接都提供该中心更为详细的资料, 给人以良好印象, 只是这一类托儿所数量不多: http://www.tcdsb.org/services/childcare.html

        最后想说的是, 每一个DAY CARE CENTER都应该有它的Local Trustee, 如果有什么问题, 感觉和托儿所协商解决不了, 可以直接找这个人解决.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 想请教一下遗玉如何知道我的day care 的 local trustee 的电话,地址.谢谢.
    • generally speaking, non-profit or public funding care center should have better quality than for-profit ones. But this is not absolute though.
      • I just feel the opposite.
      • My son was in a non-profit daycare for 2 months when he was just over 1 year old.
        He was so dirty, hungry and tired everyday. Plus he got ear infection 3 times. Even today I still feel so bad that I ever put my little baby in that place.
      • I guess I should not generize that way. It all depends. I am working in a center located downtown at st. clair & Yonge. It is small and attached to a public elementary school
        They have about 30 kids from 2 yrs to 10 yrs old. Of course they don't all show up at the same time. It serves hot lunch ordered from "lunch for Tods", snacks and fruits are different everyday in a week. Children's manner and independence are highly promoted. I've never been working in other day care center yet.
    • Thank you! I am looking for a daycare for my 19-month-old son. I visited 4 centres, I still feel hard to tell which one is better or worse. Very hard to make decision. I am living @ Victoria Park / Sheppard. Any parent
      send your kid to the daycare around this area? Please give me some advice.
      • some tips
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't live in that area, but if I were you, I would do these:

        1. Go to the day care centers more than one time, for example, you go there in the morning, then, about 4-5 hours later, you go there again. Try to find out if the teachers are all full-time teachers. And if you can, go there around the nap time ( you may not go into the room) to see if the teachers are patient with the kids who couldn't sleep at that time.

        2. Go there when it's time for parents to pick up their kids. Try to talk to those parents. The basic idea is to find out what the parents say about the center, and if you feel comfortable to let your child to stay with their kids.

        3. Look around the place, I mean the room for the age group of your child, they should have some information posted on the wall such as weekly meal plan, weekly learning plan etc. I don't think a day care center which has these things must be a good one, but at least they are trying to show people they want to be a good one. Try to read those plans to see if you like them.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Thank you. Good points!
        • 我想问一下,一般daycare可以随便去看吗?不用每次都预约吗?我去看过两个,都要先打电话约,去的时候人家态度都很好,可是也不知孩子进去后怎么样.
    • 这个讨论好。 大家能 share 一下各个地区的Daycare 的大致费用吗?我在 Yonge&Sheppard, 问了两家,Preschool ,一家是725,一家是750。
      • yonge@davisville, 市属的,TODDLE (UNDER 2.5), 58/DAY, PRESCHOOL, 48/DAY.
        我家宝宝刚从TODDLE转到PRESCHOO班,这个月.总体挺好的,尤其是以前在TODDLE GROUP.老师很负责.现在到大的班的,因为孩子年龄相差大,许多事大孩子能自理的,我家宝宝还不怎么行.所以我接宝宝时,老看见宝宝下午吃点心留下的牛奶圈在嘴一圈.裤子提得也不正.不过里面的老师都很敬业.宝宝很喜欢.
      • Eglinton & DonMills, $320, $340, $280
        • 这么便宜? 多少时间,包吃喝吗?
      • 有谁知道sacrborough town center 附近好一些的day care吗? 谢谢.
        • MCOWEN 上NO FILL 对面有一家教会的DAY CARE不错,朋友孩子在那里。