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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

YOu simply can not compare an elephant with a cat. U.S. is a big elephant with 10 times population and 15 times bigger economy.

There are certainly more problems Canada does not have. For example, terrorist more likely to attack US and US have to take peace keeping activititie no matter she is willing or not.
On the other side, Canada does have problem with many social problems. The health care is the biggest. Canada also have Quebec problems. These are much bigger and deadly problems than any in the U.S.

In fact, the criminal rate in big Canadian cities is becoming higher than the U.S. since the jobless rate is much higer in Canada.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 这就是保守党倡议的医疗改革...
    • 如果保守党可能组成多数政府, 我就投自由党.
    • It is fair of "Use more, pay more".
      • 对有钱人来说当然公平.他们当然希望他们交的税用在他们根本不需要的公费医疗上越少越好.我理解大家希望医疗改革的心情,但不能一厢情愿寄希望于保守党身上,他们的改革目的与我们这样的普通人是不一样的.
        • It is fair to all people no matter they are rich or poor.
          • it is not fair at all. we do not want Canada to be same as China.people die outside of hospital just because they can not afford it.
            • This problem does not exist in Canada, the Canadian problem is "EVEN if you can pay, you need to wait an die!!!" EFFICIENCY! EFFICIENCY!!! EFFICIENCY!!!
      • you won't say this when you are old.
        • Did you expect you can get enough health when you are old. No ,you won't. All budget should be run out before you are old if you keep the current stupid health care system.
          • 那为什么不想办法提高效率,降低成本上做改革?如果你是百万富翁,你会去普通的公共医院看病吗?无论保守党在ALBERTA,还是自由党在ONTARIO,他们做的只是通过降低公费医疗范围来减少公费医疗支出而已.
          • you say it, public health care system exist in Canada for decades,what you said it is impossible
            • it become worse and worse, and finally will go bankcruptcy with more and more poor people abusing the system but not paying a cent.
              • 你这样说是歧视穷人吧,为什么只有"poor people abusing the system"?所以你觉得只有让他们支付不起医疗费,就没人 abusing the system?
              • again,public health care system exist in Canada for decades,it is may not be perfect, but it is still running and provide service, what you said is impossible
              • what is your solution, let poor people die?we are not american!
                • Believe me, the American are richer than us. The American are not more stupid than us consider they are 10 times than us and they are also democracy. You will also die if you will not be treated in a timely manner.
                  • they may richer than Canadian, but they face much more problem than us, Criminal rate, homeless,terrorism..countless problems.we have much safer society in Canada.
                    We do not want to face the same problem.They have much worse society than us.Richer does not mean better life.We do not want American Life style
                    • It is surprised that so many refugees just secretly ferry from Canada to US across the border, you never heard that they go vice versa.
                  • by the way, canadian live longer than american
                    • YOu simply can not compare an elephant with a cat. U.S. is a big elephant with 10 times population and 15 times bigger economy.
                      There are certainly more problems Canada does not have. For example, terrorist more likely to attack US and US have to take peace keeping activititie no matter she is willing or not.
                      On the other side, Canada does have problem with many social problems. The health care is the biggest. Canada also have Quebec problems. These are much bigger and deadly problems than any in the U.S.

                      In fact, the criminal rate in big Canadian cities is becoming higher than the U.S. since the jobless rate is much higer in Canada.
                      • China has more people, what you said is meanless
    • It makes sense
    • It is the typical European Model. Whether it is good or bad, at least it is worth discussing.
      • 但是有一点是肯定的他们的医疗改革与这里人们希望的医疗改革提高效率是不一样的.(#1765156)
        • 大家的不满是显而易见的。实在看不出一个已经执政11年的政党面对这个自己负责了11年老大难问题还能有什么新招~~~ 还是下台歇歇吧。:P
          • Conservative did not do anything good in ontario in last 10 years. We do not want them come back to make thing worse in Federal.
            • 大概你是不交税的吧?你要是交过税,翻开你的账本看看,10年前你交多少,现在你交多少。说话要讲事实。省了你的税你不讲,砍了服务你狂喊。
            • We? I want them in power so much.
          • 我也不满自由党,但没有了解保守党就把CREDIT放到他身上更危险.这里很多人把提高公费医疗服务质量和效率的希望放在保守党身上就大错特错了.
            • 不要把Klein的政策说成是Harper的政策。两人管辖范围不同。省里的有些东西Martin也管不了。不知道哪位DX有关于各省医疗方面的调查。听你口气,阿省人民肯定民不聊生,对Klein恨之入骨了,会不会这只是你自己的幻想呢?
              • 阿省人民盼着医疗改革, 引进私人医疗就引进了竞争, 有竞争才有动力, 有竞争才能提高医疗服务质量和效率. 另外, 阿省估计今年秋天省选, 要是阿省人民民不聊生,对医疗改革恨之入骨, Klein是不会医疗改革的, 他是不会拿他的前途开玩笑的
                • 你自己有不能代表阿省人民,能不能转一片文章说明贵省居民盼着Klein的医疗改革呢?
                  • 看今年秋天的省选就明白了.
                    • 两回事.选他的人未必赞同他的医疗政策,毕竟医疗政策仅是政治考虑因素的一部分.就象即便80%的CANADIAN支持HARPER 反对的KYOTO ACCORD,就说明这些人都反对他当PM吗?
                      • 看看这个, "Canadians want 2-tier health: poll" 大多数Canadians support a parallel private health care system.
                        • 请把文章读完整...
                          "James Smythe, a health economist at the University of Alberta, said he does not believe the results are accurate, partly because only a small percentage of Canadians could afford private health care and reap any benefits from it."

                          Prof. Smythe said there may be some argument to be made in favour of private medicine from a libertarian point of view, ,but he said there is no economic case to be made for it.

                          Two-tier health care does not create any efficiencies, he said.
                          • POLL 就是POLL, 结果在那. 个巴教授, 专家只是个人看法, 不代表民意. 要是POLL也不代表民意, 那只好看今年秋天的省选, 你又说两回事. 那什么才代表民意?
                            • 拜托请不要为了争论而争论好不好?一个主张医疗私有化的组织搞的调查结果可信吗?如果照他们说的是大多数人支持,为什么保守党不敢把他们的主张写进竞选纲领,反而他们的医疗改革方案成为竞选时被其他党派攻击的目标?
              • 因为联邦自由党强烈反对,所以应该还没有实施,但如果保守党上台就不好说了.如果这个头一开,其他省份就会跟上,我们现在一分钱不花去看医生的那份放松心情就没了.
                • 公私医疗体制并存不表示不能维持“我们现在一分钱不花去看医生”吧?
    • 现在我为什么不支持保守党的理由又多了一条 (#1765293)
      1. 环境保护问题: HARPER说了,他一上台就放弃京都条约,二十年前就有科学家预言全球气温升高,水害增多.当时很多人不相信,现在一一验证,但保守党基于西部能源工业的利益睁眼说瞎话,说没有科学根据.

      2.军事外交: HARPER支持出兵IRAQ,我不希望CANADA变成另外一个英国,如果将来中美交恶,如果看到现在西方国家中与中国关系最好的CANADA变成美国帐下的反华先锋,作为加籍华人,你不痛苦吗?


      • Yeah.
      • 总结的不错。支持!
      • 歧视好!我们中国的传统从来就是富人歧视穷人,城市人歧视农村人......大家都习惯这样的生活
      • 加拿大追随美国好!在世界上获得利益最大。至于中国,最好也追随美国,不要逞强
      • 医疗改革好!没钱,就努力去挣钱呗。西医的理论根本就是邪门歪道,治不好病的,不值得花钱,还是中医好
      • 环境问题的确是个大问题。保守党处理不太好,死定了
        • 你到底支持谁啊? 阎锡山的队伍?
      • Liberals are liars, NDP are bunch of Jackasses, so even though PC is far from perfect, it's the only choice for me.
    • 请仔细分析这篇文章。“healthcare users pay proportionately for the services they use” 是个减少医疗滥用的好办法。
      而“users might take additional insurance for some core services“ 等等都是“might”. 整篇文章没有一个具体的数据,通篇都是推测。拿来作为反对医疗改革的根据实在说服不了人。
    • 政客都是骗子,华人的真正利益只有华人政客从政才能实现,我们应该集中力量选举华人从政,否则一切都是白扯。但是有一点保守党上台对华人最不利,我的感觉是这样
      • 可惜华人政客对华人利益说不出个子丑寅卯,需要提高啊
    • 西医不如中医好
      • 对呀!聪明小子㊣有兴趣参选议员吗?我搬到你那区支持你。