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1. Toronto to Quebec City, about 800km
2. Quebec City to Tadoussac(St. Simeon or Les Escounmins,) take ferry to across St. Lawrence river to Trois-Pistoles
3. Trois-Pistoles or Modest to Bic(Rimouski) to Cape Gaspe
4. Gaspe to PEI over confederation bridge
5. PEI
6. PEI to Sydney/Breton Cape
7. Sydney to Halifax(lighthouse route) to Fundy national park
8. Fundy to Federicton/Magic hill to US via highway 4
9. Highway 4 to US highway 6 to 201 to Canada 173 to Vallee Junction to 112 to Sherbrooke
10. Sherbrook to Toronto via Montreal. About 600km
It's little bit far than what we planned because we travel to Nova Scotia which is as beautiful as PEI. The US 201 is also famous with its scenic view.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / Anybody going for PEI at mid. of Aug.? we can share our van.
    • Have a plan.check your mail box ,pls
      • can you show us your plan?
    • Hi there, We ( a couple) plan to visit atalantic provinces in the mid of Aug. Will you go P.E.I only? Or including NS, NB? Is this Van yours or we share the cost of renting a van? Thx
      • seems similar, we don't have a plan, PEI is one of destinations, if you know better, you can draft a plan and we'll discuss it. The van is our own.
        • I am planning a camping trip to NS,NB,NF,PEI.
          I have prepared almost all the facilities for camping. 2 weeks from Aug 8. Anybody wwho likes camping is welcome to join us. It needs a strong body and some experience.
          CT has 6 persons tent at $85 on sale.it's a good deal for camper.
          • we want a camping trip too. But we may go there around 8/15.
    • 我们夫妻两人,开车5000公里,去了QUBEC, NS, NB , PEI。 以下仅为个人看法:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1/ 如果旅行中有不是那种特别能吃苦的人,全程CAMPING 几乎是不可能的,你尝试一下就知道啦。在露营地里的风声很大,而且吹风经常会吹的头疼,十几个晚上能有4个晚上露营就很不错了。

      2/ 尽管大家在一起SHARE VAN 听起来是个好主意,人多有意思而且似乎看上去又省钱(租车费,油钱),但实际操作起来的时候请一定要谨慎,尤其尤其是这种在网上和陌生人一起去旅行的主意。




      另外就是在PEI 一定要在SUMMERSIDE 吃好多好多龙虾。那里的龙虾比所有的地方都便宜。PEI 十分美丽,值得成为旅行的重头。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我觉得PEI是一个relax的地方,租一个cottage待上1周很不错,但看风景的话就不如其他地方了,个人意见,仅供参考,嘿嘿
      • 有道理,我们肯定是不能露营去PEI,吃不消,关于同去的问题,是应当小心一点,原先认为人多热闹,当然省钱也是个考虑。两口子去太冷清了一点,咳,要不然还是跟团去吧。谢谢您。
        • 不如找同行的分别走分别玩,但住在附近,交流信息打个扑克啥的也方便。
      • 能不能请你讲一下你们的开车路线? 住处有什么建议?谢谢
      • 半年前本银还考虑过要不要到PEI去定居,听您这么一说本银又心波荡漾了~~~~
      • 强烈同意第二点
      • 网上能碰到对脾气游友的可能性,低于1/10。你说summerside有龙虾吃,不是道听途说吧?听说分季节呀!淡季的龙虾都是外运到pei,高价
      • digby is better for robost ... PEI has amazing claims and mussels. PRI's cottage is cheap and walk and the greenwich in the sunrise, so-called paradise ...
    • PEI is a gorgeous place and I 'd like to join you guys.Do u have the schedule?When will start?
      • We don't have plan, we are free to go anytime. We would like to stay in motel or B&B.
    • 我们决定八月第二周动身,终点pei,路程十天左右,以motel为主,间或camping, 请问哪位能给个好玩的路线建议?最好来回不同路,当然安省境内不算。预先道谢了。
      • Any new plan? up
        • 还在讨论,如果没有计划,到时开车就走,走了再说
    • 我们计划13号出发,用时10天,预定行程如下,请各位多提宝贵意见
      1. Toronto to Quebec City, about 800km
      2. Quebec City to Tadoussac(St. Simeon or Les Escounmins,) take ferry to across St. Lawrence river to Trois-Pistoles
      3. Trois-Pistoles or Modest to Bic(Rimouski) to Cape Gaspe
      4. Gaspe to PEI over confederation bridge
      5. PEI
      6. PEI to Sydney/Breton Cape
      7. Sydney to Halifax(lighthouse route) to Fundy national park
      8. Fundy to Federicton/Magic hill to US via highway 4
      9. Highway 4 to US highway 6 to 201 to Canada 173 to Vallee Junction to 112 to Sherbrooke
      10. Sherbrook to Toronto via Montreal. About 600km
      It's little bit far than what we planned because we travel to Nova Scotia which is as beautiful as PEI. The US 201 is also famous with its scenic view.
      • 是否有highlight? 有什么节目?
        初步为:toronto--montreal--Hartland ( the Longest Covered Bridge in the World!)--fredericton--moncton--charlottetown(tour of Anne's Land andCharlotte's Shore)--caribou ferry--halifax--digby(watching whale)--ST.john(tide)--back toronto.
        • Charlotte有什么shore? 要到ann那个故居那个叫什么carvendish晒太阳游泳.... digby沿岸风景不怎么样...不过南面那里有个balancing rock..马马虎虎.
        • will you go to Gaspe of NB and Breton of NS?
        • 停montreal不如停quebec city。Hartland那个桥其实没有什么劲,可以跳过。Frederiton听说也没啥玩的。Moncton的磁力山是骗钱的玩意。Anne'sLand在Canvendish,不在Charlottetown。St.John的tide一定要卡好时间,不然一点看头没有。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我只去过NB和PEI,所以NS的建议不上。

          后面是我前年的plan,执行中变动很大,尤其是后面几天没有定住宿的。St. John我没有住城里,而是在一个小山村住了个B&B,主人家很热情慈祥,房子也不错,非常美好的经历。PEI我在National Park海边露营后找了个带厨房的motel猫了3天,过着“迟起周游岛,晚归吃龙虾”的FB生活。龙虾在北部的一个North什么的小渔港里买的游水的,三天吃了三个,不错。不过住店的时候要问清楚可以不可以cook fish(他们把水产都算fish)。PEI西部和中部比东部漂亮,在visitor center拿份map,走scenic route吧。海钓对于我这个从不钓鱼的门外汉来说,也挺好玩。鲸鱼不要在NB看,我啥也没看到,就是坐着曾经环游世界的高桅帆船美美地出了一趟海,跑到船头前面的网兜里玩titanic pose。回头我是沿大西洋岸边走的NB东线,然后穿越群山回到St. Lawrence River岸边的hwy20。那段山路很漂亮,可惜我匆匆而过,没有逗留。建议可以停留。

          Aug 21 (Wednesday):
          Toronto  Quebec City
          Distance: 976.0 km
          Departure at 7:00, arrive at 18:00
          Take a good rest. Watch acrobats.

          Accommodation: Hotel
          Auberge L’Abitation de Champlain
          2828, boulevard Laurier G1V 2M1
          Price 74 + tax, guaranty till 11:00pm
          Cancel Policy: 48 hours

          August 22(Thursday): TIMEZONE CHANGED
          Quebec City  Grand Falls
          Distance: 382.4 km
          Departure at 8:00, arrive at 13:00
          Grand Falls Gorge:

          Gorgeous Magnificence $45/couple (1 night camping included)
          * Tour of the gorge on a pontoon boat
          * Firewood for a campfire
          Falls and Gorge Commission Inc.
          Denis Boucher
          142 Court Street, Suite 100
          Grand Falls, NB E3Z 2R2
          Tele 506 475-7769
          Toll-free 1-877-475-7769
          Call before 5:00pm

          August 23 (Friday):
          Grand Falls  St. Andrew
          372 km
          Hartland Covered bridge
          Tel: 506 375-4357
          Directions: Off Route 2 between routes 103 and 105

          Departure at 8:00, arrive at 12:00

          Accommodation: Camp
          Kiwanis Oceanfront Camping
          550 Water Street
          St. Andrews, New Brunswick
          E5B 2R6

          Toll Free: 1-877-393-7070

          Tel: (506) 529-3439
          Fax: (506) 529-3246
          E-mail: info@kok.ca

          Kingsbrae Garden: $7.50, $6.00 students (Afternoon)

          Whale watching (2:30pm)
          Rates: $50 per person, tax included;
          Tallship Cory Ltd.
          Janyne Blacklock
          4 King Street
          St. Andrews, NB E5B 1Y2

          Tel: 506 529-8116
          Fax: 506 529-3046

          August 24 (Saturday)
          St. Andrew  St. George  Saint John
          Departure at 8:00, arrive at 9:00
          New Brunswick Museum
          Old City Market
          Reversing Falls: low 7:40am, high 1:45pm
          Saint John  Fundy Trial  Sussex
          Accommodation: B&B
          Apohaqui Inn
          Host: Louise Cosman
          9 Foster Ave. W.
          Apohaqui, NB
          E5P 3M9

          Tel.: 506-433-4149

          August 25 (Sunday):
          Sussex  Fundy National Park  Hopewell Cape
          Accommodation: B&B
          $74.75 tax included
          Pollock's Heritage Farm B&B
          Located at:
          4158 Route 114
          Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick
          E4H 3J4

          Phone: (506) 734-1094
          Fax: (506) 734-2252
          E-Mail: hightide@nbnet.nb.ca
          Check in between 3pm and 9pm
          Share shower with another room

          August 26 (Monday):
          Hopewell Cape  Moncton  Summerside

          Magnetic Hill
          Sea kayaking the Rock (High tide 2:40pm)

          Moncton Accommodation:
          Restwell Motel
          12 McFarlane Road
          Moncton, NB E1G 2M3
          Tele: 506-857-4884
          Reservation Number114,
          $65 Cash without tax

          August 27 (Tuesday):
          Summerside  PEI National Park
          Hanging around the west wing of PEI during the day along the coast line.
          Accommodation: Camping
          Cavandish (unserviced tent sites)
          Entry fee: one day 3.5$, booking fee 7.5$, premium campsite 20$
          C113805, change 3 days before.

          August 28 (Wednesday):
          PEI National Park Charlottetown

          August 29 (Thursday):
          Charlottetown Georgetown

          August 30 (Friday):
          Georgetown  Miramichi
          Accommodation: Hotel

          August 31 (Saturday):
          Miramichi  Campbellton
          May stop at any small town of interest.
          Around 200 km
          Accommodation: Hotel
          Parc de l’Aboiteau
          Ivring Eco-Centre
          Acadian Historical Village

          September 1 (Sunday):
          Campbellton Montreal
          Around 750km
          Accommodation: Hotel

          September 2 (Monday):
          Montreal  Toronto
          Around 730km更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 同意#1818751的说法,太赶了。一路上都在开车,根本没有可以放松的时间。很多景点还是要徒步才能领略滴。
        • 还有halifax到digby一定要从南面到lunenburg, 一路看灯塔, 然后从岛中间caledonia穿过去...北岸没什么东西
          • 准备halifax周围两天,然后到NB的
            bay of fundy周围 :one of the last great sand dunes on the northeastern coast of North America - Irving Eco-Centre, La Dune de Bouctouche!
            St. Andrews watching whale and hot beachs.
          • 一个问题: 从liverpool到Yarmouth 附近有没有好冬冬?又长又弯的。
            • 有...一路风景都不错...不过很快就麻木了....
      • 我的假期是AUG07~15,能否加入?
        • two weeks is better. You can enjoy more landscape. Otherwise,more time on the road than on the scenic regions.
        • Not possible, we departure at 12 or 13.
    • 我们有3个plmm想加入,你们现在有几个人呀?
      • Our van is full now, you may make one more group.
      • when will u gals be available? Shall we form another group? See #1819210