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The problem here for a very long time ppl don't want to work hard due to high tax policy and everyone wants to take advantage of others or not being taken advantage from.. Here it comes cash job and EI cheats.
In the long run, it all hurts you, me and our kids. I can't see a hope in a society most of ppl are talking about enjoying life based on relying on services provided by the government.

High tax really kills entrepreneurship peorid. lately I have friends moving to States cuz they found better paid jobs (before and after taxes). That means less tax for Canada.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 社会发展和税收的关系
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛社会发展和税收的关系




    谈到税收,假如美国的每个工作人员的工资是75K加元,加拿大是50K加元,美国交35%的税,加拿大50%,那么美国人交的税是26.5K, 加拿大才25K。可见,只有减少税收,使生产力和劳动力得到发展,最后国家财政才有更高的收入。现在加拿大税收这么高,平均每个人竟然有高达180K的国债,差不多每人欠一个公寓房!这样下去这个国家都有可能破产。

    我国古代早有“苛捐杂税猛于虎”的说法。有人说不要学习美国,但是不要忘了,美国资源比加拿大少,人口是加拿大的十倍,人均却比加拿大富,这是为什么?不要低估一个隔壁十倍于我们的人口的国家的智商,如果不是一样的话,他们的智商肯定更高,他们的政策更合理。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 连号称最追求“平等”的金字塔,在涉及到自己钱包的问题时,都改为追求“自由”了。(#13020@1)所以口头民主派与口头爱国派,其实都是一家人,以后也没必要总揪着金字塔以及他的Echo车说事了吧?
      • 平等并不是平均,大致按照自己的劳动创造的价值的多少,决定分配比例,这其实才是平等,否则那些干活的人得不到补偿,这才是不公平。另外,降低税收促使经济发展,最后国家的财政收入只会多不会少。
        • This is so wrong! what if you are senior, disability, sigle mother or orphen .
          who are not able to support themself,should we let them die on the street ?We shold give them basic support with reasonable public service and wellfare.I do not mind paying more tax for those people so that we will have less crime and better people we care each other.
          • do they think USA let them die on the stree?
            • Even in Canada, there are many homeless died on the street every year,
              • so what is ur point? we paid more tax, ending up the same thing
    • 赞同你的部分观点. 在经济领域中, 美国更讲公正, 加拿大更讲公平. 在美国和加拿大, 都有低收入阶层, 但加拿大的低收入阶层似乎更安于现状, 而美国的低收入阶层削尖脑袋向上脱贫, 这就是不同体制造成的结果.
      另外, 加拿大的经济多依赖小企业, 政府还有特殊政策照顾, 而美国是企业把饼做的越大越有活路.
      美国崇尚英雄(包括企业家), 加拿大没有这样的份围, 到是经常看见鼓励人们怎样享受生活.
      总之, 2国的差距不仅仅是体现在税收政策, 更体现在治国大业上, 从这点来说, 保守党更接近美国的价值观念.
      • 公平=fair?
        I don't think so. Government employees makes a lot easier money than anyone else. It is hard to get in and you don't do much everyday.
    • 说得好。还要补充一点的是,税率低,并不见得政府就一定赤字高。创业的公司多,公司的生意好,营业税收就多;从业的人多,纳税的人和数目也多,政府的财政状况就会好转。
      • 套用一句广告:if life like that, you won't need a 经济学家.
        • 实际情况当然极为复杂,有减税经济却不见起色的,有削减政府开支却赤字仍然很高的,这都正常,因为决定的因素实在是太多了。可是如果你不做,或者往错误的方向继续下去,就永远不会有好转的机会。
      • 这就是薄利多销的道理。表面上看税率低了,但是国家总体税收却提高了,那些依靠税收生活的人们得益也更多。此外,还有国际竞争的问题,这样也可以提高加拿大的国际竞争力。
        • 全体加拿大的人工少一半,竞争力立马就上去了.
          • 那就变成墨西哥第二了。
            • far from it
              a mexician cop only makes $20 US per month vs our cop makes over 300 times than that excluding OT.
    • 美国资源比加拿大少, really, datas?
      • 人均肯定少,绝对数不太清楚,不过可能也是加拿大多。
        • 美国人的资源比加拿大何止10倍.大小牛人无数.
        • "美国资源比加拿大少,人口是加拿大的十倍,人均却比加拿大富"从这句话来看,你说的是总数
          而且美国适合居住,耕作的面积比加拿大多很多, 塔塔的文章不怎么严谨啊,塔塔不要生气呵:P
          • 怎么会,欢迎斧正,:P
            • 太费神乐,随便灌灌水就溜*_^
    • 移民之前有点犹豫,担心将来生活无着怎么办。一个美国朋友对我说:在美国最不怕的就是没钱。只要没钱,就什么都有了。加拿大肯定也是。所以,美国穷人未必真像你说的那么希望脱贫。
      • 美国的贫富差距是要大些,但实际上加拿大的穷人比美国的穷人更穷。加拿大之所以显得贫富差距比美国很小,乃是因为大家都穷,因此这种差距就显不出来了。
    • exactly!

      The problem here for a very long time ppl don't want to work hard due to high tax policy and everyone wants to take advantage of others or not being taken advantage from.. Here it comes cash job and EI cheats.
      In the long run, it all hurts you, me and our kids. I can't see a hope in a society most of ppl are talking about enjoying life based on relying on services provided by the government.

      High tax really kills entrepreneurship peorid. lately I have friends moving to States cuz they found better paid jobs (before and after taxes). That means less tax for Canada.
    • Did you live/work in USA before?I would rather enjoy life here even I make less money
      • it is not just money
        What makes you think ppl in US don't enjoy life like you do? !

        It is about how to become a lot more productive and efficent with tax payer's hard earned cash. Of course everyone wants to enjoy life, but it is not just paying more tax will solve all the problems we have had. Neither will paying less tax. It is a matter of attitude towards an efficient government.
        If paying more tax will solve all the problems we had today, I am all for it. Unfortunately it is not the case.