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I have to admit that Canada is currently the most generous country twoards new immigrants and refugees,

although its economy is not as strong as that of the US and the imcome tax rate is high (in addition to the 15% GST/PST). Did Canada pledged anyone to move to Canada to make profits? No. It is assumed to be a mutually beneficial to accept independent immigrants. You bring in your skills and make money through working here. You pay taxes and enjoy what the Canadian system offers to you, such as public health insurance. It is the tax-payers that support the system. There is no such things like free lunch in the workd. 天上 will not 掉馅饼.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 关于潘中原事件,我一直很纳闷一点:这加拿大不是有全民医疗保险吗?为什么潘患了癌症这样的大病还得不到公费医疗报销?既然加拿大工作难找,如果医疗再没保障话移民过去还有啥值?请汪激昂及各位大虾指点.
    • 新移民的医疗保险3个月后才生效, 小潘来了1个多月就生病了,医疗保险尚未生效.
    • do you think he has to, you know, like, uh, EAT? and uh, uh, ar, PAY RENT?
    • 关键是医疗保障要在登陆三个月后才生效,而且,OHIP并不是保障所有费用(比如,出院后的药费就要自理)。
      OHIP包括体检,和一些药,但不是全部。比如说,我的家庭医生让我注射破伤风疫苗,OHIP cover,但乙肝疫苗就不cover。


      • 不得不说,能移民的都不是太穷的人,前3个月没医疗保险大家都知道.
        为什么要存那末一点侥幸性心理不去买保险?BANG! 病了, 才发觉自己也该破产了.幸好这是在加拿大,不会因为没钱就把你扔到医院过道上.最坏也就是个破产. 潘以后的生活你们也不必太担心, 我肯定他现在靠某种福利金过活, 即使不住院药费也是全包的, 这是加拿大...对无法自理的病人照顾之好在中国是无法想象的, 有一朋友的妈,全身摊换在家, 有人每天送吃的, 护士每天按时上门换药打针按摸洗澡换衣. ..也只有加拿大...想起来还有那末多人天天骂她从新移民身上赚钱,艾!真为她不平.
        • 最后那个"她"指谁?加拿大?谁骂了?护士?罢工就该骂!
        • 我们这里经常是天上掉馅饼,快来拣!
        • 唉,说你什么好,脑子进水! 知道保险公司怎么运作的?保险公司赚钱就赚在事故是小概率事件,你开车出事故了,保险公司帮你修车,替你租车,都是免费,你是不是当他们雷锋那?
          • 扯淡的话先放一边,说说加拿大赚了你什么钱八? 青壮年移民有,家庭团聚也有,联合国协约难民还有. 同样来自中国的,有你们这样声腔利撞的,也有拉家带口的,还有把年迈的父母接来的,还有成千上万偷渡的,不要以偏概全.
            • 加拿大人真是真是大慈大悲的菩萨心肠啊!
              • I have to admit that Canada is currently the most generous country twoards new immigrants and refugees,
                although its economy is not as strong as that of the US and the imcome tax rate is high (in addition to the 15% GST/PST). Did Canada pledged anyone to move to Canada to make profits? No. It is assumed to be a mutually beneficial to accept independent immigrants. You bring in your skills and make money through working here. You pay taxes and enjoy what the Canadian system offers to you, such as public health insurance. It is the tax-payers that support the system. There is no such things like free lunch in the workd. 天上 will not 掉馅饼.
            • 什么叫以偏盖全?你的全是不是说加拿大每年倒贴这些移民不少钱?
          • 有个概念澄清一下:政府的职责不是赚钱。政府的职责是保障辖区内人民的生活需要,提高人民生活水平。政府运作需要钱,这些钱来自于人民,受人民监控,并用之于人民。
            • 不错取之于民用之于民,从哪里取用到哪里呢?加拿大不是糊涂账一笔巴?
              • 你在哪?如果在加拿大,就知道这里的新闻每天都说政府有了多少钱,花了多少钱。政府开会讨论怎么花钱,也有电视直播。
                • 你的理解力差,还是没看清上下文?
              • 有兴趣可以去查,有意见可以去提。在制度的保证下,老百姓有知道的权力。
        • That's why I'm paying 49% marginal tax rate.
          • 又一個闊氣的,
            • 瘦猪, you should know it is not difficult to be hornoured that rate.
              • 看來大家都是沒有6萬的不幹。
                • 60k only pay 33% tax ya... why 49%, 120k?
                  • 33% federal, 50% x 33% = 16.5% provincial, 33+16.5 = a lot
                    • I thught is was: 23% federal, 50% * 23% = 11.5% provincial. 23+11.5 = alot but not 48.
                      • don't even know what to say to you, 23% is not a bracket,
                        • No it's not, it's kind of combine 17% and 25%, as "hearts" mentioned in 166922. Income of 60K should not be taxed more than 35% in Ontario
                          • ha, good one, sure,
                      • 60G goes for 29% + 4% Alternative Minimum Tax (luxury tax) = 33%, 33% + provincial slice of your pie = 猪主席永远正确
                        • vancouver doesnt need to pay provincial tax?
                          • says who? You hit 33% even quicker in BC,
                            • I dont know how to calculate...but based on the truth, it is 33%...
                        • 猪主席正确,但你讲的是over60K的那部分,60K只要21%federal(30K17%+30K25%),provincial pie=8%. 所以60k应该是29%左右。超过部分:29% fed,11.16% prov.,再超过70K还得加5%surtax,29+5+11。16%=45%。
                          Where the 49% comes from? plus EI and CPP?
                          • Helllllo, what were we discussing? the MARGINAL RATE. and your calculations are from the old rates by the way
                            • 猪主席是说今年的税要涨了??TNND!!
                              • 会减少, 16%, 23% and 26%, provincial rate will come down accordingly, personal amount will go up for a bit, nothing really meaningful though
                                • 猪席,俺还是不开瞧,什么样的情况可以适用marginal tax rate?是不是有两份收入,或自己开伙?