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12 tips for negotiating with debt collectors

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛12 tips for negotiating with debt collectors

It pays to know your rights and keep a record of all your communications when you butt heads with debt collectors. Here are some ways to hold your own.

By Bankrate.com

When you bargain with a debt collector, you're going head-to-head with a tough, professional negotiator. Following these tips can help you come out ahead.

Learn your rights.
When collecting a debt from you, a debt collector must play fair. For details, check out this consumer brochure on fair debt collection from the Federal Trade Commission.

A free consumer brochure on debt collection also is available from the National Consumer Law Center. Call NCLC's publications department at (617) 542-9595 and ask for a copy of "What You Should Know About Debt Collection."

Many states have their own debt collection laws. For more information, contact the attorney general's office in your state.
Car shopping?
Find the best loan
before you buy.

"When you know your rights, debt collectors know they can't get away with certain things," says Gerri Detweiler, author of "The Ultimate Credit Handbook." "They're less likely to try aggressive tactics."

First things first
Prioritize your bills.
No matter what a debt collector says, an unpaid credit card bill is not the most important bill you have to pay this month. Providing necessities for your family comes first.

"It does not make sense to put yourself in a position that you can't pay necessary bills," Detweiler says.

Estimate how much you can pay and offer less.
"Don't do anything you can't afford to do," says John Ventura, consumer attorney in Brownsville, Texas and author of the e-book "Stop Debt Collectors Cold." "And don't do anything dangerous."

Avoid sending postdated checks to a debt collector or agreeing to automatic electronic payments from your checking account.

"Presuming goodwill on the other side gets people in trouble," Ventura says.

Don't tell them your life story.
"Don't go into a lengthy explanation of why you can't pay," Detweiler says. "They don't have a lot of sympathy. This is what they do for their job. They hear down-on-your-luck stories day in and day out."

Control the information flow
Keep private information private.
Don't give a debt collector personal information such as where you work, where you bank or your checking account number.

"Say as little as possible and stick to the facts," Detweiler says.

Stay calm and focused.
No matter what a debt collector says, keep your cool and stay focused on the negotiation.

"The more in control you sound and the less you fall apart, the more likely you are to get what you want out of the negotiation," Detweiler says.

Tape the call if you can.
Flicking on a tape recorder is a great way to keep a debt collector in line. Plus, you get a record of the call.

Thirty-five states and the District of Columbia allow you to secretly tape your phone conversations. In the other 15 states, you can tape with the other party's permission. And if you tell the debt collector you are going to tape and he or she keeps talking, that's considered giving permission.

"Taping the conversation may keep them on their best behavior," Detweiler says.

Take notes.
File all collection letters and keep detailed notes of collection calls. Note the day and time of each call, the name of the collection agency, the first and last name of the caller and what was said.

"Make sure there's a record," Ventura says. "If you've made a deal with them, get proof."

Get proof of payment agreement in writing.
"Get it in writing," says Jerry Jarzombek, a consumer attorney in Fort Worth, Texas. "If they told you half of it satisfies the obligation and that's what you want to do, have it in writing."

Send a letter to the debt collector outlining the payment agreement. You'll want to send this letter via certified mail so you'll receive a receipt once the letter is delivered. Keep a copy for your records.

If you plan to pay by check, add the following disclaimer: "Cashing this check constitutes payment in full." Write this right on the check.

Timing it right
Wipe your credit clean.
Ask a debt collector to remove any negative information they've placed on your credit report. At the very least, insist that your account be listed as paid in full rather than paid in settlement. Once they agree, get it in writing.

Don't be rushed.
A debt collector will push and push for you to send them money immediately. Don't do anything until you have confirmation of a payment agreement in writing.

"Because you need it in writing, you have to resist all those demands and quick offers to do it overnight," says Mary Fons, a consumer protection attorney in Stoughton, Wisc.

Negotiate at the end of the month.
Because commissions for debt collectors are based on what they do each month, you may want to try negotiating near the end of the month. You could land a really good deal.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 求助:请帮我翻译:我保持使用法律武器的权利。或者类似的话,就是大家都很熟悉的那句。请帮我!非常感谢!
    • 第一次经历法律事件(进行中,请大家给我出谋献策,小女子叩谢!!!)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛上次我在网上曾经请教过大家,现在事情严重了。

      我在Scarborough General Hospital住院生小孩整整一年之后寄来帐单让我交一年多前的不明欠款200大洋整,在交涉过程中,寄来了催款公司的催款信,措辞严厉,我该怎么办?

      事情经过是这样的(一个long story):


      后来的产前检查一直在这个免费诊所里做,有一两次诊所开了化验单,到Scarborough General Hospital的后院那个地方去做化验。这化验费已经在2003年的6月份左右的某个时间、用一个我所不知道的化验机构的名义寄给我帐单,200-300元钱,有角有分,当时已经付清。另外做B超也是自己花钱,也已付清。

      2003年2月下旬,我去Scarborough General Hospital的产科病房看了一下,问了问护士一些简单的问题,护士老太太可能问了我的名字之类的,实在时间久远,记不清了,但是登记医院是在3月中旬健康卡生效之后去做的。4月中旬生了孩子之后,5月多该医院来过一封信,信中没有提任何欠款的事情。当时我还一个劲到处说:你看加拿大多好,生小孩一分钱都没花。其实我在医院打过几次本地电话,除了电话费,应该没有任何其他费用。








      现在我的想法是:咨询一下免费律师(多半不会有实质性的答案,但是可以了解问题的严重程度);其次,找MPP;最后,实在没辙的时候,是否可以去SMALL CLAIM COURT告他们?


      July 20, 2004

      Attention: 医院A/R联系人(催款人)的地址、电话

      CC: 信用公司联系人的地址、电话

      Dear Ms. ***:

      RE: Patient Acct #: HS******

      Please be informed that your record of me owing your hospital $200 is a mistake, because I didn’t have any test in your hospital but only in the clinic of my personal physician.

      Please show me any proof and/or evidence with/or signature of my authorizing you to do any test for me.

      I also received clearance letter from your hospital sometime in May 2003. Unfortunately, this letter was thrown to the garbage when we moved residence in April 2004.

      I also would like to remind you that since I moved my residence, it is I who tell you my new residence address and the new home phone number. If I wanted to escape, why not I just disappeared?!

      I also would like to tell you that I paid every single bill on time and never did anything against the law, and have kept perfect credit history since I came to Canada, and also have excellent reputation in the companies I worked and am working, and also have excellent reputation in the neighborhoods. Is there any reason for me to refuse to pay this very fee if I really owe it to you?

      If any further problem, could you please send mail to me in stead of fax? Since the fax number/machine is not for receiving anything upon my personal issue. Any problem caused by faxing anything to me will be your response.

      After all, I reserve the right to take further legal action.


      Name & Signature

      请问这种情况正常吗?应该怎么处理好呢?请大家给我出出主意,我在这里先谢过大伙儿了!谢谢!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 首先,此信中关于地址变化及可能逃亡地说法严重不妥。首先,你是逃不掉的,健康卡中有你的地址。其次,类似说法只能显示你有类似想法。威胁对方发传真会造成恶果也很不妥。


        • 感谢Rollor的忠言。虚心接受Rollor的建议,

      • 着急没用, 还是客气点和对方对话. 本来你就空口无凭了, 要是收信人看了你的信再火冒三丈的, 你想会有好结果吗.
        $200 闹大了不值. 每个collect agent都会认为你是骗子加小偷, 这是他们的工作, hehe. 对付他们最好办, 直接告诉他别再打电话来就行了.

        • 请问“直接告诉他别再打电话来就行了”是什么意思?是不是我打电话给催款公司,让他们不要再寄信了?催款公司没有打过电话,只有来过一封信。
      • how about a letter like this?
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear XXX,

        RE: Dispute on $200 charges

        Recently i received a letter from XXX (collection company name) requesting me to pay the amount of $200 as the money i owe to the hospital (name of the hospital), i would to take this opportunity to clarify some of the issues and request some clarifications from your good office before i can take any appropriate steps to resolve the issue.

        1. I received a letter sent by your office back may 2004 requesting me to pay $200 to the hospital of which i have no idea of how it is being charged/ what medical examinations had ever taken, i had called your office requesting explanation if the charge code, but the agent did not provide with me any explanation of the said charges/ code, i can not pay something which i am not aware of.

        2. The letter i received dated May 2004 claimed that your office had already sent two letters to me back april & may of last year, however, i regret to inform you that i never receive such letters.

        3. To expedite resolution of this issue, i would like to request your office to provide a more detail information of the composition of the $200 charges such as date/time/medical exams, injections etc taken at your earliest comvinience so i can act accordingly.

        4. Since i believe we have a dispute over the $200 charges and should be in a position to resolve this issue with the help of your office, and if indeed, there is valid evidence / reasons to believe that i owe the $200, i will be more than happy to pay such amount. For the meantime, i see no reason why a collection company should be involved. Please instruct such company to stop any further actions including providing any misleading information to the credit bureous.

        Looking forward to receive your timely reply.

        thanks更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 非常感谢您费心修改我的信,真的是非常感谢!!!
    • I keep my right of using lethal weapon.
    • I will keep the right to use law as a weapon
      I reserve the right to take further legal action.
    • 坦白地说,我觉得这是句废话。
      • 您看看我的帖子,给点建议,好吗?我实在不知道该怎么办了。谢谢!!!
        • 会不会是你住院的房间,超过你保险许可范围了?所以要收超标的部份?也建议你先弄清该费用的来源,再做进一步的打算。
          • 不是住院的,是之前的,至于是什么费用,医院的人一个搞不准是什么,另一位(经理)不愿意告诉我,说没必要让我知道。
        • I will suggest you change your tone in this letter. Try to be more friendly and nice.
          Ask for more details instead of pointing out your legal right, do not let the third company involved, 催款公司 involved is not good for you.
    • I reserve my right to take legal action against....
      • good one
    • I also got one 催款公司的信this year, I have good credit . first I panic and angry because that's not my mistake. I told them what happen, and final they figure out and they told me won't affect my credit. thank god.
      • Sent a PM to you, please check it. Thank you!
      • 刚才直接给催款公司的人打电话陈述这整件事情,她叫我本周五之前给她回复和医院那边交涉的结果。最终还是要和医院交涉,下一步我该怎么交涉?给他们写信让他们提供证据?怎么办?谢谢!
        • 是这样。请医院出示服务明细,收费清单,并说明哪些帐单已经付过了,哪些没付。双方对证一下就可以解决了。但愿你付的账不是付现金不留收据的那种。
    • 恕我直言,这信写得很不好,除了表明自己很紧张以外恐怕没有任何用处。如果已经转到了催款公司,那么再给原来医院写信也没什么用了。而且这是医院自己的失误,除非有确凿的证据,否则不予理睬。
      • 请问:你说的“除非有确凿的证据,否则不予理睬”是指医院吗?我没有不欠医院的证据(原来的信已经扔了),医院也没有收我钱的证据(没有我的任何签字,好像也没有医生的签字,我不知道他们这帐单怎么出来的),就不用理它?那么,
        • 一直上不了Rolia。你先查一查(或者到原来医生那里查)是不是有这会事。再拿出以前帐单的收据或记录,核对是否付过了。打电话讲不清楚的话,可以写信fax让他们提供具体的时间,地点和所做的服务。口气挽转一点。
      • 登老说这话看样子是没有和collection打过交道,collection可以通过法律途径直接从你的工资里扣款,最好不要和他们玩什么不理不睬。另外,楼主应该知道,医院收费不需要你签什么字!
        • 哈哈,倒是打过交道。不过,你说的是对的。谢谢指正。:D
        • 俺是无业游民,他们是不是办法乐?
          • 一样扣你银行账,你总不放心把财产全转到领导名下吧?:)
        • 是也。开始不理不睬,才有COLLETION出现。要认真对待,积极处理,也不要上火。我最近和停车公司较上劲,对其PARKING TICKET不服,书信来往了数轮,被告知不和我玩了,送交催债公司,正静候其音,“严阵以待”,准备和他们打打交道:)
          • 饺子JJ好!我没有不理不睬,只是因为他们发传真到我们公司,首页面目不清,我没有及时收到,结果没两天催款通知就来了(日期是我和该医院最后一次交涉的第二和第三天),而且是接连两封。
        • 讨债公司没有权利扣押任何资产。就是双方诉注法律,法官判你付钱,也要你主动付。如果那时你还是不付,原告才能申请法院强制执行。区区200元还不够原告的诉讼费的。估计上庭的可能性不大。但强烈建议楼主积极了断。
    • when you used hospital service(hua yan) you have to pay hospital $200 plus service fee(hua yan fei). I saw a doctor in hospital, and I paid 200 to the hospital and 50 to the doctor
    • Frankly, I don't think your letter is suitable.
      It would be better to tell them you have the right to refuse the payment before you are clear about the cost. And it is a good idea to keep a copy of such letter to prove you have already explained the reason of the payment delay. As what I understand, the point is that you wanna know exactly how did the cost happen, not how to sue the hospital, am I right ?
    • 12 tips for negotiating with debt collectors
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛12 tips for negotiating with debt collectors

      It pays to know your rights and keep a record of all your communications when you butt heads with debt collectors. Here are some ways to hold your own.

      By Bankrate.com

      When you bargain with a debt collector, you're going head-to-head with a tough, professional negotiator. Following these tips can help you come out ahead.

      Learn your rights.
      When collecting a debt from you, a debt collector must play fair. For details, check out this consumer brochure on fair debt collection from the Federal Trade Commission.

      A free consumer brochure on debt collection also is available from the National Consumer Law Center. Call NCLC's publications department at (617) 542-9595 and ask for a copy of "What You Should Know About Debt Collection."

      Many states have their own debt collection laws. For more information, contact the attorney general's office in your state.
      Car shopping?
      Find the best loan
      before you buy.

      "When you know your rights, debt collectors know they can't get away with certain things," says Gerri Detweiler, author of "The Ultimate Credit Handbook." "They're less likely to try aggressive tactics."

      First things first
      Prioritize your bills.
      No matter what a debt collector says, an unpaid credit card bill is not the most important bill you have to pay this month. Providing necessities for your family comes first.

      "It does not make sense to put yourself in a position that you can't pay necessary bills," Detweiler says.

      Estimate how much you can pay and offer less.
      "Don't do anything you can't afford to do," says John Ventura, consumer attorney in Brownsville, Texas and author of the e-book "Stop Debt Collectors Cold." "And don't do anything dangerous."

      Avoid sending postdated checks to a debt collector or agreeing to automatic electronic payments from your checking account.

      "Presuming goodwill on the other side gets people in trouble," Ventura says.

      Don't tell them your life story.
      "Don't go into a lengthy explanation of why you can't pay," Detweiler says. "They don't have a lot of sympathy. This is what they do for their job. They hear down-on-your-luck stories day in and day out."

      Control the information flow
      Keep private information private.
      Don't give a debt collector personal information such as where you work, where you bank or your checking account number.

      "Say as little as possible and stick to the facts," Detweiler says.

      Stay calm and focused.
      No matter what a debt collector says, keep your cool and stay focused on the negotiation.

      "The more in control you sound and the less you fall apart, the more likely you are to get what you want out of the negotiation," Detweiler says.

      Tape the call if you can.
      Flicking on a tape recorder is a great way to keep a debt collector in line. Plus, you get a record of the call.

      Thirty-five states and the District of Columbia allow you to secretly tape your phone conversations. In the other 15 states, you can tape with the other party's permission. And if you tell the debt collector you are going to tape and he or she keeps talking, that's considered giving permission.

      "Taping the conversation may keep them on their best behavior," Detweiler says.

      Take notes.
      File all collection letters and keep detailed notes of collection calls. Note the day and time of each call, the name of the collection agency, the first and last name of the caller and what was said.

      "Make sure there's a record," Ventura says. "If you've made a deal with them, get proof."

      Get proof of payment agreement in writing.
      "Get it in writing," says Jerry Jarzombek, a consumer attorney in Fort Worth, Texas. "If they told you half of it satisfies the obligation and that's what you want to do, have it in writing."

      Send a letter to the debt collector outlining the payment agreement. You'll want to send this letter via certified mail so you'll receive a receipt once the letter is delivered. Keep a copy for your records.

      If you plan to pay by check, add the following disclaimer: "Cashing this check constitutes payment in full." Write this right on the check.

      Timing it right
      Wipe your credit clean.
      Ask a debt collector to remove any negative information they've placed on your credit report. At the very least, insist that your account be listed as paid in full rather than paid in settlement. Once they agree, get it in writing.

      Don't be rushed.
      A debt collector will push and push for you to send them money immediately. Don't do anything until you have confirmation of a payment agreement in writing.

      "Because you need it in writing, you have to resist all those demands and quick offers to do it overnight," says Mary Fons, a consumer protection attorney in Stoughton, Wisc.

      Negotiate at the end of the month.
      Because commissions for debt collectors are based on what they do each month, you may want to try negotiating near the end of the month. You could land a really good deal.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • A Consumer's Guide to Collection Agencies
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There are many reasons people don't pay their debts—financial setback, poor repayment habits, overspending or sometimes they're just not happy with a product they bought.

      Whatever the reason, it's important to communicate with the person who is owed money. When creditors understand the problem, chances are they will work out a reasonable, manageable way for the consumers to repay debts.

      On the other hand, consumers who don't co-operate with their creditors may find their accounts turned over to collection agencies.

      What is a collection agency?

      A collection agency is an organization that obtains or arranges for payment of money owed to a third party; this could be a person or a company.

      Why do businesses use collection agencies?

      Collection agencies provide a service to businesses that:

      * are too small to have a collection department of their own
      * lack the expertise to collect the money themselves
      * want to protect their company image
      * think a collection agency will get faster results.

      How do I deal with collection agencies?

      If you've been notified in writing that an account has been turned over to a collection agency, don't panic. The agency isn't in business to make life unbearable for you—its management just wants to collect the money you owe its client.

      What should I do?

      * If possible, pay the money you owe. You won't have to deal with the agency once the account has been cleared.
      * If it's impossible for you to pay the full amount at once, contact the agency, explaining why. Offer some alternative method of repayment, either in a lump-sum or a series of monthly payments. Follow up in writing and, if possible, enclose a good-faith payment.
      * Never send cash. Always make payments in such a way that you have a receipt —either a cancelled cheque from your own bank or a receipt from the agency.
      * Once the account has been officially turned over to a collection agency, you'll be dealing only with that agency when making arrangements for payment. Don't contact the original creditor—this just creates confusion—unless there's an error in the account. If that's the case, advise both the creditor and the collection agency.


      * Your attitude towards paying the debt has a lot to do with how co-operative the agency will be. For example, when making payments to the agency, be sure not to bounce cheques and miss payments. However, if your financial circumstances change, contact the collection agency and explain your current status and follow up in writing.
      * Debts should not be treated lightly. They can result in court action, which could lead to money being taken from your paycheque (garnishee) or seizure of your assets.

      If I feel I'm being treated unfairly by a collection agency, what can I do?

      The Collection Agencies Act sets out a code of ethics for Ontario's collection agencies.

      Ontario's consumer ministry worked with the industry to put this law into place to be sure all collection agencies and collectors follow the same set of rules. The public also has a better understanding of what collection agencies can and can't do. The regulations forbid collection agencies from:

      * trying to collect a debt without first notifying the debtor in writing, at the debtor's last known address, that they have been assigned to the account
      * recommending or initiating legal or court action on the collection of a debt without first notifying the debtor and obtaining the creditor's written permission
      * making telephone or personal calls of such a nature or frequency to constitute harassment of the debtor or the debtor's family
      * calling to collect a debt on a Sunday, statutory holiday or before 7 a.m. and after 9 p.m.
      * implying or giving false or misleading information to any person that could damage the debtor or debtor's family
      * demanding payment of a debt without giving the name and authority of the creditor, the collector and the balance of the money owed
      * continuing to demand payment from a person who claims not to owe the money, unless the collector has tried every way to ensure the person actually is the debtor
      * taking over a debt from a creditor without first advising the debtor.


      Collectors are not, generally, allowed to contact a debtor's friends, employer, relatives or neighbors for information other than the debtor's telephone number or address. The only exceptions are contacting a person about a debt they've guaranteed to pay for the debtor or contacting an employer about payment connected with a wage assignment or a court order, or to confirm employment.

      If you believe any of the above regulations have been breached by a collection agency, contact the head of the agency. If you're still not satisfied, contact the ministry at (416) 326-8555 or 1-800-268-1142.

      Financial problems?

      If your financial problems are getting out of hand, you should consider contacting a credit counselling service for help.

      Assistance is offered, in many cases for a nominal fee, by member agencies of the Ontario Association of Credit Counselling Services. Credit counselling, available from more than 27 member agencies across the province, helps more than 20,000 Ontarians a year find the road to financial health.

      For the telephone number of the Credit Counselling Service nearest you, call toll free 1-888-746-3328.

      Be an informed consumer

      The Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services has published a number of other booklets covering a wide range of consumer topics.

      For further information or to obtain copies of the ministry brochures call or write to:

      General Inquiry Unit
      Ministry of Consumer and Business Services
      250 Yonge Street
      Toronto ON M5B 2N5

      (416) 326-8555
      TTY (for the hearing/speech impaired) (416) 326-8566
      E-mail: cbsinfo@cbs.gov.on.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 从我看到的资料上,你要做几件事情。1、你认为你已经付过账了,你需要同时通知医院和debtcollector;
      2、你告诉Collector你不欠医院的钱,他们在继续联系你以前应该has tried every way to ensure the person actually is the debtor;
      3、了解得你权力并知道对方什么样的做法是illegal的,比如:making telephone or personal calls of such a nature or frequency to constitute harassment of the debtor or the debtor's family
      4、记录所有通话和对方姓名。(take notes, don't tape)
      6、我理解,目前医院已经把这笔债卖给debt collector, 所以除非你有证据,否则再联系医院可能有会有难度。当然多试试并没有坏处。
      • 非常感谢!我现在已经通过打电话到本人银行查到付给家庭医生Clinic的资料,但是目前只是自己写下来,必要的时候,可以订支票复印件($15/次)。准备打电话告诉MPP秘书小姐,同时询问她是否给医院和催款公司告知该消息。
    • 非常感谢以上各位朋友的建议和提醒!我目前没有发这封信,在等待MPP秘书小姐和医院交涉的情况。同时,我也听从各位朋友的建议,找以前付款的证明。随时把该事件向大家汇报,再次感谢!