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How do you grow a rose ?向蚯蚓大哥学习.争作园艺的义务宣传员

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛How do you grow a rose ?
Dig a large two foot square hole, fill it up with soil, compost or half a bag of steer manure plus a cup of bonemeal.Give it rose fertilzer as per instructions on the package and keep it well watered the first summer so the roots never dry out.
How much sun do roses need?
Most roses need at least six hours of full sun to produce the maximum of blooms.
What roses can I grow in the shade?
Roses grown in shady conditions grow tall and lanky, tend to get disease and don't produce many blooms. But you can grow some Rugosas, Hybrid Musks and Albas in semi-shade with a minimum of four hours of sunshine.
How much water does a rose need?
Roses need five gallons of water per week during the summer months. That is the equivilant of a bucketfull of water or one inch per week. Heavy watering promotes a deep root system while light sprinkling causes the roots to grow close to the surface which causes them to bake in the summer and freeze in the winter.
How do I prune my bush roses?
There are four main steps to pruning.
1) Cut out all dead canes right to the ground 2) Cut out all diseased canes or ones damaged by rubbing against others, back to healthy wood. Healthy wood when cut looks like a green apple.
3) Remove any stems thinner than a pencil thickness as they will only produce poor blooms.
4) Prune back the canes left according to the type of rose. A general rule of thumb for most bush roses is cut back by one third.
How do I prune a climbing rose?
Little pruning is required appart from the removal of dead or very old wood plus dried out tips. Lateral branches on wood which has flowered can be cut back under the blooms to three inches. If the climber is outgrowing its alloted space then these canes can be cut back to fit.
Why does my climber only have flowers at the top of the canes?
Most climbing roses need to have their canes bent nearly horizontally as this encourages the laterals to break all along the branches instead of only at the top giving a fuller dispaly of blooms.
How do you prune a tree rose?
Tree roses are pruned the same way as a bush roses. Cut out all diseased and dead wood plus any branches that are rubbing against each other and then shorten all canes by one third.
Do miniature roses need to be pruned?
All these little roses need is a tidying up. Cut off dead tips, crossing canes and the thinnest shoots.
Why do you disbud a hybrid tea rose?
Many hybrid teas normally produce more than one flower bud at the end of each shoot. If you wants large specimen blooms for exhibition , floral arrangements or garden display you remove the side buds as soon as they are visable leaving only the center terminal bud to develop.
How do you make a rose bed?
Try to situate the rose bed where it will receive at least six hours of full sun. Dig the space well to a depth of one foot and incorporate some well rotted manure, compost or peat moss. Keep in mind that you can only stretch comfortably to three feet so a bed of six feet wide can be easily reached from all sides. Arrange your roses with the tallest ones in the center ( or at the back if one sided )medium ones next and little ones in the front. Tree roses can be used in the center instead of the tall rose bushes.
What fertilzer is best for roses?
All roses are greedy feeders and like a lot of fertilzer. It should be given when the leaves start to break out and after the first flush of flowers is over. You can use boxed rose fertilzer and use according to package instructions. Roses also benefit from a monthly foliar feeding. Organic fertilzers can be applied in early spring and allowed to break down over the season. Those gardeners with sandy soil may have to apply fertilizer more often because of their fast draining soil. No nitrogen should be applied six weeks before the first frost as it encourages growth which will be killed. Apply a fertilizer high in phosphorus and potassium only to strengthen the plant for winter
How do I avoid powdery mildew?
Warm days and cold nights are ideal for causing mildew on roses. Dryness at the roots and poor feeding can also cause mildew. It forms a pale grayish coating on the upper leaf surface and also on the buds. The infected leaves crumple and become distorted. One of the best ways to keep mildew under control is to keep good air circulation around the plants. Pruning to open up the center helps rose bushes Climbers on a closed wall may also not be getting enough air through them and should be pruned more open. Spraying with a fungicide at the first signs keeps mildew under control.
My rose leaves have yellow markings on them. Is this a disease?
Leaves which show the veins a bright yellow or white have a disease called mosaic virus disease. This is not confused with a mineral deficiency pattern as mosaic disease is easy to diagnose when they show up on the leaves. Many plants do not even show any symptoms but still have the disease. It is usually caused by virus infected rootstock. Mosaic virus is not fatal but can over time weaken a rose so that it succumbs to other rose problems. Tests have proven that the only way it can be transferred to another plant is by using the infected rootstock. As the disease is systemic the entire plant will be infected.
What is the difference between organic and inorganic fertilzers?
Organic fertilizers are derived from living things such as animals and plants. Most common are manures, bonemeal, fish meal etc They are generally slower to release as microraganisms in the soil have to break them down first so the rose plant can use them. Inorganic fertilizers are man made formulas that can be formulated for various speeds of release. Roses benefit from both kinds and a good idea is to alternate the two types.
What do they mean by budding or grafting roses?
Nurseries grow an understock for two years and then graft or bud a variety of rose like a hybrid tea onto it. This is done by making a tee type cut low down in the understock, taking a budeye from the tea rose and inserting it into the cut. This is covered to protect it and keep it clean. The little "bud" then starts to grow and become the top of the rose bush. The next spring the canes of the rootstock are cut away and the grafted rose or "scion" takes over. It is allowed to grow for two seasons and then it is dug up for sale in the fall.
How do I protect my roses during the winter?
Winter care varies with the different climates so local gardeners advice is invaluable. However there are some general guidelines to follow. Rose bushes die or die back over the winter from cold drying winds, changes in freezing and thawing and from cold temperatures to the bud union. To protect the bud union mound up soil or a mulch to about one foot high after the first hard frost. Do not cut canes in the fall or give nitrogen fertilizers as both stimulate soft new growth which will be killed. Long canes on bushes or climbers can be tied to prevent wind rock. Container plants can be moved inside to an unheated space when their leaves fall off and a little water should be given monthly to prevent drying out.
Which is the most fragrant hybrid tea rose?
In 1961 Dr. James Gambel established a fund with the ARS to encourage the developement of fragrant roses. They must have a rating of 8.0 or over and be very fragrant. So far the following have received medals Double Delight, Sunsprite, Chrysler Imperial, Crimson Glory, Fragrant Cloud, Granada, Papa Meilland, Sutters Gold and Tiffany.
How do I get rid of aphids?
Aphids are the most common of rose pests and are usually green, reddish or brown in color.They feed on the sap of the tender new growth at the tips of the canes causing growth and flowers to be stunted. A hard spray of water from the hose will knock them off and often they will not be able to return to the plant. You can also remove them with your fingers by stroking the tips with your thrumb and forefinger. Ladybugs love to dine on aphids and can devour hundreds in a short time. If the infestation is really bad then the plant can be weakened and an insecticide spray will be needed. Because they are soft-bodied, insecticidal soap is ususally sufficient.
How long does a rose plant live for?
Many of the older type roses on their own roots can outlive a human being. Grafted roses can live a long time if they can make new canes from the base. That is why pruning a rose to stimulate new growth is important. An average rose in the garden should live for at least 25 years or longer.
What do the different rose colours mean?
Red.................Love White...............Innocence Yellow..............Friendship Coral...............Desire Light Pink..........Joy Dark Pink...........Thankfulness Lavender............Enchantment Orange..............Fascination
What plants go best with rose bushes?
Roses don't like sharing their space and so the plants close should be low with shallow roots. Plants right near the base of a rose make it harder to water and fertilize and may not want the same conditions. Blue or purple is the colour that is most used as it will blend in with all the colour range of the roses.
How do you plant a rose?
Roses are not fussy as to soil type but the roots cannot stand being waterlogged so reasonably free drainage is necessary. Soak the rose bush in a bucket of water. Dig the hole 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. Replace half the soil with some sort of compost . Even a bag of steer manure and peat moss will do. Then add 2 cups of bonemeal, mix it up with the soil and fill the hole with water. When it has drained away then plant the grafted rose with the bud union at the surface. If you have very cold winters then 3 inches below the soil surface. Bare root roses can be planted with the 3 inches of canes below the surface in case of cold damage. Then hill up the soil around the base of the rose bush to prevent any drying out if the weather gets cold or very hot. This can be removed in a few weeks time as the roots will then be established. Keep well watered the first spring.
Why is my rose sending out deep red canes?
Many roses put out new growth that is a red colour. These new canes will go green like the other canes when they harden and mature
How do I make rose cuttings outside?
Rose cuttings are usually taken from the last month of summer to the first month of autumn ( middle of August to end of October). To grow them outside, take at least 6, 12 inch cuttings of each type rose in case some don't take. Remove the flowers and cut off all leaves except the two that were underneath the flower. Dip the ends in rooting hormone powder ( for semi hardwood plants) and then make a holes with a pencil 6 inches appart.Push them in far enough so that the set of leaves is resting on the soil. Firm the dirt around the cutting. Keep watered until the fall rains come. Next spring use a mild fertilzer such as fish and don't replant until they have had one year of growth.
How do you grow roses from seed?
Cut the rose hips off when they are red and ripe but not wrinkled. Plant the hip in a pot that has damp peat moss in it( or seed growing soil). Place outside to allow to freeze. In around the begining of May bring the pot inside and extract the seeds and place them in a dish of water. Seeds that float will not be fertile so choose only the ones that sink to the bottom. Start these seeds like any other seeds by planting them in a sterile seedling type mix. Keep damp but not wet. When the seeds have their second set of leaves then use a mild fertilzer at half strength weekly. Many will be wild type single pink roses but others may be very interesting and worth saving.
Can I grow my own tree rose?
Trees roses take about 3 years to grow. They are first started with an understock on which is budded ,mainly a Rugosa ,which is allowed to only grow one stem . When the cane has reached 3 feet then they bud a floribunda , hybrid tea or modern shrub type rose around the top. This is then allowed to grow for another year. This process does require a sound knowledge of the art of budding roses.
How do you deadhead roses?
Deadheading is the removal of withered flowers before they can make a seed pod or rose hip. This prevents the energy going into making seeds instead of flowers. Simply remove the whole truss by cutting down the stem just above the third set of leaves. Stop dead heading by August if you want the rose to harden off for winter or set hips.
Why doesn't my rose bloom?
The rose is a young bush, it is in the shade and needs more sunlight, there is too much nitrogen in the fertilzer which causes it to grow leaves and canes at the expensive of flowers. The bud that was used to graft with was weak or not done correctly or it may just be a once blooming variety更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / HWY 7 AND WARDEN的WHITE ROSE 因倒闭.现所有的东西都打折卖出.主要是花草树木.花园工具等.刚从那里买了几棵树和花回来.不错.值得一去.过两天可能就没什么好东西剩了.
    • 我上个星期就去了,没有什么卖的,只有枯藤老树乌鸦,去年倒是赚了我几百元,一株玫瑰就卖20多
      • 可是这次的玫瑰一盆才12元左右呀,还买了一棵梨树.等着秋天吃梨了...
        • 据说基本上吃不到完整的熟的梨。
          • You have to pruning 3 times a year to eat them.
        • 等到可以吃梨的时候,我早卖房搬家了,周围阿差越来越多,去年我买的是梦玫瑰新品种,所以较贵,homedepot 的的玫瑰又便宜又好,costco的也不错,我去年种了20多株,今年又加种了9株。誓把后院变成玫瑰园
          • 玫瑰漂亮,小心刺儿
          • 可以想象那漂亮的样子.现在还没开吧?对了,玫瑰它一年开几次呀?花期有多长呢?
            • 玫瑰可从5月一直持续开花到11月,又香又艳,一个星期施一次肥,浇透水,就可以了,特好种
          • 这次sale的玫瑰还是很多的.但是好象没有dream.你买的什么颜色的?是不是很特别?
            • 这是我去年种的部分玫瑰,今年还买了其它品种和颜色,玫瑰真是美不胜收,只恨后院太小了,我前院种了蔷薇,今年种了一棵树玫瑰
              • 真漂亮呀,请问种玫瑰有什么诀窍吗?我们去年在costco买了两株瑰,可是只活了一颗,而且活得那颗只长叶子,不开花,是不是玫瑰第一年种下去都不开花呀?
                • 我去年买的除了一株未开花外,其余全部开花,没有什么诀窍 1玫瑰喜肥,costco卖的约20元一盒的蓝色粉末的肥,化成水,一星期施一次。另外还要上有机肥及铺top soil 2玫瑰喜阳光,不能种在半阴半阳的地方。3 浇透水。
                  • 太漂亮了! 黄的那朵是dream么?有点antique rose的味道啊.花园真漂亮!得让LG赶快看看,这就是我理想中的rose garden.今天不知道white rose开不开门,去找找dream再.
                    • 去highway 7&woodbine的homedepot 买玫瑰苗,4块多一株,价廉物美,种下去准开花,white rose的玫瑰太贵了,去年大特价也要十多元一株,只不过有玫瑰花苞,costco 6元多一株,也很好。玫瑰主要花期长,花开不断断,
                      • 我们家也有两株玫瑰,花倒是开的挺好的,可是谢了以后就不开了。听人说应该花开败了就马上剪掉,还可以再开,有这么回事吗?
                      • 一分价钱一分货.我买过他们两家的玫瑰.white rose的好很多.品种和健康程度都不一样.homedepot的玫瑰有些不适宜加拿大生长.有的hardzone是从5开始的.这次让人生气的是买的一株blueberry,hardzone居然是8开始的.
                        • 对极了.
                  • 多谢啦,这就叫老公去照着办 :)
                  • 叶落归根, 根深叶茂,Removed healthy leaves & grass clippings causing
                    :- Loss of the best nutrition from their mother plants Loss of soil moisture -
                    Compacted & cracked earth
                  • 免费有机肥制作方法~~~>
                • How do you grow a rose ?向蚯蚓大哥学习.争作园艺的义务宣传员
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛How do you grow a rose ?
                  Dig a large two foot square hole, fill it up with soil, compost or half a bag of steer manure plus a cup of bonemeal.Give it rose fertilzer as per instructions on the package and keep it well watered the first summer so the roots never dry out.
                  How much sun do roses need?
                  Most roses need at least six hours of full sun to produce the maximum of blooms.
                  What roses can I grow in the shade?
                  Roses grown in shady conditions grow tall and lanky, tend to get disease and don't produce many blooms. But you can grow some Rugosas, Hybrid Musks and Albas in semi-shade with a minimum of four hours of sunshine.
                  How much water does a rose need?
                  Roses need five gallons of water per week during the summer months. That is the equivilant of a bucketfull of water or one inch per week. Heavy watering promotes a deep root system while light sprinkling causes the roots to grow close to the surface which causes them to bake in the summer and freeze in the winter.
                  How do I prune my bush roses?
                  There are four main steps to pruning.
                  1) Cut out all dead canes right to the ground 2) Cut out all diseased canes or ones damaged by rubbing against others, back to healthy wood. Healthy wood when cut looks like a green apple.
                  3) Remove any stems thinner than a pencil thickness as they will only produce poor blooms.
                  4) Prune back the canes left according to the type of rose. A general rule of thumb for most bush roses is cut back by one third.
                  How do I prune a climbing rose?
                  Little pruning is required appart from the removal of dead or very old wood plus dried out tips. Lateral branches on wood which has flowered can be cut back under the blooms to three inches. If the climber is outgrowing its alloted space then these canes can be cut back to fit.
                  Why does my climber only have flowers at the top of the canes?
                  Most climbing roses need to have their canes bent nearly horizontally as this encourages the laterals to break all along the branches instead of only at the top giving a fuller dispaly of blooms.
                  How do you prune a tree rose?
                  Tree roses are pruned the same way as a bush roses. Cut out all diseased and dead wood plus any branches that are rubbing against each other and then shorten all canes by one third.
                  Do miniature roses need to be pruned?
                  All these little roses need is a tidying up. Cut off dead tips, crossing canes and the thinnest shoots.
                  Why do you disbud a hybrid tea rose?
                  Many hybrid teas normally produce more than one flower bud at the end of each shoot. If you wants large specimen blooms for exhibition , floral arrangements or garden display you remove the side buds as soon as they are visable leaving only the center terminal bud to develop.
                  How do you make a rose bed?
                  Try to situate the rose bed where it will receive at least six hours of full sun. Dig the space well to a depth of one foot and incorporate some well rotted manure, compost or peat moss. Keep in mind that you can only stretch comfortably to three feet so a bed of six feet wide can be easily reached from all sides. Arrange your roses with the tallest ones in the center ( or at the back if one sided )medium ones next and little ones in the front. Tree roses can be used in the center instead of the tall rose bushes.
                  What fertilzer is best for roses?
                  All roses are greedy feeders and like a lot of fertilzer. It should be given when the leaves start to break out and after the first flush of flowers is over. You can use boxed rose fertilzer and use according to package instructions. Roses also benefit from a monthly foliar feeding. Organic fertilzers can be applied in early spring and allowed to break down over the season. Those gardeners with sandy soil may have to apply fertilizer more often because of their fast draining soil. No nitrogen should be applied six weeks before the first frost as it encourages growth which will be killed. Apply a fertilizer high in phosphorus and potassium only to strengthen the plant for winter
                  How do I avoid powdery mildew?
                  Warm days and cold nights are ideal for causing mildew on roses. Dryness at the roots and poor feeding can also cause mildew. It forms a pale grayish coating on the upper leaf surface and also on the buds. The infected leaves crumple and become distorted. One of the best ways to keep mildew under control is to keep good air circulation around the plants. Pruning to open up the center helps rose bushes Climbers on a closed wall may also not be getting enough air through them and should be pruned more open. Spraying with a fungicide at the first signs keeps mildew under control.
                  My rose leaves have yellow markings on them. Is this a disease?
                  Leaves which show the veins a bright yellow or white have a disease called mosaic virus disease. This is not confused with a mineral deficiency pattern as mosaic disease is easy to diagnose when they show up on the leaves. Many plants do not even show any symptoms but still have the disease. It is usually caused by virus infected rootstock. Mosaic virus is not fatal but can over time weaken a rose so that it succumbs to other rose problems. Tests have proven that the only way it can be transferred to another plant is by using the infected rootstock. As the disease is systemic the entire plant will be infected.
                  What is the difference between organic and inorganic fertilzers?
                  Organic fertilizers are derived from living things such as animals and plants. Most common are manures, bonemeal, fish meal etc They are generally slower to release as microraganisms in the soil have to break them down first so the rose plant can use them. Inorganic fertilizers are man made formulas that can be formulated for various speeds of release. Roses benefit from both kinds and a good idea is to alternate the two types.
                  What do they mean by budding or grafting roses?
                  Nurseries grow an understock for two years and then graft or bud a variety of rose like a hybrid tea onto it. This is done by making a tee type cut low down in the understock, taking a budeye from the tea rose and inserting it into the cut. This is covered to protect it and keep it clean. The little "bud" then starts to grow and become the top of the rose bush. The next spring the canes of the rootstock are cut away and the grafted rose or "scion" takes over. It is allowed to grow for two seasons and then it is dug up for sale in the fall.
                  How do I protect my roses during the winter?
                  Winter care varies with the different climates so local gardeners advice is invaluable. However there are some general guidelines to follow. Rose bushes die or die back over the winter from cold drying winds, changes in freezing and thawing and from cold temperatures to the bud union. To protect the bud union mound up soil or a mulch to about one foot high after the first hard frost. Do not cut canes in the fall or give nitrogen fertilizers as both stimulate soft new growth which will be killed. Long canes on bushes or climbers can be tied to prevent wind rock. Container plants can be moved inside to an unheated space when their leaves fall off and a little water should be given monthly to prevent drying out.
                  Which is the most fragrant hybrid tea rose?
                  In 1961 Dr. James Gambel established a fund with the ARS to encourage the developement of fragrant roses. They must have a rating of 8.0 or over and be very fragrant. So far the following have received medals Double Delight, Sunsprite, Chrysler Imperial, Crimson Glory, Fragrant Cloud, Granada, Papa Meilland, Sutters Gold and Tiffany.
                  How do I get rid of aphids?
                  Aphids are the most common of rose pests and are usually green, reddish or brown in color.They feed on the sap of the tender new growth at the tips of the canes causing growth and flowers to be stunted. A hard spray of water from the hose will knock them off and often they will not be able to return to the plant. You can also remove them with your fingers by stroking the tips with your thrumb and forefinger. Ladybugs love to dine on aphids and can devour hundreds in a short time. If the infestation is really bad then the plant can be weakened and an insecticide spray will be needed. Because they are soft-bodied, insecticidal soap is ususally sufficient.
                  How long does a rose plant live for?
                  Many of the older type roses on their own roots can outlive a human being. Grafted roses can live a long time if they can make new canes from the base. That is why pruning a rose to stimulate new growth is important. An average rose in the garden should live for at least 25 years or longer.
                  What do the different rose colours mean?
                  Red.................Love White...............Innocence Yellow..............Friendship Coral...............Desire Light Pink..........Joy Dark Pink...........Thankfulness Lavender............Enchantment Orange..............Fascination
                  What plants go best with rose bushes?
                  Roses don't like sharing their space and so the plants close should be low with shallow roots. Plants right near the base of a rose make it harder to water and fertilize and may not want the same conditions. Blue or purple is the colour that is most used as it will blend in with all the colour range of the roses.
                  How do you plant a rose?
                  Roses are not fussy as to soil type but the roots cannot stand being waterlogged so reasonably free drainage is necessary. Soak the rose bush in a bucket of water. Dig the hole 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep. Replace half the soil with some sort of compost . Even a bag of steer manure and peat moss will do. Then add 2 cups of bonemeal, mix it up with the soil and fill the hole with water. When it has drained away then plant the grafted rose with the bud union at the surface. If you have very cold winters then 3 inches below the soil surface. Bare root roses can be planted with the 3 inches of canes below the surface in case of cold damage. Then hill up the soil around the base of the rose bush to prevent any drying out if the weather gets cold or very hot. This can be removed in a few weeks time as the roots will then be established. Keep well watered the first spring.
                  Why is my rose sending out deep red canes?
                  Many roses put out new growth that is a red colour. These new canes will go green like the other canes when they harden and mature
                  How do I make rose cuttings outside?
                  Rose cuttings are usually taken from the last month of summer to the first month of autumn ( middle of August to end of October). To grow them outside, take at least 6, 12 inch cuttings of each type rose in case some don't take. Remove the flowers and cut off all leaves except the two that were underneath the flower. Dip the ends in rooting hormone powder ( for semi hardwood plants) and then make a holes with a pencil 6 inches appart.Push them in far enough so that the set of leaves is resting on the soil. Firm the dirt around the cutting. Keep watered until the fall rains come. Next spring use a mild fertilzer such as fish and don't replant until they have had one year of growth.
                  How do you grow roses from seed?
                  Cut the rose hips off when they are red and ripe but not wrinkled. Plant the hip in a pot that has damp peat moss in it( or seed growing soil). Place outside to allow to freeze. In around the begining of May bring the pot inside and extract the seeds and place them in a dish of water. Seeds that float will not be fertile so choose only the ones that sink to the bottom. Start these seeds like any other seeds by planting them in a sterile seedling type mix. Keep damp but not wet. When the seeds have their second set of leaves then use a mild fertilzer at half strength weekly. Many will be wild type single pink roses but others may be very interesting and worth saving.
                  Can I grow my own tree rose?
                  Trees roses take about 3 years to grow. They are first started with an understock on which is budded ,mainly a Rugosa ,which is allowed to only grow one stem . When the cane has reached 3 feet then they bud a floribunda , hybrid tea or modern shrub type rose around the top. This is then allowed to grow for another year. This process does require a sound knowledge of the art of budding roses.
                  How do you deadhead roses?
                  Deadheading is the removal of withered flowers before they can make a seed pod or rose hip. This prevents the energy going into making seeds instead of flowers. Simply remove the whole truss by cutting down the stem just above the third set of leaves. Stop dead heading by August if you want the rose to harden off for winter or set hips.
                  Why doesn't my rose bloom?
                  The rose is a young bush, it is in the shade and needs more sunlight, there is too much nitrogen in the fertilzer which causes it to grow leaves and canes at the expensive of flowers. The bud that was used to graft with was weak or not done correctly or it may just be a once blooming variety更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 看你有这么多时掂花惹草的,谁帮你带孩子啊?
                  • ^_^