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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

st. jacobs and then stratford


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 又到周末了,除了大瀑布哪都没去过,想开车自己出去玩,一天来回,请各位给点建议吧。谢谢
    • 我也想找个这样的地方。有朋友能给出个主意吗?
      • me 2
        • 看,灌水吧,印象里你除了大瀑布还去过很多地方
    • 看来象我们这样的新手,还是很多的。呵呵,要不我们自己组织一下?
      • 有人有车有时间,就是没地方。:(
        • how about rafting in Ottawa river including one night camping? 12 peoples needed
          • when?what should i prepared?i 'd like to know detailed about that.thanks
            • someone (nickname: CrystalCat ) in Rolia has organized one group on August 21st.
              we could join her group if we have another 12.
              • please give us more details , or give URL about this trip,thanks a lot
                • #1826473
                  • CrystalCat's group was full, we need 12 people to form another group
                    • Are u sure? That's not what I've heard...
                      • yes, she called me two days ago and told me that it's full and I am in waiting list.
        • 我们是没车,有时间,想租车兜兜玩呢。
          • i have car, but still will rent it with others if we r going to raft on Ottawa river on Aug 21st
    • 可以开车去Kingston,单程不到3个小时。
      可以看 Queen's university, 湖边风景很美,还有加拿大军事基地,皇家军事学院。
      注意:Kingston湖边正街上有家很著名的icecream店,门口挂了个大icecream 筒,强烈建议不要错过:-)。

    • 还可以去Muskoka湖,白求恩故居。
    • 去骑马吧, 想去跟贴.
      • 我想,你去哪?
        • here
      • good idea,i would like to join you,thanks
      • and count me in
    • Ottawa?
    • 去Cullen Garden, 不错, 就是所谓的小人国, 有花园, 动物show(就几只) 故事森林, 游乐场等. 离多伦多50公里
      • 能告诉具体的地址怎么走
    • st. jacobs and then stratford
    • Wasaga Beach
    • 400号往北走,两个小时左右,有一个小湖(Six Mile Lake),湖不大但很长,据说能划到Geogian Bay去,比较漂亮。可以租Canoe或双人Kayak。适合一天往返。
      • 划船一天往返Geogian Bay?听起来8错:)))