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Sister's Act

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Faith
Sex = Female
Where it happened = in car
Reference Number = 1058

I have accepted Christ as my Savior when I was a child. I have followed my father's calling and after s of seminary, I received ordination as a minister last Spring. My fiancee' and I are choosing to postpone sex until we are married next Summer. I have been following this page for several weeks and think it has given me some insights for counseling young people. Having stated who and what I am, I state my exception to all those who consider themselves Christians and have "told off" the other contributors to this page. Prudence and others in her situation do not need spiritual alienation as a result of religious bigotry. Prudence acted unwisely, I think, but she showed spirtual strength in the face of oppression and I urge her to let God into her life again. Because this is a page for relating the story of one's first time, I will tell mine in a manner appropriate to this group:

I had a brother s younger than I. We were very close until puberty hit him and he became the most obnoxious little trouser snake who was always copping feels and peeping on me. It was a rough year or so until he grew up and began to behave as a human being again. Soon after we became close again, he was diagnosed with leukemia and eventually underwent a bone marrow transplant. It was a eight hour drive to the medical center so my parents lowered the back seats of the station wagon and placed a wide mattress for Luke and me to lie upon because Luke was not so strong for such a long ride. We left the house about 3 p.m. and because it was dark and cold by 4, Luke and I were curled up together under several blankets which would have been impossible s before. It was dark and snuggly and I soon had my hand under his shirt to enjoy his warmth as we lay in a spoon position. Soon I realized that I was being unfair as I figured out that Luke was having to shift his penis around. I reached down and sure enough he was erect. I whispered in his ear that he had been a super brother since he cleaned up his act and I unzipped him and stroked him to orgasm. While I have been pressured for intercourse in a number of relationships when I had made it clear that I wanted to wait for marriage, I was always willing to relieve frustration as a matter of decency if my wishes were respected and if my affectionate actions caused a problem. Luke confided in me afterwards that he had never had a relationship that had gone beyond kissing and he was afraid of dying as a virgin. I already was afraid of losing him since the whole family knew what the risks were for the transplant.

I continued to hold Luke in my arms as I came to a decision. When we stopped for McDonalds, I asked that Luke and I be allowed to sit at a table apart and my parents agreed. Luke and I had a discussion of what sex meant in our lives. If Luke would understand that I was making a lifetime exception for him, I wanted Luke to agree not to let go of his life without his utmost fight because his life was so precious. I also told him that this offer would be a one-time, lifetime exception because it would be very wrong in ordinary circumstances. He finally figured out what I was offering and made his objections about respect, incest, pregnancy, and most of all, my plans to enter the clergy. He was willing to refuse me. I put it to him that if he made the utmost effort to live, I would pay a small enough price if this would motivate him. The only question was whether he could accept. He accepted with the agreement I could back out even at the last minute. Luke had really grown up, I thought to myself. There would be consequences and I resolved to not begrudge bearing them.

I went to the restroom and removed my bra and panties. I stocked up on paper towels. Most important of all I prayed. We all got into the car for the five-hour leg of the trip. Luke carressed my breasts and nuzzled his face into them and sucked my nipples. I removed my jeans. I took his hand from my breast and put it between my legs. It does not take long for me to lubricate and when I did I asked him to let me have control and to signal me when he wanted me to slow down. I lowered his jeans to his knees and turned away from him. Reaching between my legs, I took his penis and held it against the cleft of my vulva and worked my hips very slowly to rub my clitoris. After a few minutes when I was afraid that he might go over the edge, I guided him to my vagina and began to ease him in slowly. Luke patted me on the thigh and I immediately removed him and applied the Masters and Johnson's squeeze technique to simmer him down. (I might have been a virgin but that doesn't mean I don't read all I can on lovemaking. My use of a dildo ever since I went away to college helped me that night.) Soon Luke was all the way into me. His penis was hot and I could feel his heart beating on the walls of my vagina. While I was primarily making a gift to Luke, I was receiving divine pleasure from him. I enjoyed feeling his Penis twitch inside me and the feeling of fullness it gave me--nothing like a dildo. I started to use my Kugel muscles to clasp his penis in a rhythm. That way Luke remained hard up into me and we made no motion under the blankets. Momma looked back at us from time to time and asked if everything was O.K. Luke and I got into my squeezing him with my vagina until he patted me and then he would twitch his penis when he wanted me to begin. I knew in theory what a sacrement sex was and now I actually experienced it. Luke and I remained motionless on the outside, our torsos had drifted apart but our pelvises were locked together. The interplay between us has been one of my few tastes of eternity. Our Creator loves us to have given us this gift. Luke and I remained interlocked for just under three hours when a gasolene stop was approaching. I whispered to Luke to go for it and he began forceful thrusting. I felt his penis swell as he pressed as deep into me as he could. I responded with more vaginal squeezes and pressing my finger into his perinium. I felt his semen as it rushed through his urethra under my finger and I felt it as it splashed against my cervix in a series of sperts. I felt Luke's whole body convulse and he let out an almost inaudible short moan and a exhalation. My parents heard it and asked what was going on in back. I said that Luke was sleeping restlessly and must have been dreaming. Luke lost his erection instantly and there was liquid everywhere when his penis flopped out with a slurp sound. I had no chance to get towels in place as I hadn't realized how much would spill out of me. I also learned that I could have completely satisfactory intercourse without having an intercourse of my own--another issue in my reading that was resolved. My one experience was devine for both of us. We got our clothes organized and had twenty minutes of snuggling before the gas station. I also had to urinate real bad. I worried about the odors we had created as I could certainly smell them. My parents had to have a suspicion. The final two hours with my dear Luke were spent in a close embrace. I hold that memoryas the most part of my heart. Luke will be with me always in that sense.

Luke's transplat took but he did not survive the infections that took him while his immune system was shut down. We were never really privately alone again and I never could get physically near Luke in his fever. We definitely would have issue to resolve if Luke had lived but if Luke had lived.... Luke's doctor was a real cool lady. I confided in her an hour after arrival and she immediately provided birth control pills in a "morning after" dose. Her bedside manner with me is one of my paradigms that I try to emulate in my pastoral work. My parents did not have a clue about our tryst until afterwards. Momma noticed that I was without my bra but thought I was having digestive problems with my extended vists in the restrooms. Neither one of them could conceive of Luke and I getting past our past conflicts over sex. I was helping Dad remove the mattress after Luke died. There was a big pink stain on it. He asked "Do you have something to tell me?" I told him that the bargain I struck with Luke was that he was to survive and enjoy his life. I did what I had to do and Luke would always be with me is a very private and personal way." He asked me for permission to tell Mamma in his own way and told me that he was very proud of me, a very private and personal pride. The next day Momma kissed me and told me never to seek approval for my acts of love. We have never spoken of this since.

That is my story. I have no interest in approval. If you wish to write to this page write about your first time, not what you think of others.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net