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As a result of a BC Appeal Court’s decision, same sex marriage is legal in British Columbia, effective July 8, 2003.

All existing requirements for getting married in BC remain in effect for same sex marriages in the province.

If you are coming to BC to get married, please contact the appropriate authorities in the jurisdiction where you are a resident to determine whether your marriage will be recognized.

Detailed information on how to get married in British Columbia follows.

Step 1.
Applying for a Marriage Licence
The Marriage Act requires that you obtain a Marriage Licence before getting married in British Columbia. The licence does not mean that you are married, but that you may get married any time during the three-month term of the licence.
Either party to the marriage must apply in person to the Marriage Licence Issuer in your community(click here to search for a location near you).
Only one member of the couple needs to apply for the licence, but you will be asked to provide identification for both the bride and the groom. Information required with identification will include:

Full name, including given names
Birth date and birth place
Marital status
Current address

A fee must be paid at the time of application.
The licence will be issued at the time of application, and is valid for three months from the time of issuance.
Marriage Licences are not refundable.

Who can get married?
Anyone over 19 years of age is eligible to apply for a marriage licence in British Columbia.

Anyone under 19 years of age must first obtain the consent of both parents. Your local Marriage Licence Issuer has the required consent forms or the form can be downloaded here.

No one under the age of 16 years can be married without the consent of the Supreme or County Court.

You do not have to be a B.C. resident in order to be married here, but the licence is only valid in this province.

Blood tests are not required under B.C. legislation.

If one or both of the intended parties was recently divorced (within the last 31 days), proof of divorce must be provided.

No licence may be issued until a divorce has been finalized by the courts (this is normally 31 days after the divorce decree has been issued by the courts).

Step 2.
The Marriage Ceremony
In B.C., couples can choose a religious or civil ceremony. Either type of ceremony must be witnessed by two people.

Religious ceremonies are performed by a religious representative of your choice, as long as they are registered with the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency under the Marriage Act.

Civil ceremonies are performed by Marriage Commissioners who are appointed by the Executive Director of Vital Statistics.
If you are planning a civil ceremony and using the services of a Marriage Commissioner, you need to book your officiant as soon as possible once you have a date for your wedding. Marriage Commissioners book up quickly and it may become problematic to leave booking this service to the last minute.

Please contact only one marriage commissioner at a time to conform availability. Sending a blanket e-mail request to all commissioners in an area causes confusion.

Remember, Marriage Commissioners are not wedding planners — they are officiants to your planned marriage. When making your booking ensure you provide the marriage commissioner with the necessary details. That is,

the date and time you plan to have your ceremony,
exact location of the ceremony (if you plan on being married in a public location such as a park, please confirm with the appropriate municipality that you can do so),
and lastly, how you wish to arrange for payment of the commissioner fees.
It is also helpful to the marriage Commissioner if you can provide additional information such as approximately how many guests will be attending, how the the wedding party is and any special information such as wardrobe requests.

Below you will find our approved wedding ceremony for your use. Any changes or additions to it should be discussed with your Marriage Commissioner. Please note that the text that has been bolded and is in CAPS is mandatory text that must be included in all civil ceremonies conducted in British Columbia.

Contact the Marriage Commissioner directly to make an appointment and arrangements (click here to search for a location near you).
See Fee Schedule for current legislated fee.
Which name can you use?
After marriage, you gain the right to use your spouse's surname. You can choose to continue using your own surname. This does not result in a legal change of name, or in any automatic change to birth records, and you can decide to return to your own surname at any time.
To use hyphenated surnames a legal Change of Name is required.
Step 3.
Registering the Marriage
The religious representative or Marriage Commissioner who performs the wedding ceremony will also help to complete the necessary Marriage Registration Form.
This form is then sent within 48 hours of the marriage ceremony by the religious representative or Marriage Commissioner to the Vital Statistics Agency, where the marriage is registered and a legal record is kept.
Proof of marriage
At the time of the ceremony, your Religious Representative or Marriage Commissioner may provide you with a statement of marriage - this interim document can be used temporarily to prove that you are married.
After the marriage, and following the receipt and registration of the Marriage Registration Form, a permanent Marriage Certificate will be automatically mailed to the parties from the Vital Statistics Agency.

How to Order a Certificate

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请教!夫妻(无孩)办理了移民。一方在加,一方短登后回国。将近一年的时候,双方在中国办理了协议离婚。请问,是否将国内协议离婚书公证即可(以后无论在中,在加结婚,只要出示即可;目前双方均为中国国籍)?谢谢!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛HOW TO GET MARRIED IN BRITISH COLUMBIA

      As a result of a BC Appeal Court’s decision, same sex marriage is legal in British Columbia, effective July 8, 2003.

      All existing requirements for getting married in BC remain in effect for same sex marriages in the province.

      If you are coming to BC to get married, please contact the appropriate authorities in the jurisdiction where you are a resident to determine whether your marriage will be recognized.

      Detailed information on how to get married in British Columbia follows.

      Step 1.
      Applying for a Marriage Licence
      The Marriage Act requires that you obtain a Marriage Licence before getting married in British Columbia. The licence does not mean that you are married, but that you may get married any time during the three-month term of the licence.
      Either party to the marriage must apply in person to the Marriage Licence Issuer in your community(click here to search for a location near you).
      Only one member of the couple needs to apply for the licence, but you will be asked to provide identification for both the bride and the groom. Information required with identification will include:

      Full name, including given names
      Birth date and birth place
      Marital status
      Current address

      A fee must be paid at the time of application.
      The licence will be issued at the time of application, and is valid for three months from the time of issuance.
      Marriage Licences are not refundable.

      Who can get married?
      Anyone over 19 years of age is eligible to apply for a marriage licence in British Columbia.

      Anyone under 19 years of age must first obtain the consent of both parents. Your local Marriage Licence Issuer has the required consent forms or the form can be downloaded here.

      No one under the age of 16 years can be married without the consent of the Supreme or County Court.

      You do not have to be a B.C. resident in order to be married here, but the licence is only valid in this province.

      Blood tests are not required under B.C. legislation.

      If one or both of the intended parties was recently divorced (within the last 31 days), proof of divorce must be provided.

      No licence may be issued until a divorce has been finalized by the courts (this is normally 31 days after the divorce decree has been issued by the courts).

      Step 2.
      The Marriage Ceremony
      In B.C., couples can choose a religious or civil ceremony. Either type of ceremony must be witnessed by two people.

      Religious ceremonies are performed by a religious representative of your choice, as long as they are registered with the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency under the Marriage Act.

      Civil ceremonies are performed by Marriage Commissioners who are appointed by the Executive Director of Vital Statistics.
      If you are planning a civil ceremony and using the services of a Marriage Commissioner, you need to book your officiant as soon as possible once you have a date for your wedding. Marriage Commissioners book up quickly and it may become problematic to leave booking this service to the last minute.

      Please contact only one marriage commissioner at a time to conform availability. Sending a blanket e-mail request to all commissioners in an area causes confusion.

      Remember, Marriage Commissioners are not wedding planners — they are officiants to your planned marriage. When making your booking ensure you provide the marriage commissioner with the necessary details. That is,

      the date and time you plan to have your ceremony,
      exact location of the ceremony (if you plan on being married in a public location such as a park, please confirm with the appropriate municipality that you can do so),
      and lastly, how you wish to arrange for payment of the commissioner fees.
      It is also helpful to the marriage Commissioner if you can provide additional information such as approximately how many guests will be attending, how the the wedding party is and any special information such as wardrobe requests.

      Below you will find our approved wedding ceremony for your use. Any changes or additions to it should be discussed with your Marriage Commissioner. Please note that the text that has been bolded and is in CAPS is mandatory text that must be included in all civil ceremonies conducted in British Columbia.

      Contact the Marriage Commissioner directly to make an appointment and arrangements (click here to search for a location near you).
      See Fee Schedule for current legislated fee.
      Which name can you use?
      After marriage, you gain the right to use your spouse's surname. You can choose to continue using your own surname. This does not result in a legal change of name, or in any automatic change to birth records, and you can decide to return to your own surname at any time.
      To use hyphenated surnames a legal Change of Name is required.
      Step 3.
      Registering the Marriage
      The religious representative or Marriage Commissioner who performs the wedding ceremony will also help to complete the necessary Marriage Registration Form.
      This form is then sent within 48 hours of the marriage ceremony by the religious representative or Marriage Commissioner to the Vital Statistics Agency, where the marriage is registered and a legal record is kept.
      Proof of marriage
      At the time of the ceremony, your Religious Representative or Marriage Commissioner may provide you with a statement of marriage - this interim document can be used temporarily to prove that you are married.
      After the marriage, and following the receipt and registration of the Marriage Registration Form, a permanent Marriage Certificate will be automatically mailed to the parties from the Vital Statistics Agency.

      How to Order a Certificate

      How To Make Corrections更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 婚姻登记条例
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛授权发布:婚姻登记条例

      (2003-08-18 16:13:54) 来源:新华网




        第一章 总则

        第一条 为了规范婚姻登记工作,保障婚姻自由、一夫一妻、男女平等的婚姻制度的实施,保护婚姻当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国婚姻法》(以下简称婚姻法),制定本条例。

        第二条 内地居民办理婚姻登记的机关是县级人民政府民政部门或者乡(镇)人民政府,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以按照便民原则确定农村居民办理婚姻登记的具体机关。


        第三条 婚姻登记机关的婚姻登记员应当接受婚姻登记业务培训,经考核合格,方可从事婚姻登记工作。


        第二章 结婚登记

        第四条 内地居民结婚,男女双方应当共同到一方当事人常住户口所在地的婚姻登记机关办理结婚登记。


        第五条 办理结婚登记的内地居民应当出具下列证件和证明材料:












        第六条 办理结婚登记的当事人有下列情形之一的,婚姻登记机关不予登记:






        第七条 婚姻登记机关应当对结婚登记当事人出具的证件、证明材料进行审查并询问相关情况。对当事人符合结婚条件的,应当当场予以登记,发给结婚证;对当事人不符合结婚条件不予登记的,应当向当事人说明理由。

        第八条 男女双方补办结婚登记的,适用本条例结婚登记的规定。

        第九条 因胁迫结婚的,受胁迫的当事人依据婚姻法第十一条的规定向婚姻登记机关请求撤销其婚姻的,应当出具下列证明材料:




        第三章 离婚登记

        第十条 内地居民自愿离婚的,男女双方应当共同到一方当事人常住户口所在地的婚姻登记机关办理离婚登记。


        第十一条 办理离婚登记的内地居民应当出具下列证件和证明材料:






        第十二条 办理离婚登记的当事人有下列情形之一的,婚姻登记机关不予受理:




        第十三条 婚姻登记机关应当对离婚登记当事人出具的证件、证明材料进行审查并询问相关情况。对当事人确属自愿离婚,并已对子女抚养、财产、债务等问题达成一致处理意见的,应当当场予以登记,发给离婚证。

        第十四条 离婚的男女双方自愿恢复夫妻关系的,应当到婚姻登记机关办理复婚登记。复婚登记适用本条例结婚登记的规定。

        第四章 婚姻登记档案和婚姻登记证

        第十五条 婚姻登记机关应当建立婚姻登记档案。婚姻登记档案应当长期保管。具体管理办法由国务院民政部门会同国家档案管理部门规定。

        第十六条 婚姻登记机关收到人民法院宣告婚姻无效或者撤销婚姻的判决书副本后,应当将该判决书副本收入当事人的婚姻登记档案。

        第十七条 结婚证、离婚证遗失或者损毁的,当事人可以持户口簿、身份证向原办理婚姻登记的机关或者一方当事人常住户口所在地的婚姻登记机关申请补领。婚姻登记机关对当事人的婚姻登记档案进行查证,确认属实的,应当为当事人补发结婚证、离婚证。

        第五章 罚则

        第十八条 婚姻登记机关及其婚姻登记员有下列行为之一的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:





        第六章 附则

        第十九条 中华人民共和国驻外使(领)馆可以依照本条例的有关规定,为男女双方均居住于驻在国的中国公民办理婚姻登记。

        第二十条 本条例规定的婚姻登记证由国务院民政部门规定式样并监制。

        第二十一条 当事人办理婚姻登记或者补领结婚证、离婚证应当交纳工本费。工本费的收费标准由国务院价格主管部门会同国务院财政部门规定并公布。

        第二十二条 本条例自2003年10月1日起施行。1994年1月12日国务院批准、1994年2月1日民政部发布的《婚姻登记管理条例》同时废止。(完)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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