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HaHa,这里成了女权主义者和捍卫男权者的论坛了。我来回答你为什么男人1、appreciate, even worship beautiful women:可是好几个女人告诉我她们也喜欢漂亮的女人(虽然掺杂了一点嫉妒),

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛而且她们也认为女人的身体确实比男人的身体有美感;2、go to prostitutes:我觉得这是中国这个贫富分化日益悬殊的国家里唯一可以减轻这种分化趋势的社会分配方式。其实现在也有很多富婆包养面首的。只是富的男人比女人多得多,而有些富婆之所以富,也只不过是靠着男人的肩膀而已;3、do one night stands:只有一个男人是无法do one night stand的;4、have more than one "wife":男人大多时候还能区分正宫与旁室,也知道婚姻,浪漫与游戏的区别,而女人大都缺少这方面的鉴别能力;5、
see porno:我也奇怪,为什么porno大都是女人照片,就很少供女人欣赏的porno呢?

其实当你说中国女人在国外大都混得比男的好的时候不应该忘了中国男人的功劳。你知道为什么中国的女运动员为什么都那么争气,都能拿金牌,而中国的男运动员大都那么窝囊吗,其实那是因为大多数男运动员都去给女运动员当陪练了,你看越是竞技类的,中国的女的就越强,而象体操这样非竞技类,陪练起不了什么作用的,咱男的也不赖呀。你说是吧,可不能一下子抹杀了我们这些默默无闻的幕后英雄。其实女的混得比男的好,跟男人与女人之间的社会角色的微妙区别还是有关系的,比如我们男人就没办法找到一个非专业型的办公室的一般文员之类的工作。而且女人的语言之所以大都比男的好,还是那个语言环境的问题,要知道中国女人的语言环境可比我们那个好啊。每次我见到一个英语说得特溜特标准的女生,我一定会说:你一定有一个老外男朋友,一说一个准,而到目前为止我还没遇到过英语能流利到这种程度的男生。惭愧呵!不过只要我们中国女人能为我们长脸,做做幕后英雄我还是心甘情愿的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / Some thoughts on some (NOT ALL) Chinese men
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛All of the following are just for some Chinese men, and they can not represent all. I believe most of them are not like this.

    Chinese society has been dominated by men. So they can:

    1. appreciate, even worship beautiful women
    2. go to prostitutes
    3. do one night stands
    4. have more than one "wife"
    5. see porno

    What are they when they do all these? -- HERO

    What if a woman do even ont if thess? -- CHEAP, BITHCH, etc

    But are they all that great as they think they are? Maybe they feel they are someone in China. But overseas, most Chinese women are better off than men.

    Be honest, why do guys want beautiful women? Deep down, surely for sex. Sex is one of human nature as a kind of animal. Women are also human. What is wrong if we also appreciate some beuatiful men, or great body? If we can not appreciate it, when what do you expect us to appreciate? your minds? Is your mind really so beautiful? What are some of you doing when you have a hard time overseas, being it land a job or a wife? Complaining, whining, even humiliating others. Where are all the virtues in our Chinese tradition? Why do you only inherit the bad habits, and abandon good ones? Why don't you save your time of fighting others to make some constructive suggestions? or work on yourself, whether it is job hunting, studying or body building?

    Think about it, please. Is it FAIR? Are you really so GREAT?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不要遇到1、2个别的男人,就评价所有的男人。。。
      • please read the topic again, i said not all. I thought you could have said this
    • Agree. But even western guys they are all the same.Man always want to stick his hands into you pants.So what ? That's way they called man.No matter they are Chinese or not.
      • Yes, but they admit it. They admit what they want and they give women the same right. They know it is the way of the world. But some Chinese men, they both want to be "BITCH" and want to have "PAI FANG"
        • 谁说的?白GG玩完了你,你连个安家费都劳不到的(太多的了,看cheater.看judge Jude),那些MM估计没心情或者都没脸再到处宣扬了。BTW你才看到多少?要是上赶着当滚刀肉没人拦你。
    • ahhhhhhh, pat pat.
    • That one, Chinese, always has somebody "ding" (How to say in English?) This one, English, few people cares.
      • Sorry, I can not type in Chinese here. Do you mind translating for me :)?
        • I am really sorry, but I have to say no. I am man, so I would not like to re-tell what you said in Chinese.
          • haha, you are so cute:) I like the name "Xiang Liu Zui" make me think of another Chinese verse "Hong2 xiu4 ye4 tian1xiang1" Sorry, this is much worse than in Chinese character. Maybe you can translate this for me? :)
            • ok come in
              • Great, thanks. There are so many beautiful things in our culture, like this verse of poem, much better than English literature. There are color, beauty and seduction. Much better than their direct illustration.
                • Agree. Thanks for your English comment :-).
                  • no problem , man!
                    • You guys are really matched couple: 对酒当歌 vs 相留醉
                      • Wow, I did not notice that. Maybe we can have few drinks some day
                        • no problem, I will be judge.
                          • DEAL
    • I want women watch porno with me.............
      Who will???


      what is wrong with porno?
      • you are also cute. watching porno is alright. it is even better to have a good sex on the grass in such a beautiful summer evening in Canada. but you have to find a partner that are willing to do that with you. Have fun!
        • sigh.
    • HaHa,这里成了女权主义者和捍卫男权者的论坛了。我来回答你为什么男人1、appreciate, even worship beautiful women:可是好几个女人告诉我她们也喜欢漂亮的女人(虽然掺杂了一点嫉妒),
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛而且她们也认为女人的身体确实比男人的身体有美感;2、go to prostitutes:我觉得这是中国这个贫富分化日益悬殊的国家里唯一可以减轻这种分化趋势的社会分配方式。其实现在也有很多富婆包养面首的。只是富的男人比女人多得多,而有些富婆之所以富,也只不过是靠着男人的肩膀而已;3、do one night stands:只有一个男人是无法do one night stand的;4、have more than one "wife":男人大多时候还能区分正宫与旁室,也知道婚姻,浪漫与游戏的区别,而女人大都缺少这方面的鉴别能力;5、
      see porno:我也奇怪,为什么porno大都是女人照片,就很少供女人欣赏的porno呢?

      其实当你说中国女人在国外大都混得比男的好的时候不应该忘了中国男人的功劳。你知道为什么中国的女运动员为什么都那么争气,都能拿金牌,而中国的男运动员大都那么窝囊吗,其实那是因为大多数男运动员都去给女运动员当陪练了,你看越是竞技类的,中国的女的就越强,而象体操这样非竞技类,陪练起不了什么作用的,咱男的也不赖呀。你说是吧,可不能一下子抹杀了我们这些默默无闻的幕后英雄。其实女的混得比男的好,跟男人与女人之间的社会角色的微妙区别还是有关系的,比如我们男人就没办法找到一个非专业型的办公室的一般文员之类的工作。而且女人的语言之所以大都比男的好,还是那个语言环境的问题,要知道中国女人的语言环境可比我们那个好啊。每次我见到一个英语说得特溜特标准的女生,我一定会说:你一定有一个老外男朋友,一说一个准,而到目前为止我还没遇到过英语能流利到这种程度的男生。惭愧呵!不过只要我们中国女人能为我们长脸,做做幕后英雄我还是心甘情愿的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • CUTE! I am not feminism. And I did not say it is not good for men to do the five things. As long as they do not hurt others, they can. What I am saying is: WOMEN HAVE THE SAME RIGHT.
        We can and have the right to do the same things. Men have no right to scold, or even humiliate us for doing what they are doing. The point is only if we are willing to do that.
    • 这好像都是过去的事了。妇女早就解放了,现在女人dominate。她们看钢管舞,喝酒,做乐,耍性子,。。。,男人做这些她们就翻白眼儿。
      • But there are always some Chinese guys think that way. WELL, you are also right in that: girls rule, boys drool, hehe:) so Lucky to be a girl, hehe
      • 她们现在是不骑在男人头上不罢休啊!呵呵!
    • some chinese men? how many percent according to you?
      • one out of five, maybe?
        • hmm....20 percent, it's still acceptable, isn't it? :-)
          • It is absolutely acceptable. But because we are Tong2 Bao1, so I hope there are even more good Chinese men. I don't complain about white guy's bad habits becasue I don't really care
            • Hehe, is that the reason you wrote this article? For these 20 per cent Chinese? Don't mean to offend, you look like just complaining instead of giving suggestions
              • Yes, You are right, just complaint, in the hope that whey can just have a retrospect and know what they really are. Althought it's just 20%, I unfortunately met quite a few personally -:(
    • Is it fair? Is it NOT fair?...You shouldn't expect things are fair in the world...
      • I never expect totally fairness in this world, I know it is not possible. Just try to make it a better place to live in.....
        • You might have the hope, but i don't think your post here will be helpful......
          • I also realized it now. I am just being too naive. They will never accept any negative comnnets, right? otherwise, they would not be who they are. and I ended up being hated. HEHE, anyway, I already did it